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co30 Domination! One Team

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How bout changing the control from the driver to the commander. Also I would also rather see limited saturation attack. Mando did you say the ai can fire cruise missles back at you :-O

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I added warfare buildings to the Domination mainbase area, to act mainly as some eyecandy for the different repairpoints. Makes sense I think. During the first test, I got Paraiso as the first mission. Lo and behold, a Ka-50 comes around bombing the place down - awesome biggrin_o.gif

So I got an idea. How about having the repair points on a repeateable trigger, only allowing repairs if building is up and running. Engineer or repair truck would be needed to temporarily setting up a "construction site" model, which is 10 minutes later replaced with the working repair point.

I also added some flashing lights near the heli repair point and wreck point using createVehicleLocal and lightAttachObject. Moving this back-and-forth produce the flashing. Looks nice at night, but flashing speed will vary with server load. Think I might have to use steady light instead on this one...

I replaced the _rep_truck from repair truck with a dedicated "engineers truck", using the warfare salvage truck. This cannot be used for personell transport, which makes sense given that it can hold up to 6 statics. It also, by name, appears to have a crane which is useable for unflipping vehicles. Static functions looks good recognizing the new vehicle, but I can't seem to trigger the unflipping. Tested only from the editor though.

Enemy vehicles has been given a "hit" eventhandler, setting off a "pop smoke and evade in oposite direction" script, if they are capable. Smoke launcher sound added.

I've tried setting a delay on the artillery to make up for some additional voice sound (shamelessly stolen from Mr. Murrays Battle of Ortego singleplayer mission) and mixed in with the original "arty on this location" voice. Additional delay added to simulate some flight time instead of instantly appearing.

Gawd, I love editing and playing this mission biggrin_o.gif

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AFAIK these vehicles have no commander position, might be I'm wrong.

Yes, AI can virually obliterate your forces and your base with cruise missiles if you provide them some launchers wink_o.gif

But then you can also use friendly anti-missile capable SAMs.

Spawning an enemy SCUD from time to time (once you locate and destroy it) targeting your base but with a low accuracy might add a "bit" of heat to this mission, even more adding an alarm sound after each missile fired. You may also give a slow speed to these missiles so the players might have some time to reach an anti-missile SAM and try to intercept them.

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Still looking through the scripts to try to understand where it assigns AI nme troops to guard the town. Im using your current version of the game for Blue side. I looked through x_soldier and dont see any class names being added for east troops. I also looked through x_createguardpatrolgroups and it references alot of group creating but where do the troops come from that populate the group. Is it in x_serverfuncs ?

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I was trying to get the AI mando sams to work all the time and in doing so found that they are set to target resistance in the serverfunc.sqf.

anyway I changed it and get a lovely lock on tone all the time now, will provide good balance against the airconsole.

Just thought Id let you know.

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SHIT! Thanks for that glaring error, I'll get right on it - it's a left over from when I started editing the RACS version with mando originally....right done.


x_serverfuncs.sqf contains the code that generates units to guard the town - you'll find my edited SM shilkas in there. The array it selects from is found in init.sqf.


Nice ideas - I'd thought about adding a few of the warfare static gun emplacements around the base for defense - MG nests for those irritating spetnatz and perhaps some AA for twatting the Mi17's, Kamovs and Su38's that toddle over from paraiso.

I don't think the rebuilding base idea is worth it - the base already has respawning ammo and repair trucks making getting the reloading areas destroyed an incovenience rather than a mission breaker.


Giving the AI your cruise missiles?! Are you mad man?! But I do really like the idea of having a SCUD hunt sidemission - even though that goes kinda against the "no addons required!" element that domination has going for it at the moment...200 MB addon download for sahrani life anyone? wink_o.gif

Keep the ideas coming dudes - Domination can only get better! Thanks to xeno once again for creating such an excellent platform to build from - looking forward to mutilating the next release to within an inch of it's life!

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1 question and 1 idea

1. The SU 34 that flies around - it doesnt seem to do a whole heck of alot other than get shot down. What is its purpose. It doesnt seem to attack anything. The kamov will actually chase you down if your in a vehicle. I had it chase a buddy of mine and I on a motorcycle for several km's. If the SU isnt doing anything, lets replace it or get rid of it. It annoying.

2. I know this goes against the addon rule but have you thought about using the map that has all the OFP islands combined into one map. It would be awesome to have to go to different islands to win. Or perhaps capture each island in a series to clear all forces out.

