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Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

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Just got back from the pub and thought of something while I was there... don't M1A1 series tanks have smoke grenade launchers? As well as the ability to produce screening smoke? Is that something difficult to incorporate into a future version of the HA? smile_o.gif


Not as lean, or as mean but always a Marine.

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Hi, for be able of see the driver's sight into the loader's position i

think that you had to add something in the config like sight colours

= 0,0,0; somewhere; i moded back in the OFP days the LAV-25III

released by the CAF Mod to use a custom sight made by me and

that did "the trick", but i can't remember exactly how the line was.

About the smoke screen of the real M1A1's and the smoke launchers...

it will add (hardware) lag in a very noticeable way and if it don't

blocks the AI sight then it'll only serve (i think) for do videos or

take screenshots or just againist players equiped with unscoped

weapons because you can see "somehow" through the smoke when

aiming through a sight (ACOG, 1PSO, Leupold, etc) so i can live

without that so common feature on the MBT's and many APC's/IFV's.

Let's C ya

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You can have smoke screen on SLX mod, atleast for now.

bravo 6@ Abrams on your screens has some strange equipment configuration on turret, maybe thats the reason of low FPS.


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very good tank , much better than BiS one by far , congrats  thumbs-up.gif

I think so but definitly NOT in FPS.

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@bravo 6

Check Your PM box.

Small info on what I fixed already.

- changed t-72 armor structural from 15 to 14 so 1 Maverick can destroy it

- fixed loaders optics color (adding gunnerOpticsColor[] = {1,1,1,1}; to LoaderTurret did the trick, I was a bit to lazy to check this option before releasing v0.95, sorry)

- fixed bug with USMC marking

No need to release hot fix for that, but anyone can fix those problem by editing config file and USMC texture wink_o.gif

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Got the CH_Markings_base = blah... command to work now. Just set it on a trigger with the command in it. Thanks Mateck, it worked.

Any chance of getting you to stick hidden objects on some Cobra's and F/A-18s for us so we can put tail numbers and pilots names and call signs on the aircraft? LOL.


Not as lean, or as mean but always a Marine.

P.S. If I had a clue how to mess with the config I would, but toying with those scare me. smile_o.gif

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You can have smoke screen on SLX mod, atleast for now.

bravo 6@ Abrams on your screens has some strange equipment configuration on turret, maybe thats the reason of low FPS.


what i do?

The abrams in this pic is from the 1st version released, time i took those pics.

About the error: I'm just using an empty vehicle.. and put men inside..  confused_o.gif

thought it was like that from the start..

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just a question..i thought radio chatter will be fixed in this version?

because i don't hear radio chatter from ECS mod in Mateck's Abrams. huh.gif

by the way..GREAT ADDON! notworthy.gif

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just a question..i thought radio chatter will be fixed in this version?

because i don't hear radio chatter from ECS mod in Mateck's Abrams. huh.gif

by the way..GREAT ADDON! notworthy.gif

It started to work for me some time ago. After adding CH_M1A1HA and CH_M1A1HA_D to ecs_local.hpp only thing I did was starting ArmA with @ECS disabled. When I enabled @ECS, radio chatter was fixed.

Don't know if that will help, but who knows wink_o.gif

Other things, like secondary explosions and fire damage player, are still missing crazy_o.gif

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@bravo 6

I also have drop in FPS when using these tanks. When looking at them it gets a little sluggish. Not much but more than standard BIS (no fps drop). I guess its because of more features and graphics. I also have kinda crappy computer, dual core AMD 3800+ OC, 2gb 400mhz ram, 8800gts 320mb OC. Want to use ECS but that one brings my computer to its knees when AI is activated during battle.

Checking comp parts for the new computer so me too can have fun in arma2 smile_o.gif

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yup, thats what told Mateck's via mp, he also said he noticed that dragging effect when comparing to original m1a1's, was suggested to fix the texture issue to run on lowest and weakest systems (like mine) , else future missions will lag a lot more (unnecessary) due to this problem.

Mateck's said he will change that.

Now lets hope all turns better in next versions.

Keep up the excellent work guys! inlove.gif

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Since Mateck already made that bonus T-72 replacement i decided to make it at least a little bit more... Fun to watch :P


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It's very well done, far improved over the original BIS version. Thanks!

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One question about the Mateck's additional T-72. As a commander, how can I tell the gunner to switch to different ammo (HEAT, SABOT, etc.) ? Is that a bug?

Wow, awesome looking T-72! Will it be compatable with Mateck's M1A1?

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in that pic we can see well the grenade launchers in the turret.. but neighter in OFP and ARMA were possible to use them.. they are merely eye candy.

could this be a new feature? Or is it too complex?

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Since smoke in Arma is eye candy when it comes to fighting with AI we don't know is it worth to include working smoke grenade launchers.


yes, its the T-72 from the last update but with new skin. We plan to add something nice to it tounge2.gif Maybe reactive armor to make T-72AV from it. About the bug, Mateck will know...

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One question about the Mateck's additional T-72. As a commander, how can I tell the gunner to switch to different ammo (HEAT, SABOT, etc.) ? Is that a bug?

Wow, awesome looking T-72! Will it be compatable with Mateck's M1A1?

I don't know how to change ammo while commanding in original tanks. Probably it's ArmA bug wink_o.gif

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@Bospor & all

Yes this is a bug in 1.12 i think. Never tested in 1.11 or remember how it was. But in 1.12 you have to go to drivers slot and from there you can command properly. Driver slot - press "F" to change gunners weapons. And also make all other orders from the driver slot as well. Order formation etc from commander slot will not work. Needs to be fixed.

Nice T72 btw!

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Wouldn't it be possible to make the smoke work with DM's smoke grenades or something? This way it wouldn't be just eye candy but pretty effective against AI. Just curious. smile_o.gif

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Well for now you can have working smoke granades on our tanks in SLX with DM's smoke mod.

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72 @ May 09 2008,18:43)]@Bospor & all

Yes this is a bug in 1.12 i think. Never tested in 1.11 or remember how it was. But in 1.12 you have to go to drivers slot and from there you can command properly. Driver slot - press "F" to change gunners weapons. And also make all other orders from the driver slot as well. Order formation etc from commander slot will not work. Needs to be fixed.

Nice T72 btw!

You can change the gunners weapons when in the command position, i think, by pressing the space bar, then pressing F. Im not sure how you change the ammo though.

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You can change tank shells type (heat, sabot) when you are a gunner, but not as a commander, from the action menu on the bottom right. That's what I am talking about, not the F command that switches from MG to tank shells.

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Everything is looking great and I'm enjoying your tanks greatly.

Just thought I'd add though that there should be a third Vehicle Identification Panel (like the ridged ones on the side of the turret) on the rear of turret placed slightly off center to the starboard side.

If you have time, you can make the USMC one slightly different by adding a tow cable that crosses diagonally from the lower to upper front hull glacis. Also be sure to add the VLQ-6 MCD (Missile Countermeasure Device) where the CITV would be.

Keep up the awesome work notworthy.gif

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does the real M1A1s outclass the T-72s by a large margin?

because i've just tested an armor vs armor combat, that's 4 Mateck's M1A1s and 4 T-72s.

often the M1A1 squad got 0 loss vs 4 kills, sometimes if the T-72s got lucky they'd manage to kill or disable 1 M1A1. it's almost like the T-72s exploded just by having an M1A1s on their sights!

i haven't tested this on a vanilla ArmA yet though, i used SLX, ECS, NWD fixes, and Mateck's M1A1. so is this accurate or are the M1A1s overpowered?

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