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Bank Building

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With thanks to Armaholic.com and ArMaTeC,  I.M.G presents...

A Comprehensively Animated Bank Building (Beta)



Constructed for use in 'Sahrani Life', (hint, hint, Issetea and Fewo) as I am deflated every time I stroll up to a flag pole, it just spoils the whole RPG feel to the game.


Just extract the pbo into your ArmA\Addons folder.


empty / objects / recon_bank


- working vault

- security shutter

- intruder alarm

Known issues:

I've reached an impasse with the intruder alarm sound effect, it's global, as desired! My issue is the localisation of the effect to the vicinity of the Bank, I’ve used the ‘Say’ class of audio effect so as far as I am aware this should be the case, I’m now out of options.

If somebody would like to assist………pm me.


Yes I am aware the skining is a fraction below par, in my defence I have never been as artistic as most.


Bank Building

Other Projects:

available here

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Looks good, however like you already mentioned the texturing could do with some attention. Maybe you could get get someone to help you with the textures if texturing isn't your thing.

At the moment it seems to dirty and gritty, on the inside especially, to look like a normal bank, maybe some carpet and plain neutral coloured walls instead of the bare brick walls, even a framed picture or two, im not sure, could Google bank pictures for references.

Apart from that its an excellent idea, are you planning on making a pack of shops, banks, ATMs, etc.. for use in RPG missions? it could be useful to have such a thing since like you said, most people (including myself) use just plain flags to represent these things at the moment.

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Now that really is something else than the old flag smile_o.gif

You should try get in contact with issetea and fewo, I belive they have a addons version comming along with the release of the next version.

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Yes, full agreement with all above, It's reassuring to know that others would like things to develop in this direction.

I would certainly listen to anybody who thought they would like to improve the graphical side of any of my addon's, I despise skinning.

As to the question of, am I intending on releasing a buildings pack for RPG missions.

Yes & no, I am very interested in having said pack, but I am just one man, can one seriously expect to take on such a vast project, on his own!? I will continue to produce, but alas I don’t think a whole pack can be the goal I focus on.

If Issetea & Fewo or liaison from another reputable project were to contact me with a request, I think that would be my preferred option.

Outside of that what would people request after I’ve concluded the Bank project?

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nice work I.M.G i like the concept and perfect for a first addon.

Keep it up bro

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It's perfect.

I am looking forward to see it in Sahrani Life ^^

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Not sure if this has been any trouble to anyone else:


Appears whenever I try and place the object in the editor, but I'm not sure why???

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Nice addon, with its own use. Would be even nicer to see it implemented in the RPG missions it's intended for (hint D.Murphyman, Quarantine !wink_o.gif


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so do you mind if we edit the texture?

also...you said what would people like to see?

I have been really interested in a garage. With a opening door?

I really want to learn animations with builidings.

Good Work thumbs-up.gif

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Yes, let's talk animations, I've no doubt we will continue to frequent a common TS (CAF), voice would seem to be the most efficient method of communication.

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