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Positioning cutscene titles

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How can one position a cutscene's title at the buttom center of the screen instead of having it show up smack in the middle of the page. I tried the following yet it did not work:

; fade in from black over 2 seconds.

cutrsc ["default","PLAIN DOWN",0]

titlecut ["Surrounded! Surrender not an option.","BLACK IN",2]

Is there something I am doing wrong?


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add "\n" because it = an enter!

so to get it to the bottom of the screen keep adding this to move it to the bottom!


titlecut ["\n\n\n\n\nSurrounded! Surrender not an option.","BLACK IN",2]

keep adding more to get it in the right position


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You can use titletext instead of titlecut, eg:

titletext ["Your text here","plain down"]


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there the same so i dont see the point in proving something

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