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MI 24 : Who wants it ?

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Wow , Robert , you don´t like sleeping , do you? biggrin_o.gif

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Nice Camo RH.  If you want more to do, how about a hind with singer yellow camo?  Its not proper but it might look good.


Also another tough one for you to do. biggrin_o.gif  


Are all of these camo your making going to be released in a pack or they just personal fun?  They look great though.  Nice job.

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RoberHammer: we would be very happy if you could make a skin of Croatian hind since they are out neighbouring country wink_o.gif

Here's the resource:







Tail text shouldn't be in cyrillic but in latin and it says: OPASNO ("caution/danger")

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THX for requests , i will do my best smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]If you want more to do, how about a hind with singer yellow camo?  Its not proper but it might look good.

Also another tough one for you to do.  Are all of these camo your making going to be released in a pack or they just personal fun?

I will try both of them

I wanna them in pack and release them biggrin_o.gif

Quote[/b] ] if you could make a skin of Croatian hind since they are out neighbouring country

NP it looks almost same camo as polish (only need little recolour) + croatian markers wink_o.gif

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Hello all ,

I was boring so i made some skins on this awesome hind , have a look smile_o.gif


Hey RH if you want to mimic the BIS m17 (for a SLA camo, perhaps?) I have a good tip for you that I found when making a SLA skin for my WIP Mi-28.


Basically, you assign a outer and inner glow in Photoshop for the camo pattern and change these to any of the light blending options and select a dark colour. Then you tone down the opacity and increase the size and spread, you get a pretty cool faded effect that makes the colours less "blocky". Can be useful for other faded camo schemes as well.

Also, great work you all on the Hind, the ingame looks so good! (my compliments on the spec map). Any interest in getting a Havoc ingame? wink_o.gifwhistle.gif

(seriously though, I'll never figure out o2 on my own sad_o.gif )

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Also, great work you all on the Hind, the ingame looks so good! (my compliments on the spec map). Any interest in getting a Havoc ingame?  wink_o.gif  whistle.gif

(seriously though, I'll never figure out o2 on my own  sad_o.gif  )

Hmm cant see why not smile_o.gif  I'm a bit busy atm but PM me and we can sort something out.  Have you done the cockpits?

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Very nice bird that you have DC,

How many polygons/Lods/textures do you have ?

RockofSL is a very busy man with so many addons in his hands (especially when he has to make double shifts to make up for software crashes as I understood), but the good thing is that he's used to work on flight models, so that the Havok not only would fly well, it would also be consistent with the Hind etc...

As far as I'm concerned I'm really happy the way he worked on the Hind so far. Let's hope the final version is coming soon.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
As far as I'm concerned I'm really happy the way he worked on the Hind so far. Let's hope the final version is coming soon.

Subtle hint hey smile_o.gif

I should have something for you tomorrow.

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Hehe thanks all for the positive comments! I haven't started on the cockpit really apart from the exterior model cockpit, I have a bunch of refs tho so work could commence more or less immediatly. I work fast when motivated, and the reason i stopped working on the model was that it wasn't going anywhere.

It is just one LOD right now (making more wouldn't be a problem tho), 21 483 triangles so far which is ok IMHO considering the amount of small details on the weapons, rotors et cetera. The texture is one 2048x2048 + spec and normal map. Other notable features of the model are openable doors.

What i need help with most of all right now is getting the thing into O2 proprely (I work in 3ds max) and setting it up there. And of course getting help from an experienced modder regarding all the flight model stuff and config would be really helpful!

RockOfSL I will PM you later!

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Hehe thanks all for the positive comments! I haven't started on the cockpit really apart from the exterior model cockpit, I have a bunch of refs tho so work could commence more or less immediatly. I work fast when motivated, and the reason i stopped working on the model was that it wasn't going anywhere.

It is just one LOD right now (making more wouldn't be a problem tho), 21 483 triangles so far which is ok IMHO considering the amount of small details on the weapons, rotors et cetera. The texture is one 2048x2048 + spec and normal map. Other notable features of the model are openable doors.

What i need help with most of all right now is getting the thing into O2 proprely (I work in 3ds max) and setting it up there. And of course getting help from an experienced modder regarding all the flight model stuff and config would be really helpful!

RockOfSL I will PM you later!

I may have some cockpit refs somewhere.  If i can find them later i'll upload them for you.

21,383 tri's is pushing the limit a bit.  See if you can reduce it down... but I'm sure we can sort somthing espacially if alot the detail is in the weapons.  It should LOD out nicely.

