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Enhanced Configuration System

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It would be desirable to have separate addon a free jump from the helicopter from ECS. Somebody knows where it is possible to find something similar?

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Update:  New version of the bridge addon Themis v1.0.1.02

Our bridge addon Themis v1.0 or v1.0.1.01 does not work well together with the latest versions of the

Extended Eventhandlers addon (released along with ACE v1.01 and ACE v1.02), if at all.

There have been player reports that ECS will work with ACE v1.01 by using the old Themis (v1.0), but this is not true.

With this configuration almost none of the game events will reach ECS (only from vehicles of the type "LandVehicle" (Cars and Tanks)).

To prove these players wrong: In the mission editor, put only yourself as soldier on the map and preview. ECS won't initialise then.

That's why we release a new version of Themis v1.0.1.02 which is compatible with all public versions of the Extended Eventhandlers addon

(tested down to v1.4) and should stay compatible with future versions of it.

The old versions 1.0 and are obsolete from now on and shall be replaced with v1.0.1.02

Download as usual on our site: ECS Website - Downloads

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Is it compatible with last released XEH Extended Eventhandlers addon , now 1.92 ?

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congratz and cheers smile_o.gif

looking forward to hopefully even more cooperation with you guys dengibtsschon xmas_o.gif

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Excellent work. have ECS, GL3 and ACE running together (although I havent checked FULL compatibility) is sure looks GREAT !

Wonderful to see AI doing house to house searches again and all the other little bits that ECS added!

[TAO] Kremator

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Currently playing with 1.15-QG-ACE...

I would like to use ECS too. But only

interested in ECS AI System.

IS ECS AI compatible with ACE AI?

The rest of the ECS features can be

turned of.

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As far as I've seen in the ACE thread the AI works just fine when using the Themis patch. I just got ECS set up again, finally, so I can't say for sure. But I set it up just to use the AI so if it doesn't work I will be sad.

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Does it conflict with the ACE AI? Would be nice to have AI searching and using buildings again.

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Does it conflict with the ACE AI? Would be nice to have AI searching and using buildings again.

I don't think so. They seem to search the buildings and such. Just make sure you DL the new Themis. I turned of most of the other features just to let you know. Also My shortcut target line is -mod=beta;DBE1;@ACE;@ECS;....

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When i add more classes to the list of the radio chatter i only get errors.

If someone had an file with alle bis and ACE vehicles classes would be great.

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I've been scouring this thread for the correct way to get ECS installed. Found a post that says @ECS should be first in your mod "list". Found a post somewhere else that said IT HAS TO BE LAST in your mod list.

Which is it?

If I install ECS, then the Themis patch, is that all I need to do? Looking at the beginning of this thread, this is one of the more challenging mods to install.

I use XEH (v1.93) with a large mod list but no BIGGIES like ACE.

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I think it doesn't matter if it's first or last.You don't need anything else than XEH and themis.Just go and test,if you see text on upper right corner saying "ecs initialized" or something like that after about 5 seconds in editor/mission then it's working.

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Hi DJ....

I'm pretty sure the correct procedure is....

ECS Client Version 10150 (either standard or HD version = best sound quality)

Then do the patch 10151 (replaces a couple of files)

Then add Themis component 10102 in the appropriate place

and you're good to go...

As far as shortcuts are concerned, I use ECS first... other addons sort of "overlay" quite well...

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Thanks for the install pointers. I got it working last night. I had been to the ECS homepage many times but didn't see that they had a patch - thanks for the heads-up Bushlurker.

Love the use of flares during night-fights. The flames are a little over the top but the secondary explosions add immersion. I like the extra chatter. It was classic when we had no contact with OPFOR at the moment, and one of my AI mates yelled, "Show yourself, mutha-f**ka!" And it was the Medic of all things. :D

I did what I saw early on in this thread and removed the Tracers, Quiet and Armory PBOs. I'm using 6thSense tracers at the moment.

Is it my imagination or does this mod enhance the enemy AI? I played one mission for a good while and kept getting jacked up whereas before it was not so bad.

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Theres some fairly significant AI improvement with ECS - it's one of the things it does well without boasting overly about... Thats why I use ECS first on my modlist - for the ambient FX all round, the dsai chatter, the flares, the bleeding and first aid, the AI buildings usage, suppressive fire, etc... LOTS!... I've then been experimenting with GL3 or FFN MP loaded subsequently - with some editing to disable things, like first aid and bleeding, suppression, flares, etc that ECS already provides....

One of the ECS aspects I've toned down is the flame FX - I have the essential JTD smoke fx and Matts Fx loading in the second modfolder to take care of that aspect of things.....

Edited by Bushlurker

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ECS is one addon which is still an absolute must to have installed!

I wonder if more information is known about these 4 settings.

The ecs_local.hpp has the same settings for the dedicated server, as for the client.

ECS_local set[4, 5] Max simultaneous tracking Maximum number of fired objects the object tracker will track simultaneously. (Prevents CPU overload)

ECS_local set[89, 50] Max Data query Sets the maximum number of data the Control can process simultaneously. Increasing this value makes the AI respond quicker at the expense of computing power - prevents CPU overload

(Requires Master Interraction AI Control enable)

ECS_local set[132,800] ECS effect (general) Max distance Max view distance of observed effects (Prevents CPU overload)

ECS_local set[133,15] ECS fires effect, Max fire Max number of fires runing simultaneous (Prevents CPU overload)

Is the AI on the dedicated server limited by these settings on maps with loads of AI?

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First, I just want to thank the ECS team for such a wonderful mod. I followed the directions above in regards to the load-order, and the difference in AI capabilities from vanilla ACE is amazing.

I did a quick mission setup, where I have 12 spetsnaz against 6 of my SOF and we've gotten OWNED every single time. The ACE mod's AI wasn't nearly as challenging. Terrific work from the ECS team.

The only thing that's kind of a letdown is that the ECS AI didn't seem capable of seeing me inside the buildings supplied with the Everon island. I recall that in OFP there was a couple of buildings that looked like they had see-through glass windows, but if you were INSIDE the building looking OUT the AI weren't visible, while everything dealing with the outside environment was. This major bug was only fixed (I believe) in the original SLX and ModernWarfare mods for OFP.

The only reason why I bring it up now is that I'm wondering if the windows in the ACE_Everon map are similarly bugged? Can anyone confirm this for me, or are my experiences consistent with the AI capabilities of the ECS mod? I heard that they're supposed to be able to track you down in/on top of buildings, but on the Everon map I haven't experienced that yet.

Again, thanks for the VASTLY improved AI!!!

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