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Stryker Remake

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I'm currently redoing the Stryker to make it atleast 99% accurate to the real thing.

Anyway, the idea is that it will include more detail such as detailed exterior with the rivets and stuff. I don't really know how is it like in real life cause I'm staying not in the US but from the little reference pictures I can make out, hence I try to make as accurate as possible with the most minimal poly count.

I'll be posting the pics here soon. Its current not half-done but hope you can make out what its like actually.

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Im sure there are some new cool strykers in work atm.

Watch this thread!

You can watch them on the iwm mod site. i mean its your choice what you make but i would think if youre able to make good models maybe you should take some new stuff which dont have similar addons around.

My suggestions would be bradleys or any other military vehicles which are not in arma atm.

maybe the Hemmet in 4 diff versions, instead of those small trucks


just my 2 cents.

p.s. in my opinion there is a lack of amored vehicles (apcs) with larger then those cal. 50 guns in arma at the moment.

I mean there are no vehicles with 20 or 30mm guns around, and thats very unrealistic. I know no army operating without such equip in this times...

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Damn, anyway thanx for the idea and all. I'll just post the pics here and see how it goes since its already half-way through. I'll try to work on the Hemmet though...

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Heh, Idk, we are putting 150% into these bastards, trust me, the strykers are in good hands.

Modkid, your 50% through? You should get in contact with Ryujin here on the forums, hes the project lead for the strykers, perhaps you two could work together?

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