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Arma beta patch 1.09 - released

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So I think nobody is right or wrong.

Ironically, this in itself is wrong. There is both a right and a wrong, and it's pretty easy to figure out which is which.

Accurate war reporting from people who were there or have military experience=Right

Someone who's experience comes from youtube videos=Wrong.

Come on! I was trying to cool everybody off! You ruined it! sad_o.gif lol

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I could have sworn this thread was for discussions related to patch 1.09, specifically where it is, what it does, how it does it, feedback belongs in the feedback thread, tiresome, childish squabbles about who has the bigger internet search engine belongs in OT (if it must belong anywhere), stick to the topic please.

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By the way... Isn't the Stryker an AAV? So why is it impossible to cross rivers? Or is it just me? huh.gif  Thanks if anyone can answer that!

No. The US Army wanted too much armor and other bulk on Stryker's for them to float. They are based on Piranha just like US Marine LAV's though, and those are amphibious. But then the LAV's have less armor protection.

Ah, but let's get back to business...


So. Khm. Is it just me, or has 1.09 made all vehicle sounds more muffled for driver/passengers while in 1st person mode than they used to be? For example, while riding a motorcycle if viewing from 1st person the motor is very silent. But when I switch to 3rd person, it roars like a mad ape that is being raped by a hung elephant. Was it like that before 1.09?

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sidhellfire OFP/ArmA are more land combat simulation than air sim. wink_o.gif

To be precise - it's supposed to be battlefield simulation, and battlefield is as well land as the air above it. I was glad that in ArmA choppers controls had been totally changed, but felt disappointed since the planes did not changed at all.

Following your point, what the heck are airports in Flight Simulator for? Therefore you should just touch the ground and the flight is over - mission success, back to menu.

Quote[/b] ]Otherwise where in IL-2, LockOn do you have infantry or tank combat?

There is a battle going on the ground in LOMAC. Sure you can't control, a tank, but at least it does not move like a SuperMario Racer. The planes in ArmA have more common with BF2 than any flightsim. Sadly, even they're over decade old.

Please, just download that abandonware of Falcon 3, and notice how it climbs, turns, rolls. Take a lok at controls, especially engine which is essential! Notice when it stalls. Take a look on the scenery! I am blind in ArmA! I can't navigate with avionics, nor i can with visual. Mig29 has 100km radar range to the front And more than basic aiming - w hole system to help you deliver the package. Performence you may say, but hell is that impossible to just work with lowest LOD while player is in an aircraft?

Quote[/b] ]Do you bitch in those forums about less land combat? Maybe dreams and wishes come true and we get one day this ultimate sim-hard all-in-one real combat game. biggrin_o.gif

Maybe yes.

If you're so much into the land, why doesn't the lack of basic gearing system in cars doesn't irritate you? If you're more into infantry, why you cannot defeat a 10cm high obstacle? Not mentioning CQB, and dozen times i've landed inside a bulding mesh, which is not empty.

Flying in arma in a plane now is like flying a damaged helicopter. You do not fly at all, you just try to maintain a height to prevent falling down, but the controls are awkward. Not fun at all :/, and I would love to pilot a jet in coop missions, but now it's.. ugh.. yuck!

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patch makes some problems (not only increases performance)

i don't know if it was mentioned before:

when placing many many units there is "out of memory" and CTD

in 1.08 there is no such problem, althoght mission is loading slower, but loading without CTD !

so game 1.09 is faster, but more often ctd when many (more than 50-60 soldiers in mission)

so if i make myself large battle in 1.08 it loads 5-6 minutes, now after 2 minutes and 90% loaded CTD

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Here's comparative screenshots for 1.08 and 1.09, immediately after loading and turning around, and after zooming in with the gunsights.

1.08 before zoom:


1.08 after zoom:


1.09 before zoom (UGH!)


1.09 after zoom - better, but STILL not as good as 1.08


The difference is startling to say the least!

Please, for the final patch, give users the option to select the old LOD scheme if they prefer! (the actual SHADING in 1.09 is IMHO better, but LODs not).

That 3rd picture illustrates clearly just how ugly things can get now!

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The lod problem illustrated above(nasty popup and drawin) was already present for me in 1.08.

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Please, just download that abandonware of Falcon 3, and notice how it climbs, turns, rolls. Take a lok at controls, especially engine which is essential! Notice when it stalls. Take a look on the scenery! I am blind in ArmA! I can't navigate with avionics, nor i can with visual. Mig29 has 100km radar range to the front And more than basic aiming - w hole system to help you deliver the package. Performence you may say, but hell is that impossible to just work with lowest LOD while player is in an aircraft?

