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Small problem with eventhandler and trigger

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I´m using a trigger covering a camp area.

It´s basically supposed to detect if any of that units from Independant side is hit or killed and should start a script if that´s the case.

The trigger should be deleted though if another trigger is fired prior it.

I´m a bit stuck here as using

{_x addeventhandler ["killed", {[_this select 0, _this select 1] exec "reinforcements.sqs"}]} foreach thislist

in OnActivation of the trigger will immedeately fire the script.

How can I setup the trigger that it only fires the reinforcements script when a unit is killed or hit in that trigger-range ?

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Worked fine for me Balschoiw huh.gif I just set the trigger to detect only the Independant side in the Activation type drop down

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I blame it on sleep-deficit whistle.gif

Works like a charm now, don´t know why I couldn´t get it to work last night.

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