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1. The Su34 was put in by xeno during the development of domination. I'll check back through the scripts to see if mando missiles have been added to it - a different loadout could potentially make it more aggressive.

2. Transfering over to a new map would require quite a bit of work - mainly in finding the coordinates of new target areas and organising placement of existing and bonus units, but xeno has built in those lovely debugging lines into init.sqf which would really ease the process!

The main target coordinates are currently spawned at random so you never know where you're going next which would maybe be a pain for island hoppers.

Also, with the HALO code and teleporting (not to mention all the choppers), island hopping is island hopping really relevant? Most players are just too impatient to get around by boats!

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I was wondering how do you actually find the co-ordinates on the map to relocate the target postions, i looked in the editor but they dont show up. I had ported this to the afghan map using co-ordinates from an everon port I found but i would love to know how to get them myself ( I expect it is obviousbut i cant seem to find it)

what I would really like for this is a version where players can play the SLA and try to stop west doing the objectives. Their telports could be the target location perhaps.

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I'm guessing you have to do it the old fashioned way like we did it in OFP:

Place a marker with an obvious centre and call a script that returns the position of the marker as a sidechat or hint.

Preview the mission and make a note of the coordinates.

Then just use those coordinates in the init.sqf for your targets, or wherever you need them.

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To have a SCUD launcher there firing SCUD missiles you dont need any extra addon tounge2.gif

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Is there already a SCUD unit in arma? I thought the SCUD launcher was an addon? *ponder...

I know a SCUD could be scripted easily using mando missiles though.

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Can anyone explain to me the idea of "packed_vars" for maintaining same time among players?

I have tried changing the Domination startup parameters, but it causes a lot of weird problems, and I really don't understand how the system is supposed to work.

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In case you want to add easy to re-configure launchers for the enemy:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

/* scud_launcher.sqf

Execute server side


Launcher unit

Relative launching position to the launcher (model coords)

Position to target

Maximum deviation range from position to target

Delay between launches


[launcher1, [0,-3, 1], getMarkerPos "mk_target", 200, 60]execVM"scud_launcher.sqf";


_launcher = _this select 0;

_launch_pos = _this select 1;

_target_center = _this select 2;

_target_radius = _this select 3;

_delay = _this select 4;

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

Sleep 10;

//Missile parameters

_launcher = _this select 0;

_missilebody = "Bo_GBU12_LGB";

_vangle = 89;

_speedini = 10;

_speedmax = 300;

_acceleration = 10;

_boomrange = 5;

_activerange = 1000; // Do not confuse with missile range which depends only on endurance and speed

_modeinit = 0;

_cruisealt = 500;

_boomscript = mando_missile_path+"warheads\mando_scudconv.sqf";

_smokescript = mando_missile_path+"exhausts\mando_missilesmoke1a.sqf";

_soundrsc = "mando_missile1";

_sounddur = 29;

_endurance = 90;

_terrainavoidance = false;

_updatefreq = 999;

_delayinit = 0;

_controltime = 4;

_detectable = true;

_debug = false;

_launchscript = mando_missile_path+"launch\mando_scudlaunch.sqf";

_hagility = 30;

_vagility = 30;

_accuracy = 1;

_intercept = true;

_scanarch = 180;

_scanarcv = 180;

_target = "logic" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];

_target_pos = [0,0,0];

while {alive _launcher} do


if (({alive _x} count crew _launcher) > 0) then


_target_pos = [(_target_center select 0)+sin(random 359)*_target_radius,(_target_center select 1)+cos(random 359)*_target_radius, 0];

_target setPos _target_pos;

_dir = ((_target_pos select 0) - (getPos _launcher select 0)) atan2 ((_target_pos select 1) - (getPos _launcher select 1));

[_launcher, _missilebody, _launch_pos, _dir, _vangle, _speedini, _speedmax, _acceleration, _target, _boomrange, _activerange, _modeinit, _cruisealt, _boomscript, _smokescript, _soundrsc, _sounddur, _endurance, _terrainavoidance, _updatefreq, _delayinit, _controltime, _detectable, _debug, _launchscript, _hagility, _vagility, _accuracy, _intercept, _scanarch, _scanarcv]execVM"mando_missiles\mando_missile.sqf";

Sleep _delay;




Sleep 4;



deleteVehicle _target;

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I'll always love your definition of "easy" mando wink_o.gif

you've made reference to "scud_launcher.sqf" - is this script internal to arma already?

