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Vista Troubleshooting Thread: The one and only

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Not for me... as yet. Perhaps with the SP1 candidate things will change, but I'm still getting a farked-up screen when I load with 4GB, and I'm using 169.25 drivers.  mad_o.gif

EDIT - No luck with RC1 of SP1 either. Back to 3GB <sigh>.

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Not for me... as yet. Perhaps with the SP1 candidate things will change, but I'm still getting a farked-up screen when I load with 4GB, and I'm using 169.25 drivers. mad_o.gif

EDIT - No luck with RC1 of SP1 either. Back to 3GB <sigh>.

Same shit here. Doesn't help for Vista64. banghead.gif

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I am not sure if this is a vista promblem or not but when the game starts there is a box that appears then th little boxes get checked but the last two does not get checked.

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I am not sure if this is a vista promblem or not but when the game starts there is a box that appears then th little boxes get checked but the last two does not get checked.

Thats normal.

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Hmm. Perhaps I should once again add my fourth XMS2 stick back in. Will report back after.

Why remove or reinsert your sticks while you can just limit Vista by software setting in the boot manager as described on the BIS Vista troubleshooting wiki?

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To be honest I don't want to remove or take away ram from my computer just to get this game working it would be nice to get a proper fix from bis rather than messing about with things I shouldn't need to.

Even just a small hot fix released for it should be very high priority.

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My arma working perfectly with Vista 64 bit, 4 Gb ram, 8800 gtx and with all newest drivers in...but not with 1.08 or 1.09 beta. Its works only 1.04 version.

When i tried take 1 Gb ram off it didn´t work for me. I tried reinstall game without patching it and..Wow!...its working without any problem. But of course I cant join any Multiplayer game.

So what Bis "fix" with patches it broke game with 64 vista and 4gb ram?

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Soo i wont be able to play my Bought ArmA in march...?

Getting a new rig. Mostly for my music but i get a new

gfx aswell, soooo  rofl.gif  .

AMD Phenom m9180 QUADCORE

nVidia Nforce 430 chips

3072Gb ram

1TB / 2 HDD´s + external 320GB

nVidia GF8800GT GFX 512MB dedi mem...

Win Vista Home Premium ( wow_o.gif )

PS: I bet a couple of $ that Maruk and the others are

workin on a fix..I mean ArmA2 is around the corner.

That SHOULD!! be working on a BIG RIG rofl.gif

If it doesnt, they´ll loose LOTS OF MONEY....

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Hey guyz!

First my specs:


4*1 GB Patriot DDR 2 800



Windows Vista 64 bit

I mean i have tried everything,maxmem parameter even the fix with C++ Express thing found here

However if i turn off 1 gb of ram so it only has 3072 mb i can run arma without a prob.

I get this with UK version 1.04 nothing patched..



Judging by the pics ArmA has some serious serious bugs BIG time!


EDIT:Will it make any diffrence if i patch to 1.08/1.09 maybe? crazy_o.gif

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So what's going on with this 4 gig issue ?

How about a bit of feedback from the devs as to what's going on ?

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This is the Vista TroubleShooting Thread. For Members by Members.

Bashing and complaining about fixes/patches etc can be done in the ArmA Disappointment Threads, as this thread is for user-problems and user-solutions smile_o.gif

On the wiki are some links to old Vista threads, maybe you find some answer by Maruk or Suma in there smile_o.gif


Thats the way it is mate. For now you will have to keep 1gb removed if you want to play ArmA on Vista with 4gb. No other solutions as of yet.

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Suma said the next thing when i asked him about 4 gig issue:

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In 1.04 i get weeeird menu and blackscreen no logo no nothing.

In 1.05 i just get black screen and my quad core is at 25 % when its running

I tried everything to make the game work can help me i am using the latest ATI drivers and use HD3870.Plus a Realtek soundcard but i doubt it that this couses this.


The only advice I can give you is to install 1.08 patch and try running the 1.09 beta. I have tried 1.09 fine on Vista x64 with 4 GB RAM and it worked fine (it was with nVidia card).


This is weird either is ATI's falut or i have just spend an awful load of money just to play ArmA.