This is a very unrealistic suggestion. Falcon 3.0 is a "study sim", which is to say that the efforts of an entire development team were oriented and focused towards making one specific thing (aircraft) be the best it could be. It takes an enormous amount of time, energy, and research to get a aircraft avionics, flight models, weapon performance, radar, etc, to be up to the level that you're asking for. It is not a realistic request to make of BIS - they are not doing a "study sim", they're doing a combined arms game.

Can the air aspect of ArmA be improved? Certainly. However, it is not realistic or even fair to compare ArmA's aircraft to those of LOMAC, Falcon 3/4, or any other sim that is oriented exclusively around delivering highly detailed aircraft.

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Agreed, the only thing that bugs me about the planes is they are too easy to shoot down, I mean they often get taken down by MG fire which I think is quite silly, choppers fair enough but taking down a jet doing 300mph+ with mg fire..???

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I know that the ideal is unreachable. Such things costs time, and money, but in fact, some kind of quality is definietly a need that can be satisfied. Details you say. Then screw details. Really noone who is flying cares about how accurate data you can apply, when you do enter a jet in ArmA. It's such awful experience, that the fact that such plane should make 5g or 8g turns fades away. That is a detail, and I am talking about building a SOLID base. Someone had an idea, but it went wrong way and now It hurts.

While in a chopper, you do mostly fight at low speeds, hover behind hills. You just have the time to fight against that fancy radar, and then enemy. In a Harrier You've got no valuable weapons (except Sidewinders doing a Mavericks job), cause of... lack of targetting devices. You can't find target Beyond Visual Range (whilst in reality BVR is a > ~40 kilometers, in ArmA it is 0,5-3km! ), and in a radar range it is clumsy to select anyting. Even if you manage to target, there's still more than half "lucky guesses" to be done with destroying it. And that shit happens while you do have to literally fight with a machine.

Now you can read a discussion about how many hits the Stryker can take from an RPG. I wish i could argue about such things in planes, but instead to get a compareable example you should imagine that stryker's armor collapses itself w/o reason, or has just no windows to look trough for crew.

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Could of findings.

1. When mounted in a BMP2, lights from other vehicles causes glooming/flaring to the guy inside.

2. Slightly more worrying; in the first campagn mission, you are ordered back into some RACS 113 vehicles. After entering these you are kicked back out. Mission ended fine though.

The same thing happened also in a later mission.

Some has mentioned a "bug" concerning sounds in vehicles. Without addons this seems to work very well. Except maybe not fully thought through regarding the amount of objects that can obstruct sound -- 5t open truck being an example smile_o.gif When I have FDF sounds enabled, it seems to me the effect is additive. I think FDF is the ones who need to patch this in the next version, IF the next official ArmA patch has this effect still in it.

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WarWolf @ Dec. 29 2007,12:47)]Here's comparative screenshots for 1.08 and 1.09, immediately after loading and turning around, and after zooming in with the gunsights.

1.08 before zoom:


1.08 after zoom:


1.09 before zoom (UGH!wink_o.gif


1.09 after zoom - better, but STILL not as good as 1.08


The difference is startling to say the least!

Please, for the final patch, give users the option to select the old LOD scheme if they prefer! (the actual SHADING in 1.09 is IMHO better, but LODs not).

That 3rd picture illustrates clearly just how ugly things can get now!

I dont experience that in 1.09b confused_o.gif .

I can spin around anywhere in Sahrani and all the models around me are in full LOD (within range).

The only diference i notice is that over distance the models are less detailed than before so the transitions are more noticeable.

I actually have the impression that everything loads faster now.

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the only thing in my mind with the patch which keeps on bugging me is the change of recoil of the rifle

if its realstic or not please correct me if im wrong

i mostly use the m16a4 and it just seems too recoiless and im sure a majority would feel the same if you ask me i liked the old recoils like they have in 1.08 it gives more of a challenge and a more "milltary" experience to the game if you ask me but hey it might only just be me so i wonder how everyone else feels regarding this

simple solution is to either change the recoils back to as it was 1.08 in the final 1.09 patch or review all weapon recoils and change accordingly

anyway thats my only concerns with the patch and great job again BIS smile_o.gif

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All I have to say is that if this is the final patch than BI has got some work to do in future releases because I for one will not be buying ArmA 2 if it is. I've been playing this game since 1.00 and waited for 2 years for a sequal to OFP.

BI You guys are turning this game into an arcade style of play. It's not what people want.

