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Carrying a wounded soldier

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Done a search in ArmA and found nothing, searched OFP and found a couple of threads saying how good this would be but no actual mods or addons to do it.

Has anyone done or is planning an animation/model for ArmA for allowing a soldier to pick up a wounded comrade, or even a dead one at that I guess - Don't leave anyone behind.

I play coop missions with a buddy and it would be great if one had the chance to go back in and pick up the other if he's wounded and can't walk.

I'm not interested in all these public competitive servers, just small scale Co-op missions, where as far as I'm concered this is a must-have feature.



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Just had an idea, without animating it as such.

Check if someones hit if their health is too low to walk, then repeatedly check the distance to the other players, so that if another player is standing next to them to 'help' them, temporarily put their health back up enough so they can walk, as long as the other player stays next to them, so imagine helping them walk rather than carrying them.

When the other player moves too far away, put their health back down.

Could even add an acton to the 'healthy' player of 'Help comrade', and while it's active have the wounded player not use movement controls, and use a script to setpos the wounded player to the side or back of the helper, then have an action for put comrade down to stop the setpos'ing and the other player can move as normal.

Just an idea.


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would be nice in combo with norrins revive script

there were some opf mods which had this in. dunno which ones.

and you could write a script which setPos the wounded comrade, together with an addAction.

express yourself.



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Done a search in ArmA and found nothing, searched OFP and found a couple of threads saying how good this would be but no actual mods or addons to do it.

Solus who developed the incredible SLX mod for OFP included the feature to drag wounded or dead soldiers. Solus is also developing an SLX mod for ArmA, in fact several people from the community are testing it right now I believe. He has also released a small bulletholes addon for ArmA that will be featured in the final SLX mod.

I suggest you take a look in the OFP addons and mods complete section to see how the ArmA version could turn out.

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Cheers guys, I'll have a look.

In the meantime, I'm trying to do something simple myself just for a game this week.

I'm trying to mess around with the different health/damage settings to find the threshold for walking/crawling, but having written a simple script to increase a test soldiers health by 0.05 using setdamage in steps to see the effect,

at 0.35 blood appears on right leg

at 0.9 he dies

but at all settings he is able to walk and run/sprint with no problems. Am I missing something?


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Cheers guys, I'll have a look.

In the meantime, I'm trying to do something simple myself just for a game this week.

I'm trying to mess around with the different health/damage settings to find the threshold for walking/crawling, but having written a simple script to increase a test soldiers health by 0.05 using setdamage in steps to see the effect,

at 0.35 blood appears on right leg

at 0.9 he dies

but at all settings he is able to walk and run/sprint with no problems. Am I missing something?



But you cant 'set' it, you can undo it by healing him but you cant make him unable to stand again except when you shoot his legs.

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the main question in this idea is visualization. you need special anims if you want do drag the soldier, then connection anims, death anims...

but "dragging" is one opportunity. i thought about making wounded soldier as a secondary weapon model - thus existing animscan be used, but then you need a lot of such models (actually can be made qiuck afa anim is made), you need to think about replacing unit with weapon model etc. can work good only for scripted scenes i guess sad_o.gif

thus i guess SLX is the best idea out there.

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piggyback ride, make the injured party do a sit anim and put him on your back wink_o.gif

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