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stealth squirrel


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Celtic nation- my arse

wales is DIFFERENT than scotland is DIFFERENT than ireland is different than england

they are ALL different with intertwined but seperate histories

.However unlike 'Stealth Squirrel' i think difference is something to be cherished not SPURNED and hated like a little school boy who hates the kids who are not the same as him /have a different accent etc.

and the diversity makes OUR country a culturally richer and more interesting place to live  

,there is no 'celtic race' thats a load of Braveheart BS spawned romantic historical revisionist horses@it

like it or not a divided Britain would be weak and subservient to a France/Germany dominated EU im half scottish and half english (i regard myself as British) and i think a broken UK would be a disasterous loss for everyone on this island

would i need a passport to visit the graves of my grandfathers?

F<>CK THAT! you small minded monkeys, whether Scottish, English ,Welsh or Northern Irish, we are better off TOGETHER than apart and anyone who says differently has been smoking some of the good stuff.

so there.

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well that is your opinion but it doesnt mean to say that every one else is " small minded monkey"

i for one feel that scotland would stand well on its own if we had our oil revenue back in the hands of scottish goverment we would do well, our farming is second to none, we even sell water to england but now u must pay import duties. Maybe England would be supversive to france etc but i assure you scotland wouldnt.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (IsthatyouJohnWayne @ Feb. 28 2002,14:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">.However unlike 'Stealth Squirrel' i think difference is something to be cherished not SPURNED and hated like a little school boy who hates the kids who are not the same as him /have a different accent etc.

and the diversity makes OUR country a culturally richer and more interesting place to live  <span id='postcolor'>

I agree completely with that, I think it's one of the things that makes our country kinda special smile.gif

As for Ran's rants, tell me why we should speak kindly of illegal immigrants? the word "illegal" says it all, they are breaking the law by entering this country, do we speak kindly of murderers, rapists, thieves etc? No we don't, so don't act all bloody moral when we speak badly of illegal immigrants.

Your comment about them not staying in France so you don't care gives you no right to criticise those who rightly are unhappy with the illegal immigrant situation.

The fact that they come in search of a better life doesn't give them any kind of right for special treatment, if life is so hard for them how come so many of them are able to pay Å10,000+ to criminal groups who smuggle so many of them in?

As I said previously, if they enter my country legally, following all the requirements set down by law then I welcome them with open arms and look forward to the diversity they will off the country smile.gif

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yes ... you're maybe right , i feel a lot of pity for them , my first intervention in the CRS was to dislodge a familly of squatters ............... a couple and 5 childrens+the rest of the familly (an uncle and the brother of the guy) , they were from central europe

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ran @ Feb. 28 2002,15:26)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">yes , but the last epidemy came from uk<span id='postcolor'>

But the last epidemic could of just as easily come from France, it's not like in Britain we did it on purpose or are so ditry that viruses thrive here.

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But the auctual foot and mouth desiese came from a third world country(cant remember which) and the experts say it was food that was sold illegal in britain and produced in a that 3rd world country.

Also did anyone notice how the press automaticaly tried to blame the army becuase there was a barracks near the first outbreak

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first rule of the press, there is always a scapegoat

and as to uk, british,english what ever you want to call

my ancestry is both irish and english as my fathers family came from belfast and my mothers lot came from somewhere in oxfordshire, i do not consider myself british, but english with a bit of irish in me.

that stuff about not being allowed to fly the union jack as it might offend , i agree with the opinion of that being b*ll sh*t

as it our country and its our right, as to immgrents coming over here i dont mind as long as they are going to work for a living, or do something useful like the rest of us, but complaing they dont like stuff that has been provided for them... i find that a bit out of order seeing as weve provided that help through our good will

my opinion, nothing more nothing less

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (IsthatyouJohnWayne @ Feb. 28 2002,15:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Celtic nation- my arse

wales is DIFFERENT than scotland is DIFFERENT than ireland is different than england

they are ALL different with intertwined but seperate histories

.However unlike 'Stealth Squirrel' i think difference is something to be cherished not SPURNED and hated like a little school boy who hates the kids who are not the same as him /have a different accent etc.

and the diversity makes OUR country a culturally richer and more interesting place to live  

,there is no 'celtic race' thats a load of Braveheart BS spawned romantic historical revisionist horses@it

like it or not a divided Britain would be weak and subservient to a France/Germany dominated EU im half scottish and half english (i regard myself as British) and i think a broken UK would be a disasterous loss for everyone on this island

would i need a passport to visit the graves of my grandfathers?

