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Modern Combat - SLX Mod version 1.1

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Hello People.

I'd like to say I've made huge changes but I haven't, I've got a bad case of the FLU that's kept me preoccupied over the last few weeks.

Both I have made some changes, for one the mod will be renamed to the Year 2008 Mod or Y2K8 for short.

I'm also working several model changes and bug fixes.

So I'll keep you all posted.

btw just some pics.

U.S. Army M1025 Hmmwv with M2 (Light Shield).


U.S. Marine M998 Transport Hmmwv.



Cheers man, I think when ArmA II comes out that will be the true end of OFP, I know I won't be playing it anymore after that.


Will do man, I'll have a look at that soon.


Thanks for the SirGrey. Your a real star.

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I am having a problem with MCM-SLX 1.1. The problem is that the intro movie does not seem to work in the game. All I see is the MCM SLX 1.1 wallpaper and the menu graphic. All I hear is the sound of the ocean in OFP rather than the sound of the intro movie. Is there a way to fix this?

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Patchman123, try adding -nomap in the shortcut properties.

I have tried that already and it still doesn't work. I'm sorry.

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Patchman123, have you tryed using the shortcut that comes with the mod?

Yes I have, but it still doesn't work.

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Could you tell me what is written in the shortcut's target field, please?

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Could you tell me what is written in the shortcut's target field, please?

"F:\Program Files\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -nosplash -nomap -mod=@MCM-SLX

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I am having a problem with MCM-SLX 1.1. The problem is that the intro movie does not seem to work in the game. All I see is the MCM SLX 1.1 wallpaper and the menu graphic. All I hear is the sound of the ocean in OFP rather than the sound of the intro movie. Is there a way to fix this?

Is this actually a problem? I have the exact same experience and I've not found it to be an issue. When I select a menu item, the ocean swell background animation appears. Is there really supposed to be some sort of movie (instead of the wallpaper)? WGL is another mod w/o any background animation - I figured this one ran along the same lines, in that regard.

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I am having a problem with MCM-SLX 1.1. The problem is that the intro movie does not seem to work in the game. All I see is the MCM SLX 1.1 wallpaper and the menu graphic. All I hear is the sound of the ocean in OFP rather than the sound of the intro movie. Is there a way to fix this?

Is this actually a problem? I have the exact same experience and I've not found it to be an issue. When I select a menu item, the ocean swell background animation appears. Is there really supposed to be some sort of movie (instead of the wallpaper)? WGL is another mod w/o any background animation - I figured this one ran along the same lines, in that regard.

The problem is also that when you exit the mission creation module in the game, you're still moving around in the game itself. When you click the left mouse mouse button to access another module, you're firing your weapon in the game. I hear my weapon firing. I still see that I am in the game when click on another module. This shouldn't be happening in the game, it's as if there is no little animation movie to transition from one island to the next.

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Yup, I get that, too, but I'm pretty sure it's not something you can fix (easily, at least afaik, which is not much. . .). I think it has to do with animations in the original addons folder (not res\addons). I've noticed it in other mods when island animations were in the mod's addons folder and not moved to the original addons folder (The issue is fixed when that move is made - I had to do this with the FDF mod, iirc).

I did just notice the note about new intro movies and music (I hadn't, before). I haven't seen any intro anim movies left in my mcm-slx addons folder, unfortunately.

All I can say is, if you look through this thread, you'll note additional issues with the mod that, hopefully, will get worked out.

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"The problem is also that when you exit the mission creation module in the game, you're still moving around in the game itself."

I thought you were talking about the intro to the main menu.

This also happens to me, even with my game unmodded. I don't consider it to be a problem at all.

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"The problem is also that when you exit the mission creation module in the game, you're still moving around in the game itself."

I thought you were talking about the intro to the main menu.

This also happens to me, even with my game unmodded. I don't consider it to be a problem at all.

I was talking about the intro, too.

There is no intro or little cutscene that you normally see when transition from one island to the next or another module. You're still in the game and shooting your weapon when you click on another module!

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Do a quick "search" on page5 of this thread and maybe Silhouette had found a workaround for you? Make a backup before you overwrite original files!! If this doesnt help call you next SF team that will bring back Big-Rooney to OFP... wink_o.gif

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All Download´s Link dead ? (Help plase). help.gif

I am looking (Search) for all Versions of Modern Combat - SLX Mod.




Plase Help my  help.gif

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Please help me. help.gif I am looking for really urgent.

There must be someone still have a link help.gifhelp.gifhelp.gif

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mhm either I´m too dumb or filefront has removed the download :butbut: can anyone help me pls?

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Could someone please upload this back to file front or some other place? I'd really like to try this one out but I can't get it anywhere..:(

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