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Individual-looking characters.

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The release of Queen's Gambit answered one of my prayers: Characters with a bit of an individual look to them. One thing I always found a bit unfortunate - but a hundred percent understandable and not at all a problem - with Operation Flashpoint and Armed Assault; was that each soldier was a faceless, anonymous piece of cannonfodder. This was, of course, a neccessity. The game was to be a combat sim with soldiers and tanks fighting realistic battles. No G.I Joe kind of soldiers who seemingly didn't know what the word "Uniform" meant.

However; the way those six/seven mercenaries in Queen's Gambit all have an individual flair to them made me happy. They looked like individual characters with a bit of a personality to them - particularily the leader and the Santa Claus character - and making them a band of mercs was an excellent "excuse" for them to have them look a bit unconvetional in nature.

So I've been looking around for individual/unconventional -looking characters. I've just downloaded Shaw;

( http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....1;�top )

...and am searching through the entire internet for more. No luck so far. ArmA has a lot of character addons; but they're usually different real-world armies with vehicles and equipment. Probably awesome if you've been laying awake at night, wondering exactly what shade of green the Norwegian army has on their uniforms, but for me personally... meh. No offense and so on. wink_o.gif

So perhaps this thread could help me get a hold of a few character addons that I've somehow missed; or maybe even inspire some addon makers? wink_o.gif

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I believe SHAW is the only one so far. I could be wrong though, even though I seem to dl everything. biggrin_o.gif

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To my knowledge, there aren't any other character addons as such.

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