F<>CK THAT! you small minded monkeys, whether Scottish, English ,Welsh or Northern Irish, we are better off TOGETHER than apart and anyone who says differently has been smoking some of the good stuff.

so there.<span id='postcolor'>

get a grip you sad dillyusional freak, this WAS a sensible discussion not an insulting rant, so how about you shut up and try to talk like an adult huh?

secondly OBVIOUSLY wales,scotland and ireland are different...but we all deserve freedom, many years ago we were CONQUERED either through military or political means agains the peoples will and so now the people should ahve a chance at independance...AND another thing why do people think britain is england NO ITS BLOODY NOT!! people are ignorant of the heritage of the rest oif britain.and its pisses me off,

my m8 went to america and hes was asked many times where hes from and every timew he said he was from the uk they answered oh so ur english then?NO NO NO.INDEPENDANCE> and if the celtic countries were given independance then we could quite easily retain it.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">A few days ago I read that a london council has FORBIDDEN its residents to fly the Union Jack and the St. George's Cross on the Queen's Golden Jubilee and the World Cup because it might offend non-British residents!!!!! <span id='postcolor'>

Have you got any proof of that? I find it hard to believe you cant fly your own flag in your own country.

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It was on the front page of a newspaper. Unfortunately I don't remember the paper, nor when I saw it. Sometime during the last 10 days though.

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I figure that this line of discussion(current thread) is the european line of reason...

You fellows should have united about 3 thousand years ago...

instead you guys fight every 3 decades... it is kind of funny to me. If you guys cant get along(and you all talk the same way, and look alike) then what are you there for...next; foot and mouth(blah blah bs) disinformation junkies... bovine spongiform encelopathy -WTF- northern irland catholics killing protestant, arguing about kings and other "royal" figures... Hell, I bet you guys even chant bull sh.. to the moon-----

evolve monkey, evolve.

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Conquered- oh good grief

Yes ok the evil english are oppressing you, how could i have been so stupid? the billions in subsidies that go into Scotland (greater than the oil revenues) from England are clearly a subtle form of enslavement....

(but im HAPPY to help pay them ,because Scots are BRITISH-

smile.gif )

i have a 'grip', i see nothing in my post that would not be considered sensible by a person willing to accept 3 swear words and a strong opinion. Who have i insulted ? You?

i think not read my post carefully and you will see that i use a schoolboy METAPHOR linked to your name. NOTHING else

"AND another thing why do people think britain is england NO ITS BLOODY NOT!! people are ignorant of the heritage of the rest oif britain.and its pisses me off,"


instead of demanding independance try enhancing the role of Scotland IN BRITAIN, or at least outsiders perception of it,

If people get it wrong -CORRECT THEM.

The reason is because generally ONLY English people call themselves British or 'of the uk', which disgusts me, HOW DARE YOU LET THE ENGLISH STEAL YOUR BRITISHNESS? YOUR PLACE IN THE UK, YOU ARE BRITISH!


Be British and proud, Scotland IS Britain.

Britishness is the only thing that unites Indian descended Muslims in Birmingham, with West african or Hong Kong descended Britons in London, with Welsh fisherman in Aberdaron ,with an english barmaid in Sheffield,with Scottish Nationalists in Glasgow

they do not all consider themselves English /Scottish/Welsh

many can ONLY find an identity in Britishness and so i believe that 'Britain' INCLUDING SCOTLAND WALES AND NORTHERN IRELAND, is the ONLY WAY FORWARD

and of course everyone would know precisly where Scotland N.Ireland and Wales were if independant

That same american:"Oh you come from Scotland....is that somewhere in Wales?"

dont you get it? Dont you see?


almost infinitly worse, countries especially small ones NEED to organise themselves into 'blocs' the UK could be seen as such a bloc (with a long history)

Heres some research based figures that give you a clue as to how many resources scotland gets from its relationship as part of the UK(whatever nationalists say)

With just 9 per cent of the UK population, Scotland wins 12 per cent of the total UK funding council resources for research.

With just 9 per cent of the UK population, Scotland wins 13 per cent of the research councils' resources for research.

With just 9 per cent of the UK population, Scotland wins 13 per cent of government research departments' resources for research.

With just 9 per cent of the UK population, Scotland wins 12 per cent of the EU research resources spent in the UK.

that carries over into many other areas as well.Scotland is not neglected,

seems like you have a pesecution complex

for an interesting essay on this subject:


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err im welsh not scottish...not really been payin attention have we?

and yes your opinion does insult me.however it is your opinion.and your entitled to it.

and could you be more specific about the schoolboy metaphor, i have a problem understanding your ramblings

firstly im annoyed about ppls lack of understanding about WALES role in the UK and i HAVE been correcting ppl and i have been trying to enhance ppls knowledge.

and WALES is NOT BRITAIN, Wales is Wales and everyone iv talked to thinks independance is the way to go.and it is my humble opinion that if wales were to be made independant that to enter europe would be wrong.

id rather be a free but poor country then a rich but enslaved one.

