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Arma 3 Idea STALKER concept

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S.T.A.L.K.ER Chernobyl

A game that had persistant levels and a living breating environment, with an obvious rpg mix.

How hard would it be for the Arma engine to have a huge populated world map that allowed the same concept as STALKER but with todays technology?

Play as a rebel or an army recruit and build your own story behind you. Wishful thinking it may be, but if someone could pull it off, it would be military game of the century.

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I kind of had this idea, but I think this should belong in the Arma II Suggestions > Mission Ideas thread, at least that's where I posted mine.

Yeah, read it if you want, but I think this would be more appropriate there.

Oh wait, was this meant for Arma II or Arma 3? I think you might be getting a little a head of yourself.  tounge2.gif

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Well the original ArmA2 (Game2 back then) campaign was suppose to be 100% dynamic with RPG elements. There was going to be a war wageing on the map all around you, and the missions your given were going to be generated on the fly by the dynamic changes in the war. For example, if one of your armies NPC squads were ambushed... a mission to help them might be generated, and the squade closest to that mission, be it yours or an NPC squade would get the mission to help them. And it was all going to be dynamic. Nothing much was ever aid about character development.

Now whats happened to all of this? No ones really sure. All of this was info released nearly 3 years ago and as anyone who has followed Game2 since then knows alot has changed. Theres talk that this is still in ArmA2 to at least some extent, but not a whole lot has been said about the campaign yet since the new info started coming out at the end of last year... the next dev blog about ArmA2 is suppose to cover this, so we'll know then.

Personally I really hope its not like STALKER... STALKERS a fun game, and I was just playing it as a matter of fact, but the games not really all that dynamic or open ended. Its just made to feel that way. Hopefully the ArmA2 campaign is just like it was described all thoes years ago when ArmA2 was really Game2.

And I wouldn't plan on seeing an ArmA3 (or was that a typo?)... and if there is one, it will likely not be for quite a long time.

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It was meant for Arma 3 which isnt in development yet, so the devs could still have a chance to change the mechanics of how the game is played now.

There isnt a forum spot for this topic, unless they decide they are going to make another arma game.

If you take Arma or OPF2 as a whole, one of which we know very little about. You could only imagine, what can and maybe should be done with such a flexible engine.

The concept they use now is, short missions and loading times. Each transition between missions is forcing you to take the role of different human or mechanical vehicles.

Instead of force feeding us this story, allow us to be the same person and experience battle by individual player growth and rank.

This may be similar to your idea, which tells me we both agree, that the current state of the game lacks substance and emotional development of ones self.

I believe the devs spend to much time, air brushing the scenery and forget to put something in it worth playing as a whole.

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yeah it is becoming a popular idea but i still think some sort of freedom in a "real world" war situation would be nice. Maybe to allow the freedom you would have to have some concept similiar to ofp resistance. Resistance forces are less rigid then organized forces so maybe this concept has possibilities for arma 3 or even possible arma 2.

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This is easy to do as a mod. Take a look some OPF mods the conspiracies or Stalker mod. The only limits though are game engine limits.

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According to this guy, in my opinion this is the way stalker should have been.

Now based on his information, this engine sounds much more modable than Arma.

OPF2 though unreleased in any detailed information, looks like it may have traits of a real campaign in realtime.

I guess we have no choice to wait and only hope someone can eventually get it right....Hence any hardware limitations.

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Heh, some funny info about STALKER, the team who actually did the original concept for "STALKER" back when it was named Oblivion Lost, LEFT GSC because they got fed up with GSC forcing them to make the game more linear, they formed their own company and started work on a game called "Metro 2033", a post-apocalyptic survival sim set in Moscow, it's due out this year though considering I haven't seen any update for it in a while I'm guessing it'll be delayed until atleast 2009.

Back on topic, my dream would be for ArmA2 to have a 100% dynamic campaign like the one found in Falcon 4(If anyone here plays that flight sim), it'd be so awesome, imagine if you could just pick a role when you created your character(Like transport pilot or something) then play the campaign out as that!

