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Added grouping/rank structure

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I've touched on this elsewhere on the forums, but in arma in the mish editing stage, you can select 5 players, make 2 pvts, 2 cpls and 1 sgt, but you can't group them as you would think.

I realise the server deciedes by rank who takes over when the leader dies, but it would be cool, if you could have 2 groups, each with its leader, and then another player as leader of the group leaders. I understand you can't do this from field marshal down to recruit, but 3 or 4 tiers would be great, leaving the ranks as they are, so there is flexibility when players die.

something like this in the mission designing stage

1 Col --> 3 Caps ---> 9 Sgts ---> 27 Pvts (40 players)

9 Squads of 3 + 1 Sgt Leader

3 Units of 3 Squads + 1 Cap Leader

1 Battalion of 3 Units + 1 Col Leader

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If playing as a squad leader, I would like to have the possibility to control, by clicking on the lower unitlist strip at the bottom (which should popup a menu on him, not fire the weapon):

* Each unit individually by clicking on him.

* Color selection by clicking on the color.

* Team selection by clicking on the team leader.

Or better yet, if I double click on i.e. the team leader, the unit list will show me him and his units only, in which I can give specific orders to individuals.

This would enable me to operate as a platoon leader as well, giving precice coordination for all teams. A possibility to cancel or activate certain aspects of an AI leaders abilities would also be welcome.

Actually, when it comes to ranking system, I tend to fall short while designing missions. I would have hoped the next Arma2 will include basically a shitload of new ranks.

Here is my suggested new ranks for Arma2. Note that each rank is associated with a paygrade, and all ranks should have either a tooltip or a desciption somewhere on what their typical duties, leadership capabilities, and responsibilities are within the military organization. Note that this list is for army personell only. If it actually became possible to set what "branch" a unit came from (army, marines, naval, airforce etc), this list would be individual for each branch. A naval captain is a lot higher than an army captain. The army doesn't have a lance corporal and so on. Well, here is my suggested list (based on wiki information):

Enlisted                    Ab.  Pay    Responsibilities

   Recruit                 PV1, E-1    Cannon fodder, basically. Does not have ANY insignia.

   Private                 PV2, E-2    Enlisted. Cannon fodder, basically. Have a single chevron insignia. Auto advancement after 6 months.

   Private First Class     PFC, E-3    Possible to start at this rank, depends on education, assigned role, and skills.

   Specialist              SPC, E-4    Specialist such as AT, AA, Medic, or Engineer attachment to a squad.

   Corporal                CPL, E-4    Can command a team if he has highest rank in squad. CPL rank is often skipped, and few exists.

Leaders, NCO's

   Sergeant                SGT, E-5    Team leader, can control squad as 2nd in command. A team is typically 2-4 units.

   Staff Sergeant          SSG, E-6    Squad leader, can control platoon as 2nd in command. A squad is typically 2 teams, or up to 13 units.

   Sergeant 1st class      SFC, E-7    Platoon leader. Platoon consists of 3SQ, 1WS, HQ, and 4 Strykers.


Warrant Officers

This rank is a special kind of ranks between NCO's and CO's.

Can be called Senior Leaders or Senior Specialists and Advicors.

   Warrant Officer 1       WO1, W-1    Technical leader, trainer, operator, manager, maintainer, sustainer, and advisor.

   Chief Warrant Officer 2 CW2, W-2    Responsibilities at the detachment through battalion levels.

   Chief Warrant Officer 3 CW3, W-3    Advanced-level experts. direction, guidance, resources, assistance, and supervision. Detachment through brigade.

   Chief Warrant Officer 4 CW4, W-4    Senior-level experts, supporting battalion, brigade, division, corps. Special mentorship responsibilities for other WOs

   Chief Warrant Officer 5 CW5, W-5    Master-level experts, supporting brigade, division, corps, and major command operations. leader development, mentorship, advice, and counsel to Warrant Officers and branch officers.

Officers, CO's.

   2nd Lieutenant          2LT, O-1    Platoon leader, but officer. 16-44 soldiers.

   1st Lieutenant          1LT, O-2    Speciality platoon leader, or XO (Executive Officer) of a company sized unit.

   Captain                 CPT, O-3    Company commander, combat training centers or staff at battaljon level.

   Major                   MAJ, O-4    Battaljon XO, or staff officer at brigade or task force level.

   Lieutenant Colonel      LTC, O-5    Battaljon commander (300-1000 soldiers), or brigade or task force XO.

   Colonel                 COL, O-6    Infantry brigade commander (3000-5000 soldiers),


   Brigade General         BG,  O-7    Deputy Commander to the Commanding General of a division or division-sized units.

   Major General           MG,  O-8    Commanding General of a division or division-sized unit.

   Lieutenant General      LTG, O-9    Commands a corps-sized unit (20,000 to 45,000 soldiers). High-level staff officers at command centers.

   General                 GEN, O-10   Commands i.e. all landbased corps. Also holds certain positions. Currently only 11 of these.

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