Again, to my knowledge, there isn't a SCUD unit already in arma v1.14 - can someone confirm/deny this (I'm at work and can't ceck it myself - the suspense is killing me!wink_o.gif

PS - the bluppy.se server last night (thanks for running my edition of domination guys, but version 0.4 is out!wink_o.gif

Encountered weird effects with JIP - map markers not functioning, no maintarget, seconday target or side missions created. Other players said it was working fine for them.

can anyone shed some light on this? has anyone had any similar problems with JIP? is it domination specific, or an arma issue? help.gif

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I'll always love your definition of "easy" mando wink_o.gif

you've made reference to "scud_launcher.sqf" - is this script internal to arma already?

Again, to my knowledge, there isn't a SCUD unit already in arma v1.14 - can someone confirm/deny this (I'm at work and can't ceck it myself - the suspense is killing me!wink_o.gif

PS - the bluppy.se server last night (thanks for running my edition of domination guys, but version 0.4 is out!wink_o.gif

Encountered weird effects with JIP - map markers not functioning, no maintarget, seconday target or side missions created. Other players said it was working fine for them.

can anyone shed some light on this? has anyone had any similar problems with JIP? is it domination specific, or an arma issue?  help.gif

No Scud. It will be a Shilka or something that fires a scud missle...

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Or a tractor, or a rock, or a tree, or a B747, or a scud launcher, who cares??? the problem is the missile and the existance of a launcher, not how nice looks the launcher itself. Eye-candy never added any joy for me in any mission. Effectiveness is a different thing, never related to eye-candy tounge2.gif

Obviously scud_launcher.sqf is not internal to ArmA, it is a script to have a bug launching a tree against a map position with the destruction effect of a WW2 V2 (equivalent to a SCUD) tounge2.gif

Or, for example, a BRDM2 firing deadly cruise missiles every 120 secs against the friendly spawn base.

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I'll always love your definition of "easy" mando wink_o.gif

you've made reference to "scud_launcher.sqf" - is this script internal to arma already?

Again, to my knowledge, there isn't a SCUD unit already in arma v1.14 - can someone confirm/deny this (I'm at work and can't ceck it myself - the suspense is killing me!wink_o.gif

PS - the bluppy.se server last night (thanks for running my edition of domination guys, but version 0.4 is out!wink_o.gif

Encountered weird effects with JIP - map markers not functioning, no maintarget, seconday target or side missions created. Other players said it was working fine for them.

can anyone shed some light on this? has anyone had any similar problems with JIP? is it domination specific, or an arma issue? help.gif

Quote[/b] ]Encountered weird effects with JIP - map markers not functioning, no maintarget, seconday target or side missions created. Other players said it was working fine for them.

I can confirm this, JIP is crippled in 0.4.. objectives do not show up for people that join after they have been assigned. huh.gif

Great mission otherwise though!

EDIT: Doh I was using .3.. We will try out .4 now and see if the problem remains. Sorry.

Edit again: JIP is still buggered in 04.

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I have the same problem with my own edit. And I still believe it to be my own nonunderstanding of packed_vars.

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I wouldn't mind - but I haven't altered xeno's JIP script at all.

@xeno - could you maybe shed a little light on this one?

where is x_jip.sqf called? The only reference I can find to JIP is a global variable in init.sqf

Any chance you could maybe download v0.4 and have a rummage through the relevant sections?

The odd thing is, when I ran a dedicated server and joined it from the same machine, there were no problems - hence I released it...sorry to release a broken mission guys!

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I'm still fiddling with this and having great fun.

I have one comment for Xeno and question.

The briefing needs rewriting. For example, it still makes mention of teleport to medic 113.

Most of my changes have been made by changing the text files using ArmA Edit. If I load it up in the editor and add units, when I save it out as MP file, only the mission.sqm gets created, none of the other files or folders are made.

So, how do I get this mission.sqm into the mission folder? Can I just copy it direct into the mission folder or will this break something? Can I find the lines that describe my new units and copy paste them into the existing mission.sqm?

Also, the airdrops take too long, if they were faster, it would improve gameplay. I've changed the speed of the airdrop helicopter from normal to fast, is there anything I can do to speed it up further? Also, I'd like the airdrop LZ to be more accurate. The dropped object often appears hundreds of metres away from the target the player chooses. Can I make this more accurate?

Thanks in advance, guys.


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1. Create a copy of the pbo.

2. Unpbo the contents into a folder called whatever.

3. Put that folder into mydocs/arma/<yourname>/mpmissions

4. Load up the mission and save any changes you make

5. create the new pbo when happy for testing

this way the description.ext and mission.sqm are being edited directly from the original.