Config and FM is no problem, but like i said I do have a lot on my plate and I need to finish Eric's Hind this week and Im away next week for 3 days on business.

@ Everyone else...and to get back on topic   RE The Hind ... just so you know the only thing left to do with the Hind is the damage system and versions, which shouldnt take too long.  

To all those asking for betas etc please be patient a little while longer and once Eric and I have finished up and done some testing we'll release it.

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Quote[/b] ]21 483 triangles so far which is ok IMHO considering the amount of small details on the weapons, rotors et cetera

It looks gorgeous but it's a bit heavy actually...

For the Hind, I studied BIS choppers (since I guessed they knew best what would be the right balance between quality and performance for Arma) and went for a polybudget of about 10000 tris for the higher resolution lod.

It may have been a bit conservative, but I managed to keep to it and the result isn't too bad I think.

Given the Mi28 is a bit more angular than the Mi24 and has no cargo bay, I think you could easily shrink the polycount to 10000 tris aswell without too much quality loss.

As a matter of fact, you will have to downsize your model anyway for the other resolution lods, so it's a good exercise that you can do : 10 000, 5000, 2500, 1200... and see if you can maintain the silhouette of the model with very few polys.

Note : I can help you for the lower lods meanwhile you work on the cockpits if you want to.

Quote[/b] ]Subtle hint hey

wink_o.gif. Call that French Diplomacy.

Jokes apart, take all the time that you need. I don't want to rush anyone, especially since you're doing it on your freetime.

I corrected the small rvmat problem, added a reflective glass material to the cockpit and will probably tweak minor things on the textures (mainly painting out a few visible seams) for the final version.

PM me if you need anything...

Meanwhile I'm working on a new skin for fun (a grey tiger version I saw a couple of pages before in this thread).

However, I don't know how many skins we can include in the pbo without making it super heavy... Green + Desert and the rest in a side zip with the psd paint kit ?

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While not wanting to turn this into a discussion about polycounts, I thought if anything 20,000 was a bit on the conservative side with todays large polycounts crazy_o.gif

But, regardless, the polycount will drop to like half in the second LOD and to much much less in the subsequent lods. The problem with the Havocs weaponary is the inherent large amount of cylinders (ie 16 At-9/At-16 launch tubes, S-80 rocket pods). A version with say gunpods and some other type of rocket pod would be 15,000 tris at most.

Regardless, I will do my best to optimize the chopper, hope I won't have to make too many concessions regarding the eyecandy I have built in biggrin_o.gif

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And by no means trying to rob this post, here is the mi28N i have been working on (not too much lately due to some lack of time smile_o.gif). You seem to be a bit more advanced than i am atm DigitalCent. smile_o.gif Nice model btw


Around 20k this one as well, 20.855 to be exact. Can loose up to 7k just by redoing the rocket pods

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Realistically it looks like you can lose a lot more than that.

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Guest RKSL-Rock

Getting back on topic...

Quick up date.  Everything is ingame and working.  All that needs doing now is the different versions and configs/skins set up.

There will be a BETA release in Binarised Format to enable us to gauge relative performance. Fix any problems and react to feedback.  After that the proper release will follow with the MLODs and some conversion templates and Paint kits etc.  IE all the stuff that allows you make your own skinned versions etc.







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OMG inlove.gif Love is in the air biggrin_o.gif great work gelentlemen

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The beast is back! smile_o.gif

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Beautiful Hind for sure... Love that wink_o.gif


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Guest RKSL-Rock
nice bird, nice island... which one is that ?? wink_o.gif

Thanks.  It all Eric's textures that do it.  The Desert skin looks fantastic with all the extra kit bolted on.

The Island is something I've been working on for a while: RKSL Test Island 40 - Boa Verde.  There will be more about that in the full RKSL update soon.

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Well,at least cockpit looks better than RHS job!Adding random numbering would make this better than their hind. wink_o.gif

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nice bird, nice island... which one is that ?? wink_o.gif

Thanks.  It all Eric's textures that do it.  The Desert skin looks fantastic with all the extra kit bolted on.

The Island is something I've been working on for a while: RKSL Test Island 40 - Boa Verde.  There will be more about that in the full RKSL update soon.

Full update Soon....

That sounds interesting


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I really dislike the look of Russian hardware, but those are some sexy birds! I can't wait!

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For me and my friends this is the most important addon. We have been waiting for a hind since we bought arma (RHS had too much errors).

I'm really happy that RKSL fixed this chopper, then I know its quality!

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