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Anyone using modo regularly?

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I'm considering trying out Modo software. Is it easy to import models/textures into O2 ?

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as easy as any other 3d software... yeah, give a good go... i've managed to 'convert' a few people to modo so far this year... not as fully featured as max etc. but imo, it's useability factor is higher.

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i use modo

nifty tool

but its not important what tool u use to create your models

and import then into oxygen.

its 2 different things.

if you know how to import things into oxygen you can use whatever app to make them...

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I agree completely with you Neph. I've had 3dmax 9 for a few months and have a couple of structures that I can get into O2 /buldozer though without the textures. I've yet to lick the dilemma of getting my textures into O2. Being a complete novice to the 3d modelling world its been fairly tiring working with 3ds max and was interested in Modo if it were indeed more intuitive than 'other 3d modeling programs' as its advertising reports. My professional training is in medicine so this 3d model world is both fascinating and frustrating. Reminds me of why I don't join my brethren and simply golf my spare time away.

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people here dont seem to realize that youll never get your models into oxygen with your textures applied and showin already!


a) oxygen only reads paa/pac (tga gif via conversion)

b) the texture paths might be messed up...

its the same as if id export my MAX file as a obj and then import it into blender.

blender wont aswell know what my files and my texture paths are! i have to redo that.

the UVW´s however are stored (if you didnt mess up)..

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I'm a Modonaut.

Anyone have any tips with modo subds or even Psubs in Arma modeling?

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Anyone wanna talk shop? I could use someone to share progress and exchange notes with...

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