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Menu troubles

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i'm trying to make an own modfolder with a special menu for the mod.

but when i've changed all the stuff, appears this error:


how can i fix this huh.gif


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Hello Burner,

Well the error's pointing to the config.cpp,

rather than the resource.bin/cpp.And the

resource.bin/cpp has no CfgVehicles section.

It's nothing to do with the changes you made

to the gui.

So maybe the error's actually in an addon.Or the Main

config within the bin folder,if you have one.


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erm no.. i've used the files from /binarize/bin

then i've changed some lines in the RcsMenu.hpp to make an own background.. that's all... when i launch normal ofp, works it all fine.. so it's not an addon bug huh.gif

i'd found a tut to make an own menu w. only changing something in the rcsmenu.hpp an put the whole bin folder in an Modfolder in ofp....

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Well,I don't know about using that particular method.

When I did it myself,I simply used the normal

Resource.bin,converted to cpp.Then just changed the

appropriate lines to achieve the look I wanted.

You'll find a brief explanation from ProfTournesol about

it here.It's about the 12th post from the top.Give that method a try.


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