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F-22 anyone?F-22

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Hello everyone, I am a OFP/ARMA fan, currently looking for a ofp F-22 Raptor addon, can anyone give me a hand? sad_o.gif

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Thanks, one question for Franze though, I though he had a good one, didn't he? smile_o.gif

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He did. But he hasn't got enough time to finish it. So atm I have this beautifull baby, but there are still some things to do. I'll will send this fighterbomber to Renton to make do the missing things. I'm full of hope that this will be released for OFP.

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Moving to A&M:D, as there's nothing released in this thread.

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Quote[/b] ]Any update, guys?

If there was you'd find it in the original post. Being it's 3-4 years old now I would not expect to see any update.

BIS Thread

If you really want to check out a nice set of planes look for Franze's F-18 pack.

...hey, it dosen't hurt to schmooz the moderator sometimes tounge2.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Any update, guys?

If there was you'd find it in the original post. Being it's 3-4 years old now I would not expect to see any update.

BIS Thread

If you really want to check out a nice set of planes look for Franze's F-18 pack.

...hey, it dosen't hurt to schmooz the moderator sometimes tounge2.gif

Thanks, Zuku1, the F-18s are really nice, but I am still looking forward to see Franze's f-22 (Hopefully). tounge2.gif

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Hi guys,

have a little problem. Renton has stoped all work on OFP. So there is nobody who can finish the Raptor atm. If there is someone out there with modelling and texturing experiences and some time, please let me know.

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Suggest asking footmuch or Vit nicely fer help kinda busy myself and I hate aircraft. They are major asspain..

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Suggest asking footmuch or Vit nicely fer help

I'm worried .... haven't seen ANY activity from Footmunch in months sad_o.gif .... hope we haven't lost him.

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