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First person view is not realistic

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And how did you get a W and H out of an N, or was that an attempt at insulting me.

It was a simple typo.

Was that an attempt to BE insulted?


And that article WAS about the position of cam, as the master-eye determines from what point a person sees.

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rvmats are not always copied if you binarize. unpack pbo and copy rvmat back in again. wink_o.gif

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I think this is a great idea. I've had a hard time adjusting to ARMA's camera.

Quick question. What exactly do you have to move on the model to adjust the view? I have looked for a camera and can't seem to find it. Thanks in advance.


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I think this is a great idea. I've had a hard time adjusting to ARMA's camera.

Quick question. What exactly do you have to move on the model to adjust the view? I have looked for a camera and can't seem to find it. Thanks in advance.


its on the Memory LOD, camera selection.

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Not sure how I missed that. If it were a snake I'd be dead...

Thanks for the help gT.SWAT-guy.

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Bump... I'm kinda eager to use this mod. Would not complain about a wip release.

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rg7621 is still working on it, just some issues to sort out.


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Agreed with Sonsa, really looking forward to this, especially since 1.14.

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My goal is to release this, updated, and new TrueMods within about 2 weeks. I know I am making a serious mistake setting a time frame, but I am extremely close and I also need a kick in the pants if you will to get this done and released. Nothing is guaranteed of course, but 2 weeks is being conservative unless something arises, which seems to be all too frequent. No need to reply, just hang tight for a little longer...

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