Just be careful not to create any addon units - even if you delete them later, the mission.sqm will have a reference to them and sometimes throw up a complaint when you try to load it up without the addon.

Airdrops - to speed them up, just spawn the heli closer to the player - although this might lead to "pop-up heli" problems.

The dropped object is centred I believe by a random number deviation from the centre of the target - you could alter the max deviation allowed by looking into the relevant script.

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The reason the mission.sqm is put in a new folder is that the mission folder name is too long. Rename the mission folder (and in the briefing/environment section of the editor to make mission selection name consistent) and it should be all fine.


1. What do I need to do in order to "refill" the number of heals from a medic or ambulance? Script in question is \revive_sqf\heal_sqf\player_heal.sqf. I am considering ECS bleeding effects, but turning off unlimited ECS First Aid and instead going for limited revive Heal. Makes medic and ambulances more needed in the field.

2. Due to the rather insane amount of armor met in this mission, I have decided to go with AT specialists who can carry three tubes (shown as ammo as usual) but can choose to carry Javelin or Stingers instead. Most of the rest can only get a single M136, some can get none. And then I have two uber-specialists who I want to have special abilities; deploying AT and AA pods from separate Landrover vehicles. Units and vehicles are unique, so I can use purely classbased. I chose Landrovers because of their superb climbing abilities.

I'm looking into how engineer gets his special actions added, but I'm having no luck so far.

What I'm looking for are these actions;

1. Unload AT Pod, when Heavy AT specialist (USMC) is near Landrover.

2. Load AT Pod, when he is near Landrover and AT Pod.

3. Repair AT Pod, if he is near Landrover and AT Pod. Maybe even a wrecked one, but it should take serious amounts of time.

Anyone got any ideas how to attack this one using playerfuncs?

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the best place to start is within init.sqf of domination, it defines the different classes of soldier used in vanilla domination.

eg d_engineer

now look at x_playersetup (might be called x_setupplayer) and x_playerweapons

these two scripts determine the weapons an actions available to each player class. This should help get you started on adding unique action menu to your new class of grunts.

I don't know a lot about limited ECS revives, but in the revive version of domination, I believe there is a script called x_revive.sqf (I know, crazy naming...) which limits revives to 3 per medic per respawn by using an internal variable which increases by one each time a revive is used and is reset by x_playersetup.

Have a look at the reload script in mando missiles that I've used for allowing the ammo trucks to rearm mando missile units - you should be able to adapt that code for use with rearming your AT and AA pods when near a landrover.

As for spawning the pods; I suggest you reverse engineer the scripts use in domination that allow medics to spawn MASH tents or MGunners to spawn MGNests.

The FARP spawning script from EVO should be really close to your needs as well.

The landrover is an addon, right? To avoid unecessary downloads, why not just create a specialist class hummer? The TOW hummers seem the obvious choice...

Really nice ideas for new unit classes Carl

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OK so about the big JIP bug..

I tried to figure it out but I am at a loss. x_JIP is being run for sure.. playersetup is running, vehicle huds are on, but none of the values in the public variable 'vars_array', which is the heart of the mission really, is being transferred to a client on connect.

So when the JIP script is run, it is cycing through empty arrays, there are no missions to highlight, etc.

Here seem to be the affected variables in the array (all of them):

date_str = vars_array select 0;

current_target_index = vars_array select 1;

current_mission_index = vars_array select 2;

main_target_radiotower_down = vars_array select 3;

target_clear = vars_array select 4;

all_missions_resolved = vars_array select 5;

ammo_boxes = vars_array select 6;

the_end = vars_array select 7;

mr1_in_air = vars_array select 8;

mr2_in_air = vars_array select 9;

sec_kind = vars_array select 10;

ari_available = vars_array select 11;

ari2_available = vars_array select 12;

resolved_targets = vars_array select 13;

side_missions_random = vars_array select 14;

jump_flags = vars_array select 15;

truck1_cargo_array = vars_array select 16;

truck2_cargo_array = vars_array select 17;

main_target_radiotower_pos = vars_array select 18;

Observer1 = vars_array select 19;

Observer2 = vars_array select 20;

Observer3 = vars_array select 21;

The server sends this large vars_array out when a player connects. The code is nearly identical to an older version of domination that worked perfect. My only guess is that you are overloading some internal variable limit in ARMA and it's not telling you. (tried looking in the RPT file) Any ideas?

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