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Summer 1943 - lib mod campaign

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Sommer 1943 - LIB Mod Campaign

(By Imutep and Stoned Boy from Assault Mission Studio)

We from Assault Mission Studio proudly present our newest campaign for Operation Flashpoint. Summer43 is a LibMod campaign that tells the story of 4 russian soldiers who fight against the german wehrmacht on the eastfront on summer 1943.


A big thanks goes to our Onkel Bo, who helps us with the intro. Christian.1987, who testet one of our missions and not forget M-E, who helps us with different problems.

Autors: Imutep & Stoned Boy

Helper: Onkel Bo

Beta Tester: Christian.1987

Szenariotyp: LibMod Campaign

Autors Website: http://www.assaultmissionstudio.de

Download: (06.april.2009)

Eastfront Summer43 V1.6 (german and english version)


For the english version please scroll down on the downloadside till the Buttons. There you find the english version of the campaign. Thanks!

Needed Addons/Mods:

LibMod 1.0 with all patches incl


dimi2small.jpg *lager13small.jpg

New in Version 1.6

-all missions reworked

-reworked briefings

-typos fixed (hope i don't missed one)

-campaign stringtable fixed (no ctd)

-all writen textes translated, also in triggers and waypoints

New in Version 1.5:

-Burning destroyed houses

-Much better KI in attack and defense


-AICover in firefights

-Enemys used effectly smoke grenades

-Russians attack with "Uraaa"

-Flares in nightfights

-More effects and features used from the Libmod

-Enemys and own units cover and support nearly units

-Captured enemys (Randomly in 3 missions)

-New pics in briefings and overviews.

-Sound in Briefings

-Stroke down enemys (Scout missions)

-New cutscenes und intros

-New music and sounds

-3 new missions

-Much much better than the older version of the campaign


* 20 missions

* 4 playable russian charakters

* Different mission typs

* Day and nightmissions with different weather and time

* Long playfun

* Missionlevel from normal till hard and crazy

* Teamleader und soldier in group

* Only in german language (sorry for that)



* OFP Resistance Version 1.96

* LibMod incl. all patches with patch 1.09


* Zastava

* [OTK] Don_Steppe

Playside (East):

* Frontier (Serzhant)

* Tank commander (Kapitan)

* Pilot (Leytenant)

* Scout, sniper (Serzhant)

Weather and playtime:

* Weather is different in each mission

* Till 2h playtime in some missions

farm2small.jpg *

Art of missions:

* Tank battle

* Sniper missions

* mission as pilot

* Sabotage

* Scout

* Defense missions

* Attack missions


* Intro, outro

* Many Cutscenes

* Many scripts

* Music and sounds in every mission

* Detailed and lovely edited missions

* 2-5 mission targets

* WW2 feeling as good as possible

* Many WW2 Buildings and objects

* Detailed Briefings with notices and pictures

* And much, much more

Used scripts:

-Captive.sqs by General Barron

-FireEffect.sqs by General Barron

-InfoShare.sqs by General Barron

-Reinforce sqs/sqf by LibMod

-Trenches.sqs by Blanco

-JoinUpUnits.sqs by Thompson

-Osvetit.sqs (Flares) by LibMod

-BigBaraBoom.sqs by unknown

-Towing.sqs by LibMod

-Much more scripts from LibMod

-little own scripts


The download has the campaign.pbo. Put this pbo in your libmod/campaigns/...folder.

The needed addons (@So43_Zusatz) has all addon, that you need for this campaign to play.


This is not an official campaign. Use it at your own risk. BIS and Codemasters has nothing to do with that. Thanks.



Onkel Bo



We hope you enjoy the campaign and feedback would be very nice, people. Thanks!

Best Regards


Edited by Imutep

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Glad too see people still working on OFP stuff smile_o.gif

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great to see someone is still working on ofp mod smile_o.gif

i'd like to give it a go as beta tester wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Libcompatible addons

I guess it's used only to show some german airplanes ? wink_o.gif too bad nothing better was released (( there're reskins for bf109 and stuka but i doubt that new patch will ever be finished and released

I guess you found some bugs  in the mod during campaign development ?  I found a lot during mini-campaign development - i think that's the best way of beta testing biggrin_o.gif

If i'm right and those bugs affect gameplay and you know how to fix them - we can think of releasing hot-fix with your changes.

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<span style='font-size:27pt;line-height:100%'>***Demo Release***</span>

Now..here it is. The demo mission to our upcoming Libmod-campaign Summer43. pistols.gif

<span style='color:brown'>Download:</span>



<span style='color:brown'>Story:</span>


The German plans an attack on the important connecting bridge to the city of Sanniki.

We must prevent this, at all costs. Vitali, this is your mission.