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It was meant for Arma 3 which isnt in development yet, so the devs could still have a chance to change the mechanics of how the game is played now.

There isnt a forum spot for this topic, unless they decide they are going to make another arma game.

If you take Arma or OPF2 as a whole, one of which we know very little about. You could only imagine, what can and maybe should be done with such a flexible engine.

The concept they use now is, short missions and loading times. Each transition between missions is forcing you to take the role of different human or mechanical vehicles.

Instead of force feeding us this story, allow us to be the same person and experience battle by individual player growth and rank.

This may be similar to your idea, which tells me we both agree, that the current state of the game lacks substance and emotional development of ones self.

I believe the devs spend to much time, air brushing the scenery and forget to put something in it worth playing as a whole.

Well again, were getting just a weeeee bit ahead thinking about an ArmA3. Considering ArmA isn't a true OFP sequal, its taken them 7 years to release a true OFP sequal IF ArmA2 makes it out this year.

Its best to focus on ArmA2 right now since we still don't really know exactlly how the campaign is going to be. It still might turn out to be exactlly as you wish. That was the original plan, and nothing official says thats changed.... yet.

But you are very correct... ArmA's campaign sucked, and did in fact lack Substance and emotional development. The only BIS campaign that was any good in my opinion was the OFP: Resistence campaign, but that still had zero replay value. They claimed in the past that they want to get away from the scripted story driven campaign that has no dynamic value. So hopefully, just hopefully.... we'll get something diffrent in ArmA2.

If not... well, I probly won't be buying the game. How many times can you play the same cookie cutter stlye assault, defend and ambush missions? And if the worst happens, Far Cry 2 comes out later this year smile_o.gif

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Randomly chiming in:

You can probably recreate Stalker down to the very last inventory screen in ArmA (or for that matter, OFP) already, with a huuuge bunch of scripting. Add a crapload of modelling work (for the areas and such) and hey presto! Stalker in ArmA. Of course, the hardcoded bits like "no shooting through walls" and "AI not popping up and down behind wreckage" stuff would be rather hard to impossible to recreate, but the -core gameplay- (dynamic, rpg'ish, free-form) is perfectly within the realm of possibility.

smile_o.gif ArmA : An editor's dream.



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S.T.A.L.K.ER Chernobyl

A game that had persistant levels and a living breating environment, with an obvious rpg mix.

How hard would it be for the Arma engine to have a huge populated world map that allowed the same concept as STALKER but with todays technology?

Play as a rebel or an army recruit and build your own story behind you. Wishful thinking it may be, but if someone could pull it off, it would be military game of the century.

why dont u play Stalker then? u ppl havent understan 1 simple thing. arma is not sahrani life is a military first person shooter with a little realism. its not about the island...

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S.T.A.L.K.ER Chernobyl

A game that had persistant levels and a living breating environment, with an obvious rpg mix.

How hard would it be for the Arma engine to have a huge populated world map that allowed the same concept as STALKER but with todays technology?

Play as a rebel or an army recruit and build your own story behind you. Wishful thinking it may be, but if someone could pull it off, it would be military game of the century.

why dont u play Stalker then? u ppl havent understan 1 simple thing. arma is not sahrani life is a military first person shooter with a little realism. its not about the island...

arma 2 will have some kind of rpg element.

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why dont u play Stalker then? u ppl havent understan 1 simple thing. arma is not sahrani life is a military first person shooter with a little realism. its not about the island...

No, one thing I love about arma is that even though it was designed to be a military sim it doesn't have to be. Just because Arma is a military sim doesn't mean we have to keep it about the military. I mean if we can expand outside of its genre why shouldn't we? if we can make a mafia game why shouldn't we? Why do you think they gave us so much customization over the content in our games if they didn't want us to change the game they wouldn't put in a mission editor or the ability to create our own scripts and unit types. What you have to understand is just 'cause Arma is a military sim ot doesn't mean we have to keep it that way.

BTW anyway I hope they do keep in that Dynamic mission that they were talking about. And also STALKER SUCKED it was completely linear the only thing that saved it was mods like oblivion lost.

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