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Troop transport plane??

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Im trying to make a mission and I want to do a massive Para drop but there is no plane big enough. Is there a decent sized plane that can carry troops out to download? Cheers


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RKSL Studios is working on some really nice looking air vehicles, incl. a C-130.

Be 32K by granQ as mentioned by Commando84 (It can transport around 25 people).

And there is a DC in the Queen's Gambit pack.

MfG Medicus smile_o.gif

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Thanks alot lads that BE 32 will do great for now. But that C 130 will be amazing when its done. biggrin_o.gif

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Watch out though, You can get carried away with full Be-32s, I had a little mission set up for my own personal play a while back with a massive paradrop on my own airfield on the drago island, except it lagged the crap out of my pc because I had about 20 fully loaded plane's all dropping at once, on fully equipped defenses

It allowed for great variations, altering no variables and just playing as a civilian, the attack went differently every time, But it was epic seeing the slaughter when the paratroops came down on field units, I'd often go over in an alouette just looking at the fields of bodies/burning vehicles

True warfare I say.

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well and if am not mistaken, Gnat is working on a An-12 i think

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Sounds good smile_o.gif. Does anyone have the link to the Queen's Gambit pack? or is it a WIP still. Cheers

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Queens Gambit is an official add-on by BIS. Costs $20, and I don't currently have a link for you... search around these forums for it though.

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Oh is it. I was looking through all the Addons icon_rolleyes.gif. Cheers

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QG has a DC3 that might help out your transport needs

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i downloaded from ofp.info the oldest AN-124  depbo it removed the line required version packed it again and voilla it worked

it fly's (to bad its landing gear wont go in and you as pilot will stick outside the cockpit.....) and give a good atmosfhere using it as a empty object  (AI handles it pretty well)

here is a direct link to it

antanov 124

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Guest Ti0n3r

Do NOT buy Queen's Gambit just for the DC. That plane is extremely buggy. I get CTD's almost ever time I use it notworthy.gif

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Do NOT buy Queen's Gambit just for the DC. That plane is extremely buggy. I get CTD's almost ever time I use it notworthy.gif

cant remember any crashes on my side ....... you sure its the dc 3 ? or maybe a conflict between several other things ?

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Quote[/b] ]i downloaded from ofp.info the oldest AN-124 depbo it removed the line required version packed it again and voilla it worked

What line that required version pack? Please be more specific.

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