Freedom is after all priceless.

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Stealth squirrel - You are talking rubbish mate... I live on the English side of the Welsh border and I know many Welsh people.

None of them seriously wants an Independent Wales anyone with half a brain can see why that would be an extremely bad idea.

All the anti Immigrant people... next time you fall ill and have to go to hospital look around... a vast chunk of NHS Doctors and nurses are from Ethnic minority groups.

Ex-RoNiN - Don't believe what you read in British papers. Half of the PC gone mad crap they print is fantasy.

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How many times do i have to say it I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST OTHER COUNTRIES AND ITS CITIZENS...all i want is an indepoendant wales.

I live on the Welsh side of the border and all the ppl i talk to want and independant wales well at least the majority do..and im not talkinn rubbisgh im tellin the truth. my generation at least the ones i know ant an independant wales.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (stealth squirrel @ Mar. 03 2002,15:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">How many times do i have to say it I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST OTHER COUNTRIES AND ITS CITIZENS...all i want is an indepoendant wales.

I live on the Welsh side of the border and all the ppl i talk to want and independant wales well at least the majority do..and im not talkinn rubbisgh im tellin the truth. my generation at least the ones i know ant an independant wales.<span id='postcolor'>

Wales would be worse off than Albania if it goes independent.

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Why exactly do you want an independant Wales?

Cant you see that we live on an ISLAND?

IMHO the only boarder to my country is the shoreline.

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SS-Then the people you have talked to in Wales have no clue about the economic realities of the world

a Republic of Wales OUTSIDE the EU?

you must be joking ....

i have great respect for the welsh people, and history and ive travelled throughout wales

(though i dont really speak the language smile.gif IsthatyouJohnWayne dy f'enw i. (?))

and one of my best friends growing up was Welsh

but if you really think a high import /low export country of 3 million would be better off independant

(or be taken seriously by ANY major country)

then im afraid you are living in a fantasy world my friend.

sad but tru.

andi agree with Chicken-this is an ISLAND

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Or to put it more simple:

Wales = Import Country

Independance = New borders

New borders = New import taxes

High Import = High Taxes

Independant Wales = Very poor Wales

Poor Wales = Your problem smile.gif

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It is kind of depressing that some people in Whales and Scotland as well as England want to be independent from each other, for Christ sake this country is small enough as it is and all ready has lots of problems do they need adding to?

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Bunch of illegal immegrants dangled there 5 year old children over the side of the ferry and would drop them them if we did not let them in, BTW ran most of the problems of illegal immegrants comes from france cause what your country does is dumps them in a shed next to the CHannel tunnel and the ferry ports and allows then to make a run for it to england.

Personally i dont want immegrants in my country that don't benifit my country yes it is mine as all of my great uncles died in WWII all 7 of them and great grandad came back seriosly crazy from monty casinio from when they unearthed all those nuns that where killed and i don't want there memory pissed on by abdulla patel and his 12 kids who claim 600 quid a week while my parents work overtime at every chance to pay the mortgage and keep my sister an i at a decent level of comfort, they should only let them in if the benifit the country such as lawyers and etc although doctors and nurses are pretty poor from eastern countries as a medical certificate is easy to get and forge. (did you know that patel is oone of the most common surnames in Britain)


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pfff....forget all this nonsense talk.

Now listen to this

Population of Europe = 700 million

Population of US       = 240 million

Now if we had a united Europe we could wipe our arse with the rest of the world. They'd all be nicely colonised and paying taxes, don't you see....? bahahahaha

well, I can dream, can't I....?

anyway, I am Scottish first, British second. Personally I don't care what happens as far as independance is concerned, it would all be the same and I'd rather be part of a nation of 60 million than a nation of 5 million (/me points and laughs at Holland) if you get my drift....and even though english people talk funny and have crooked teeth, it's not their fault, they are just inbred wink.gif

oi oi oi, me old mucka, moi noim ez jimmy smuggins an' oim a cockney sparra, two fer a paaand, leave it aahhhht, you filfy slaggggg

up here in Scotland we don't have limescale, either....anyway back to what I was saying....it is fine the way it is.

Now back to the subject of illegal immigrants.....this may sound a little ultranationalist, but I really don't want to be bred out of my own country. I can imagine that in 100 years or so there will be more indian people in Britain than white people....I am not a racist bastard or anything, but that is just wrong, it's like America and the way it shifted from native Americans to Europeans. I suppose that doesn't matter anyway because in a thousand years they will all look like native indians again anyway, adapt to climate and all that

well anyway, I hope I have wasted your time biggrin.gif

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