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Add gps?

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Is it possible to add GPS unit(ctrl+m thing) to some unit that does not have it?

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I have't used it, but I believe the showGPS command will do the trick.

EDIT: I need to verify.


Ok, I got some weird results in testing. The best I could do was enable GPS for all units via...

showGPS = 1;

...in the Description.Ext and then disabling it for all units that you want not to have it it via...

showGPS false;

...in a script that affects only those units that shouldn't have it.

I couldn't get the opposite to work (showGPS = 0; and showGPS true;)

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Very useful. This should be shown on the biki. Must be frustrating for newcommers not to get the expected results.

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It is clearly documented in the Biki and has been for some time. :bounce3:

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