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Ok, I really hope this would go through. Here's some pics of it. Its SCAR-L but I'll be making the SCAR-H too. Its not yet implemented ingame.



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lookin' nice so far! but i think you could save polies by making the RIS a texture and not single blocks!?

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lookin' nice so far! but i think you could save polies by making the RIS a texture and not single blocks!?

i dont think it matters that much as the lod changes drastically even at 10 meters. as long as you dont have 50 guys with them up your face fps wont be a problem.

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Lookin really good... Can't wait to see it in game smile_o.gif

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How many polies is it exactly? I wouldn't worry about it too much honestly..standard Arma guns for standard infantry range usually from 2K to 3K+ for the pilotview, here is a list of the most basic and most used infantry guns, standard rifle.

M4 Aimpoint

2,749 tri's

M4 Aimpoint (pilotview)

4,514 tri's


4,689 tri's


3,156 tri's

AK47U (pilotview)

3,945 tri's

As you can see the M16A2 which is the RAC's standard weapon is quite high, pilot view was only about a 100 triangle difference.

And since this is a more specops weapon rather then standard, I wouldn't worry too much about the RIS, I see the US machine gunner and M240 used constantly online and together that is 15,093 a pop and I'm pretty sure the RIS won't bounce it up that high when with the soldier.

By the way, great model smile_o.gif

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Great work on that SCAR but one question, why use the Heckler & Koch AG36 grenade launcher versus the FN Enhanced Grenade Launcher Module?

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I just asked for the polycount refurring to what we see... smile_o.gif .

->Slightly goes offtopic:

Imho polycount is more or less put to the background these days. Out of recent experiments i can say the enigne is more then capible to run higher polycount models then stock BI. Offcourse one needs to consider the role of the platform (used by the mass vs unique model). From what i know, less in terms of understanding, is that these days it is all about textures and model optimization. Eyecandy (refurring to shaders) killed the "radio"...We can't get around it anymore these days or at least here, so this is the area that needs more attention. Offcourse it is all linked in some way (shaders on faces or was it vertices).

In the end, some like eyecandy some like FPS. Take it or leave it.

Anyway, back to the model. Can you tell me what grenade launcher that is you modeled. Looks AG-36 if not mistaken. Not that it can't be used, btu why not go for the grenade launcher of the kit (EGLM)? In the end i still need to find my find 'battle-ready' reference picture...

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ok, the poly count for that is 7011 minus off the scope and the grenade launcher. I hope thats not to much. Though I could make it about 5000/4000+ if you want it too. I'm currently reworking the textures abit cause there's some unrealisticly looking textures haha.

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U got nice model ,but theres some things to make it better:


1 and 2 part: modeled is good ,but there are not together in real and make that buttstock like in this pic


3 part: Make that pistol grip a little smoother.

4 part: Is that GL some a kind a mix of AG36 and M203? Better will be the Scar's orignal GL , i think smile_o.gif

Besides these things , this model is very nice wink_o.gif

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lol yeah, the GL is a mix of things. Anyway, guys help me thx, I'm abit confused on how to actually put things inside ArmA. Do you like put it into O2 then do everything there and then transfer it to the make it .pbo? This is my first time on modding ArmA. Forgive me if I'm a dissapointment to you, but help me please confused_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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7k without scope and GL? Sorry to poop on your party, but you will need to do some serious remaking and optimization.

I honestly thought it was like 3k all included. With 7k you can do a lot more smile_o.gif . Meant as a possitive remark...

Good luck.


Quote[/b] ]Anyway, guys help me thx, I'm abit confused on how to actually put things inside ArmA.

Again, party pooper, but imho this model isn't ready to be ported into the game yet. I understand it might be one of your first models thought. But some things you can't rush.

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Quote[/b] ]7k without scope and GL? Sorry to poop on your party, but you will need to do some serious remaking and optimization.

hey, man thx for the advice. anyway, yea like you said, it needs more optimization. I got it below bout 3.5k is that good enough?

Anyway, I'll keep updating it and post some pics ok.

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Hi, aside of the butstock shape i think that that Eotech 553 is also

too squared, it should be more rounded in the uper side corners, like



And the polycount, im not "an expert..." but i think that keep it under

4k in the viewpilot LOD should be enough to still have a reasonable

performance ever that don't zoom too much. Let's C ya

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Quote[/b] ] I got it below bout 3.5k is that good enough?

Well polycount doesn't really mather mate, i mean amount doesn't says it all. It is what you make out of it. Don't really want to go into it, but the model lacks some key details and in some places like Robert mentioned it is way of. There are plenty of Gen 3 high resolution reference pictures on the net to guide you.

@wipman: i guess you are correct he went for the 553 and you are correct about the comment. But please make sure you provide correct information/ ref. pics (-> That ain't a 553).

*Let's C ya.

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It might be easier to help you out if we can see some wireframe shots.


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Don't worry about the polycounts mate, its your first model for Arma with intention so just focus on enjoying getting to play with it! In regards to getting your weapon in game, use Kegetys tools (cpbo) and take alook out how other people have done there weapons; Once you seen a model in o2 that works in game it comes toegther pretty quickly. Once you've got the hang of it, take alook at what BIS has done with there models.

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And the polycount, im not "an expert..." but i think that keep it under

4k in the viewpilot LOD should be enough to still have a reasonable

performance ever that don't zoom too much. Let's C ya

4K would actually be quite low for a weapon with a optic and grenade launcher, the M16A4 with ACOG and GL is 8,782, short of 9K in the pilotview, LOD 1 having 5,574

But as Dasquade mentioned, polycounts really aren't what you need to worry about, its moreso the textures..still I wouldn't worry much about it period on your first model, you want th experience of importing it into Arma under your belt before worrying about other things.







Some links you may want to check out, I wouldn't concern myself so much with the RVMAT and textures until you have been able to actively test the model to a workable point ingame.

Oh and you will definately want to download this http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2804 every weapon and vehicle in Arma configured in O2 for study.

You'll need a program to open it, there is Kegety's tools, Eliteness and a few others, from my personal standpoint I recommend Pbo view, quick and easy. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1434

http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=71603 And this for importing 3D models in O2, I'm still reviewing it but I'v noticed upoin importing a few models from 3DS that I tend to get some nasty mishapen faces which throw the lighting off, I highly recommend giving it a read.

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aren't there anything like creating your first weapon tutorial for ArmA? I've already get it into O2 and and all the LOD thingy.

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I like the look of it so far, keep going  thumbs-up.gif

Just 1 small request:

Before you release can you make the cheek rest black instead of tan.

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aren't there anything like creating your first weapon tutorial for ArmA? I've already get it into O2 and and all the LOD thingy.

Memory wink_o.gif. I'm looking but not quite finding anything at the moment, I would suggest looking in the weapons.pbo for a config of some sort, or try out Brssb's weapon tutorial and see if it imports.

Essentially Arma and OFP's engines aren't TOO different, but somebody else could speak better on this..personally I don't know much about the whole config work, I'v only worked on one.

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No they aren't actually but unlike OFP, ArmA involves LODs and all that. I've still studying about it since right now I got the model imported to O2 and do a side-by-side study with some addon weapons and Arma sample pack. The problem is most of the custom made weapons are binarized hence there's not much I can do. To know how to actually do what.

Anyway I've fixed some currently known problems like the buttstock a LOD and I can say that now its much more smaller than last time.

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