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Gamepad and camera

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Gday all im trying to use the camera in armed assault (this exec "camera.sqs") and controlling it with a gamepad (xbox 360 controller), only the problem is i cannot get it to turn or look up or down using the right thumbstick and also using the left and right triggers for raising and lowering the camera. now dont anyone think im stupid by not assigning the actions to the buttons in options becuase ive tried many ways of doing that and no good, i can only get the camera to move forward, back and sideways in a pressure motion depending on how hard i move the thumbstick. but turning and level aint working.

Also ive tried a program called Controller MK which allowed me to assign keyboard buttons to my -/+ axis and what not, but that doesnt move the camera slowerly when i put little pressure on the thumbstick. Im asking here for help if anyone has tried this before and has got a good idea of what im trying to do and please help!!!

thank you and sorry if i have posted in the wrong forums.

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Try remapping your buttons in the bulldozer controls. The bulldozer controls are mainly what controls the camera smile_o.gif With your sticks map the look left/right/up/down to the left/right/forward/back movements on your control stick.

If your stick controls don't show up in the bulldozer controls, you might be SOL sad_o.gif

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