<span style='color:brown'>Needed Mod:</span>


--> Liberation_41-45_Mod - incl all patches till 1.09.

With this link you can download the LibMod and the patsches.

--> @So43_Zusatz needed addons for the mission and the upcoming campaign.

<span style='color:brown'>Credits and Special Thanks:</span>


--> Onkel Bo for beta tests

--> Stoned Boy for his work on the campaign

have fun... xmas_o.gif

Your AMS-Team

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i posted it into libmod section at f.ru.


I heard complains that up_ww2 is used... kinda old weapon pack with alot of existing versions. What for it's used ?

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I found this weapon pack, tested it and it is compatible with libmod. And sounds great ingame.

Thank for posting at f.ru smile_o.gif

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What about the campaign?The spring is going to end soon, but we don't have the campaign still as it was promised.

Quote[/b] ]We hope that we can release the campaign on Februar or March 08.

I'm looking forward of seeing it.

Good luck.

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We still working on it. Now coming the last cuscenes and Briefings for some missions. wink_o.gif

And last but not least...the beta tests. Last weeks, we had a lot of work, so we didn't have enough time for the campaign. Sorry for that xmas_o.gif

But now, work goes on!

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The release is near. For more infos about the campaign please visit our new forum. smile_o.gif




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That's good.Your work is very necessary because of lack of campaigns for Libmod.

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Nice too hear. smile_o.gif

Well, only few days to wait, then we have tested all 20 missions and can release the campaign! For hungry people, here are 4 screens from the last 3 edited missions.





We also removed the upminders weaponpack from the list of needed addons.

Soo long...


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Looking very good guys. Can't wait to see the final stuff. Bring it on! smile_o.gif

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It's time to play on the eastfront pistols.gif

For more infos and downloadlink see first post.

Please do not host this campaign yet, thanks.

Have fun, friends!

Imutep smile_o.gif

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20 missions - I guess it's the biggest Libmod campaign that has ever been released!

In process of downlading.

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awesome reason to go back n play LIBmod.

but will there be a english translation?

No sorry, at the moment we have no time and help for translation into english. It's a lot of work to translate all. confused_o.gif

If anybody wanna translate it, so feel free and contact us.

20 missions - I guess it's the biggest Libmod campaign that has ever been released!

In process of downlading.

Oh, we make the biggest mission for Libmod? Nice! smile_o.gif

Hope you enjoy the scenario.

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We work on a new version, maybe with english translation (stringtable ect) and fixed missions. But this needs time. We hope you got it. xmas_o.gif

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After 3 month of reworking all missions, now its time to say Ready For release!  smile_o.gif

But...at last we work on to translate all Briefings and Overviews into english. And that needs a few days more.

New in Version 1.5:

-Burning destroyed houses

-Much better KI in attack and defense


-AICover in firefights

-Enemys used effectly smoke grenades

-Russians attack with "Uraaa"

-Flares in nightfights

-More effects and features used from the Libmod

-Enemys and own units cover and support nearly units

-Captured enemys (Randomly in 3 missions)

-New pics in briefings and overviews.

-Sound in Briefings

-Stroke down enemys (Scout missions)

-New cutscenes und intros

-New music and sounds

-3 new missions

-Much much better than the older version of the campaign

Used scripts:

-Captive.sqs by General Barron

-FireEffect.sqs by General Barron

-InfoShare.sqs by General Barron

-Reinforce sqs/sqf by LibMod

-Trenches.sqs by Blanco

-JoinUpUnits.sqs by Thompson

-Osvetit.sqs (Flares) by LibMod

-BigBaraBoom.sqs by unknown

-Towing.sqs by LibMod

-Much more scripts from LibMod

-little own scripts

We put a lot of work into the new version and hope you have a lot of fun with the campaign. Maybe we can Release till friday  smile_o.gif

Stay tuned...

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Thx Prof  smile_o.gif

Now the german version is released. Follow the link to the downloadsite. Wish much fun!

Download Summer43-german

Best regards

Imutep and Stoned Boy

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Cool, for my part i'll wait for the english version cause my German language lessons are far, far away (ich kann nicht mehr Deutsch sprechen...) crazy_o.gif

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Tolle Sache, Jungs! Downloading now! At least another opportunity to enter the OFP-WWII experience with one of the greatest OFP-Mods ever.

Danke für eure Mühen!


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The translation has an end, sorry for waiting guys  smile_o.gif

Now i have translated all Briefings and Overviews into english. Also the missionnames and wroten things in Triggers and Scripts. I hope my translation is good enough, so please don't kill me if you find any translate mirtake. The downloadlink is the same as on first post.


For the english version please scroll down on the downloadside till "Archiv". here you find the english version of the campaign. Thanks!

And now i wish a lot of fun!

Best Regards


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