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ArmA Affiliate deal from Morphicon/Metaboli

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Around september 2007, many community sites got the oppertunity to participate in a Morphicon affiliate deal.

This february 2008, i learned that the affiliate promo-deal has been stopped, however - i never got any notice about this.

Furthermore, Morphicon never send any statistical information about the amount of sales through our affiliate link.

The participants of this promo-affiliate-deal could choose from 2 payout methods.

1). cash payout.

This means  1€ for registered Queens Gambit and 2€ for a registered Gold Edition download.

2). free copies of Queens Gambit/ ArmA Gold edition.

You needed 10 buyer of the Gold Edition to get 1 free copy of the Gold Edition or 7,5(?) Queen´s Gambit buyer to get 1 free copy of Queen´s Gambit.

We, armedassault.eu choose payout option #2, so we could use the free copies to use as a prize for the community.

Im wondering how many community websites participated in this affiliate deal, and how many actually got paid-out.

To whoever participated: Could you please respond with the following info?

- What is your URL where the affiliate banner was implemented.

- what payout method did you choose.

- did you got any payouts or information from morphicon?

All the collected information will be used for further investigation on this 'affiliate deal' and my questions to Morphicon.de


Jerry Hopper.

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I´ll investigate (i.e. nag the tech guys) and edit this post later.

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Sorry, it´s taken a little bit longer.

But we too never got anything from them.

I´m starting to dislike morphicon even more right now..

If you can do anyting Jerry, or BIS .. plz burn their derriere's!

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I really wonder why they just don't have the courtesy answer my email.

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I´ve learned to hate them. They´ve not only taken advantage from us fanpages, but also community members.

It´s a shame really .. ArmA2 will be bought from 505/JRC or even Atari, but not those *insert a bunch of insults here*

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Burns, Jerryhopper what about sending Mr.Murray a messages.

As far as I know he is the communitymanager of morphicon?

Btw. burns, when did you place any affiliatebanner by morphicon on your page? I didn't noticed it.

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Btw. burns, when did you place any affiliatebanner by morphicon on your page? I didn't noticed it.

Better get your eyes checked *g*

Not only did we participate in the affiliate deal, that one news about the SE preorder also most likely caused at least 50% of sales for those wink_o.gif

(edit: That´d be 500x65€ .. hmmm, money biggrin_o.gif )


Burns, Jerryhopper what about sending Mr.Murray a messages.

As far as I know he is the communitymanager of morphicon?

Not anymore.

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all i know is, that they refuse to give me another access key, you can only install it 3 times and then the activation key is locked. so if i decide to get vista or womthing im screwed. and they enver mentioned that, when i bought the game.

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Not anymore.

Since when? Didn't notice it

Not allowed to tell, better ask Murray.

But he´s made a first, vague, official statement today: Klicky

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Hey i know.. Mr Murry.. biggrin_o.gif Good guy.. Its a shame he lost that job.. i just hope he continues with his English Editing Guide. smile_o.gif

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Today i got an email from Florian Glück from Morphicon.

Quote[/b] ]Finally the time has come to send you the final counting of the Armed Assault Downloads.

We are very sorry about sending them so late, but our download provider had some problems by creating the exact number of downloads from each site.

Almost 3 months after the affiliate initiative ended, i finally have confirmation on how many were copies were sold.

Ofourse this is a good thing, although a little bit late.

This all means that for me the problems with Morphicon are solved.

If anyone has the same problem, i suggest you contact Florian Glück ( florian.glueck@morphicon.de )

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Nice it's resolved and thanks for keeping others up2date with this Jerry thumbs-up.gif

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Didn't though that when you expert pressure on morpheus it would change anything here.

But better for you guys.

congrats. smile_o.gif

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This all means that for me the problems with Morphicon are solved.

Well you can only say that when you get the free copies of the game in your hands. They sound shifty.

BTW very cool of you to use them as prizes instead of just taking the cash.

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Whilst I understand and sympathise with how upsetting it is to be in the dark about a deal you've agreed with a company, at the end of the day the deal is between yourselves and Morphicon and as such all communication on the issue should be between the affiliates and Morphicon. BIS have no involvement in the matter relating to Morphicon's affiliate scheme.

It should be noted that Mr. Murray/Sascha has not worked at Morphicon for over 5 months so again he is also not involved in this matter and communication should be between affiliates and whoever takes care of the relevant area now at Morphicon.

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