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DSUtils and BinPBO

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Folks i've got it, i know it, i just answered to maddmatts statement what says that signing so called clientside addons is just dumb, what is it not.


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Lets use CSM (Chammy's sound mod) as an example...

Even though he's addon is not used by the mission maker, It is however a modification that can be used within missions (even if it has unfair advantages). Now, 90% of people that use CSM, only use it in MP, so this is classed as a MP addon/modification.

If Chammy doesn't sign he's addon, server admins wont be able to grant its access to the server. Because lets face it... Every server at some point in time SHOULD be using verified signatures. It saves server admins locking their server to keep cheats out, but in the process, if its a public server, they keep the public out. So verified signatures is a way to keep cheats out and let the public in. So basically, its now up to the addon makers to sign their addons and release them to trusted ArmA sites, so server admins can judge whether or not they wish to grant addons access on their server.

If another person modify's he's addon in any way, they will balls up the private key that Chammy used to sign it, meaning if someone else signs it, it wont be the same version as what the server has making it void, which means kick or even band.gif

REMEMBER! Do not give your biprivatekey to ANYONE!

This is my opinon on how verified signatures will help so much! yay.gif

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im confused bout these utilitys, KFC has already hacked it so i dunno how good they will work. Still devolping The Anticheat server files.

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How do you know KFC have hacked the utilities or whatever? I don't see how they can bypass the keys. All the shitty cheats are used from a pbo (I think anyway) so that means, without the server having the key for that pbo, they can't join the server.

They can't remake the private key that we use to sign addons. so how on earth can they get through that?? Maybe if they got their hands on a private key used by a well known addon maker, they can plot something. But thats very very unlikely.

Just to clarify here, are you even talking about the new utilities that have just been released? about a few days ago?? If so, I don't even think KFC can work that quickly. So im pretty sure your talking about something else. smile_o.gif Maybe the Anti-cheat script released by ArmATec? (I think it was them anyways lol)

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How do you know KFC have hacked the utilities or whatever? I don't see how they can bypass the keys. All the shitty cheats are used from a pbo (I think anyway) so that means, without the server having the key for that pbo, they can't join the server.

They can't remake the private key that we use to sign addons. so how on earth can they get through that?? Maybe if they got their hands on a private key used by a well known addon maker, they can plot something. But thats very very unlikely.

Just to clarify here, are you even talking about the new utilities that have just been released? about a few days ago?? If so, I don't even think KFC can work that quickly. So im pretty sure your talking about something else. smile_o.gif Maybe the Anti-cheat script released by ArmATec? (I think it was them anyways lol)

While the tools are only released now, BIS files have had signatures since ArmA was released. "KFC" claim to have cracked this (you can always check their forums for yourself).

If it's true, well that just sucks. We will just have to wait and see.

"KFC" are not what I would consider real hackers by the way. Real hackers do more serious stuff than make cheats for games icon_rolleyes.gif

Anyway I think there's nothing more to discuss about those losers right now whistle.gif

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Quote[/b] ](you can always check their forums for yourself).

Sorry mate, I don't need to downgrade myself to read their forums smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]If it's true, well that just sucks. We will just have to wait and see.

"KFC" are not what I would consider real hackers by the way. Real hackers do more serious stuff than make cheats for games icon_rolleyes.gif

I hope its not true, but like you said, will have to wait and see. confused_o.gif

But if it is true, surely thats illegal?? Verified signatures is classed as an anti-cheat, before this was released, they never had to break any code?

Quote[/b] ]While the tools are only released now, BIS files have had signatures since ArmA was released. "KFC" claim to have cracked this

Yes, but that was only a public key. I still don't understand how they can bypass the key which the server holds??

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Quote[/b] ](you can always check their forums for yourself).

Sorry mate, I don't need to downgrade myself to read their forums smile_o.gif

Yea, their forums are pretty pathetic.

Quote[/b] ]

But if it is true, surely thats illegal?? Verified signatures is classed as an anti-cheat, before this was released, they never had to break any code?

Never heard of anyone being arrested for breaking an anti-cheat program. As great as it would be, I just don't see it happening.

Quote[/b] ]
Quote[/b] ]While the tools are only released now, BIS files have had signatures since ArmA was released. "KFC" claim to have cracked this

Yes, but that was only a public key. I still don't understand how they can bypass the key which the server holds??

Stuff like this gets cracked all the time. I don't know how they did it (if it's true). If they did, maybe BIS could do something about it.

It's not a huge surprise anyway. They will always try to get past anti-cheat measures. It's just what those sad people do.

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But if it is true, I doubt BIS will do anything to fix it. sad_o.gif Hopefully they would.

Maybe its just my ignorance, but I still don't understand how they can bypass it. From just having the bi.bikey as their only example.

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If everyone is using verifySignatures, is it necessary to use the checkFiles[] = {}; array? All pbos that came with the game were "signed" by BIS, right? Or should we still check them in checkFiles?


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If everyone is using verifySignatures, is it necessary to use the checkFiles[] = {}; array? All pbos that came with the game were "signed" by BIS, right? Or should we still check them in checkFiles?


There are signatures for all the pbos. You dont need to use the checkfiles command when verifying signatures.

You may want to use "checkfiles" and "ondifferentdata" tho, if you are using different versions of pbos. To ensure both the server and the client have the same version of an add-on.

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