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Limit it to 3072 mb via msconfig.exe/boot/advanced settings/then set the 3072.BIS should be fixing this as 4 gb works on nvidia cards but not on ATI mad_o.gif

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BIS should be fixing this as 4 gb works on nvidia cards but not on ATI mad_o.gif

It doesn't work on nvidia cards i have to gimp my system to 3076.

And in turn if i don't put it back to 4 gig when i play OTHER games when i exit those OTHER games that work with 4 gig of ram i get a black screen and have to reboot but its all fine when my system has 4 gig of ram working.

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I really dont know whether to ditch arma or my computer LOL biggrin_o.gif

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see i specifaically didn't go to 4GB when i recently bought some more RAM, cause i knew there was no point at all.

32bit adress limit is 4GB total, this is for every memmory address in the system.

8800GTX needs 768Mb of address space, meaning even i had bought 4GB of RAM i would only ever get to see 3.25 at best, since windoze steals some addresses for itself anyway, system i/o stuff.

so i just found myself 2 sticks of 512 to add to my 2 1GB sticks giving me 3GB still in dual channel.

extra performance of more RAM but with no limitation of losing dual channel, no ArmA crashes nothing.

of course 64 bits systems are different, and IMO completely unnesscessary, AMD pulled of the swindle of the century telling us we needed 64bit.

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see i specifaically didn't go to 4GB when i recently bought some more RAM, cause i knew there was no point at all.

32bit adress limit is 4GB total, this is for every memmory address in the system.

8800GTX needs 768Mb of address space, meaning even i had bought 4GB of RAM i would only ever get to see 3.25 at best, since windoze steals some addresses for itself anyway, system i/o stuff.

so i just found myself 2 sticks of 512 to add to my 2 1GB sticks giving me 3GB still in dual channel.

extra performance of more RAM but with no limitation of losing dual channel, no ArmA crashes nothing.

of course 64 bits systems are different, and IMO completely unnesscessary, AMD pulled of the swindle of the century telling us we needed 64bit.

actually this memory problem means 64 bit is needed, and 32 bit has his limitation we encouter now.

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Hey guyz!

First my specs:


4*1 GB Patriot DDR 2 800



Windows Vista 64 bit

I mean i have tried everything,maxmem parameter even the fix with C++ Express thing found here

However if i turn off 1 gb of ram so it only has 3072 mb i can run arma without a prob.

I get this with UK version 1.04 nothing patched..



Judging by the pics ArmA has some serious serious bugs BIG time!


EDIT:Will it make any diffrence if i patch to 1.08/1.09 maybe? crazy_o.gif


I suffer from theese issues too sad_o.gif any idea on how we can get this thing fixed? pistols.gifsad_o.gifsad_o.gifsad_o.gif



to other with vista issues, disable a gb of ram (3gb seems to be maxium, otherweise the memory system will fuck up)

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I had the same issue with my rig with Vista ultimate 64


4*1 GB of gskill 6400gbpk


Sapphire RADEON HD 3870

i solve it by disabling remapping memory above 4gb in the bios. No need to remove physically a row on the mb. so the total amount of ram is below the 4096 : 4096mo minus the amount of the cg ram here 512mo =3584mo.

-maxmem= is no use in our case.

just have to know if on boot you wanna play Arma or not (a little bit frustrating )

i tested it earlier on the same rig with xp64bit sp2 with remapping on in the bios and it ran perfectly.

So the issue is with Arma not successive doing the remapping under vista.

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Zippa please remove image tags when quoting.

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well if you have 4 ram my best choice for you guys is removing one it worked for me and I have a 8800GTX with vista

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I'm getting a very odd problem. I had my setup perfect and with lowplants was able to run at a stable 40-50 frames per second  at high settings. But recently, I've noticed something strange. Every few minutes my framerate will drop to between 1-8 fps, for no apparant reason for about 30 seconds at a time. Any ideas about what is causing this?

I've installed Process Explorer, which lets me see which programs are taking up CPU usage in a graph form. These slowdown periods do show up on the graph, as spikes in CPU usage. From my testing it seems the drop in FPS is associated with explorer.exe and dwm.exe taking up 30-50% of the CPU usage every few minutes.

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