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My ideas for ArmA II

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I know some are in the request summary, but I wish to elaborate my view on the subject.


AI optimization - more close to human, such as human errors, hard to spot you at longer ranges, can loose you if you run around bushes and rocks etc

Better infantry handling - F1-F11 chooses groups, F12 chooses next 11 groups as in ArmA, but the system in ArmA is kinda dodgy.

My idea is to have Alpha-Zulu groups under your command, and you can for instance choose "Group Alpha, Bravo, Juliet and November, go to..." or perhaps just a single soldier "Kilo-5, take ammo from..." etc

CQB - some cqb optimization


Allow for higher objectdensity (for large cityareas)

Keep the high distanceview, great for bomber (all airplanes actually)

Realistic ballistics - both for bullets and rockets. Rockets should be able to fly infinite distance but drop after a while since booster is out or the rocket is out of steering-range for the operator.

Realistic grenades - with shatter randomly created, but also stopped by vehicles and walls (except 'weak' vehicles and thin walls)

Improved vehicle simulation - so we can have proper civilian life with cars and so forth.

Wheater simulation - rain gives slippery roads, sunny days tires the soldier faster

*all the optimization needed tounge2.gif *


Drag and drop object creating - no more createcam scripting needed.

Built-in scripts - for example support-calling scripts, medevac etc etc. Also support to create your own scripts to be inserted in the editor

That's what I think would be good for ArmA II

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