Heck half my clan has completely stopped playing ArmA for the simple fact of weapon changes and armor value changes in this patch. Not to mention the complete lack of vehicals and realism that this game should have. Good luck on ArmA 2 cause I'm not buying it. I'd rather wait for OFP2

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warwolf and heatseeker would be nice if You both post your GPU card, VRAM size, driver build and RAM size and OS and ingame setting

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warwolf and heatseeker would be nice if You both post your GPU card, VRAM size, driver build and RAM size and OS and ingame setting


8800gtx768 (latest FW 169.21)

2gig pc6400 ddr2

xp pro SP2

Page file 2046 MB

Ingame settings:

<s>Default textures (recomended for 512+ mb graphics card)</s>

Changed textures to high (no diference anyway).

Normal shadder detail (before 1.09b was low).

Low post processing (the blur thing).

Everything else high (terrain, shadows, AA, AF, etc)

1280x1024 res.

VD 2KM +/-.

In 1.08 experienced minor lod issue in very demanding missions (Evolution) with destroyed vehicles.

1.09b is better than ever, absolutely no visual graphics loading smile_o.gif .

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All I have to say is that if this is the final patch than BI has got some work to do in future releases because I for one will not be buying ArmA 2 if it is. I've been playing this game since 1.00 and waited for 2 years for a sequal to OFP.

BI You guys are turning this game into an arcade style of play. It's not what people want.

Heck half my clan has completely stopped playing ArmA for the simple fact of weapon changes and armor value changes in this patch. Not to mention the complete lack of vehicals and realism that this game should have. Good luck on ArmA 2 cause I'm not buying it. I'd rather wait for OFP2

this thread turned into a feedback one. If you are to check the "feedback thread based on 1.09" you will see that most of complains are about recoils, LODs and AI smartness (or lack of it).

Yes, most of the ppl are complaining with the new recoils in the new patch, but some (i'd say mostly pub players) are delighted with them (altho now it feels so arcadish)

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(Have Posted this so many times now that it's beginning to really drag...)

2 x EAX1950Pro in crossfire (256 Mb RAM each). Drivers: Omega 1.09 equivalents.

4xAnisotropic+Trilinear(in driver), driver LOD Bias 0 or -2 its now exactly the same on screen since 1.09 - ugh.

V.High Object detail, normal terrain, the screens were taken at 1152x864x32 res (happens same, but slightly less noticeably at higher resolutions)

Low Texture (cos 256Mb), Low AA, Low PostProc.

Shader and shadows very high

Doesn't matter what I change the LOD bug STILL happens, on higher texture settings the problem is lessened but still exists.

I posted those screens as you requested - and have posted these specs fully before in much more detail... shame we can't search within these threads I guess.

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Quote[/b] ]WARNING: DO NOT USE beta UNINSTALLER at any cost!

it erases files from ArmA\Addons directory

A10.pbo + sig

missions.pbo + sig


and who knows what else

not just beta content !!!

I can confirm this... did same to me. I used this uninstaller... Uninstall_ARMAPatch_109beta.exe

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so because i get these LOD issues with 1600/1650,1950pro, 2600 and HD3870 ...

tho on HD3870 there problems appears later and dimish faster

i think that problem maybe is related (or more obvious) to AMD.ATI cards / drivers ?

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WarWolf @ Dec. 30 2007,12:55)](Have Posted this so many times now that it's beginning to really drag...)

2 x EAX1950Pro in crossfire (256 Mb RAM each). Drivers: Omega 1.09 equivalents.

4xAnisotropic+Trilinear(in driver), driver LOD Bias 0 or -2 its now exactly the same on screen since 1.09 - ugh.

V.High Object detail, normal terrain, the screens were taken at 1152x864x32 res (happens same, but slightly less noticeably at higher resolutions)

Low Texture (cos 256Mb), Low AA, Low PostProc.

Shader and shadows very high

Doesn't matter what I change the LOD bug STILL happens, on higher texture settings the problem is lessened but still exists.

I posted those screens as you requested - and have posted these specs fully before in much more detail... shame we can't search within these threads I guess.

Tried the -vm108 startup parameter?

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I get the lod and texture bug too with a 8800gt 1 gig ram pilat with 169.06 drivers.

I've tried the newer drivers but didn't play for that long and didn't notice it.

This mostly occurs in EVO 3.0 on Lan with 3 others and usually after 30 mins (we all get it).

I've tried all suggestions except the -vm108, which I'll try later tonight.

Keep in mind this really doesn't gameplay that much, it's just annoying. Like my friend said " what other games are this ambitious in scope and gameplay? I can live with a few bugs and engine limitations."

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After installing the patch - all is well, vastly improved 'fog' on my 8800GTX, although when I start up Queen's Gambit, on screen it says I am still on patch 1.08! and the fog is still there.

Have I overlooked something? had a quick scan through the forums but nothing is jumping out at me.

Non smart-alec replies appreciated.

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patch files for QG must be manually extracted and installed to folders , read instruction in readme smile_o.gif

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