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-AIF- Kris

Band Of Brothers Mod

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Yeah, I wouldn't want any part in a mod that is conducting themselves like that. It's a matter of integrity. To be constructive, you could always approach other mod teams and ask if they'll contribute.

Of course, given the genre, there aren't alot out there(?).


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Your mod will be much better if you make the models yourself, or someone helps/contributes to some. Using another game's models is stealing as pointed out, and the mod wouldn't be fully yours since parts of it is from elsewhere.

I've seen mod teams do this before, and once found out their reputation dropped.

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Alright if it will make the Public anyway more happy i will either Ditch that Idea. Kris goodnight.gif

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I agree with BraTTy, the soldiers are the core of nearly every mod, no matter how complex or simple they are.

Weapons are naturally another priority but what is a nice MG-34 or Thompson if there is no one from that era to equip it with?

Before you look into games like COD2 or others, check out the community as thoroughly as you can. A lot of elements can be borrowed from the Invasion 1944 team (and others) with their permission, which can eventually lead to decent looking soldier models on both sides.

I'm really interested in seeing more though, when is the week over again?

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Hi all, I've joined the band of brothers mod! I'm mission making and beta testing.

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Hi all, I've joined the band of brothers mod! I'm mission making and beta testing.

Now with the arrival of GIJOE welcome aboard we have decided to cut the Idea of Cod2 with some good stuff he has let us use smile_o.gif

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That's good. I was going to tell you that you would be wasting your time importing models from COD2 since none of them were paratroopers. wink_o.gif

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Guys im just gonna point out that this is not Towards our Supporters, we do not wont to affend them in anyway Boss is just tring to make a point that this Mod isnt for us its for its for the Community so all i ask is, if you have something bull**** to say email me and give me advise or were im going wrong. Like i said this isnt Pointed at our Supporters and you know who you are wink_o.gif

(P.S we are getting sick of guys saying well i think this mod will be over in two weeks or a month Please stop that you can rest ashore we will not stop.)!


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Well, my comment was in regards to more screens that were to come at week's end. confused_o.gif

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Have u been in contact with the other WWII mods.

If you all worked together on seperate sections of the WWII era then release dates would be moved forwards.

There is no need for half a dozen mods (exaggerated) to work on the same vehicle or uniform.

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i am looking forward to ww2 mods in Arma, as the engine is somewhat unsuitable for modern combat, but is rather good for less technologically advanced armies of WW2

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You must remember that you guys are new, and all this seems very exciting.

Just because you’re allegedly are doing this for the community doesn’t mean you owe them anything at all. A lot of people on the forum are grumpy old men, and they have seen hundreds of threads like this.

Think of it as a welcome to the community gesture I guess.

Those who replied with valid comments are useful, rather than the regular “omg can’t wait for this" reply. They are nice and sometimes give you false hope.

Do it for your self and your team, no one else.

Anyway I will keep quite now.

Happy modding


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COD2 weapons models are poor, not realistic in proportions !

if you can look at COD2 models and real guns you will know that they are just "looking good" but not realistic enough

they are good at 1-st person view, but 3-rd person are not good

COD2 as a game looks super, but it is like STALKER, just compare real sight of Abakan and Stalker sight

i suggest to cooperate with someone (not just donate like "1943" "mod" tried to do) or to do this weapons with really good internet sources, photos, or visiting museums

before i released my weapons i was visiting National War Museum of Army to compare some details

of course my models are in some areas poor, i know this, but importing all from COD2 would be a little not right, of course you can import some parts of models from 1-st person view, but not whole model

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Yes alright guys i see were Vilas is coming from but on another note i dont wonna here the Cod2 stuff anymore it wont happen we have got in touch with Invasion 44 about there stuff (which looks amazing) just waiting on Reply

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The models are form Arma 1943.

If you noticed that GIJoe is in are team now who was the Modding Leader for Arma 1943. smile_o.gif

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That Sherman is not ArmA1943s. It's Alloisi's, edited by vilas.

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That Sherman is not ArmA1943s. It's Alloisi's, edited by vilas.

well thats not what i have been told. GIJOE said there hes so i believe him he is part of the team so im gonna have to believe him sorry. If the guy who think he made this has any problems PM ty

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