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Any ideas for higher FPS?

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I have a dell 1520 with t7300 2.0ghz duo core 2, Nvidia 8600gt, 2g ram, vista 32bit. I have all the new patches. When playing in battle, my machines goes down to like 10-13 fps. I have tried all the different tweaks. Maxmem, run as a dedicated app on high priority. What else can I do to help this out. I have most everything on low or very low. This is very frustrating that I have a decent laptop, and it should run this game on at least normal settings.

I have also defrag each drive, had ARMA installed on a dedicated drive. Vista only has a 1gig pagefile. (to not utilize all my ram).

What else can I do? I get good FPS on the clearings. Up to 53, but it bogs very low in battle. Especially if Helo's are flying above.

Nvidia driver is 158.xx overclocked just a tad.

Thanks for your time,


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dunno if this works in vista but try disabling pagefile, and up the resolution and settings to normal, AA and shadows off, post processing low.

allso if u can make dual boot and use xp for arma, wich will give u a nice FPS boost.

allso search the forums, ms has released a performance fix for vista...see if that helps.

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The hotfixes for vista are supposed to negate the difference in performance between xp and vista. I have already updated all of that. Thanks for your reply,


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get a dual boot system with xp smile_o.gif

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I second the XP dual boot if you want to keep vista. Everyone I know with the exception of a few has ditched Vista after a month. You will probably get better frames with XP since it uses less system resources. Checkout Toms hardware Xp vs Vista and dustoff your XP CD!

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In your nvidia settings make sure you have just about everything either turned off or on "application controlled". Make sure transparancy anti-aliasing is off too

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Don´t know if it applies to you, but change your resolution to a higher value. Lower resolutions gave me bad FPS.

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The video card has everything turned off or set to maximum performance. Nothing including vsync is left to app control.

I have tried different display settings (800, 1024, 1280, etc)

It just seems that no matter what I try it really dips down when I am in heavy battles. I dont really want to dual boot if I can help it. I have turned off everything in startup for Vista using MSCONFIG and my bootup is really quick. I have also disabled un needed services. I think there should be something BI can do to help. Maybe something to better utilize the duo cores or something. I love the game but again getting frustrated. I am sure others would like some extra performance as well.

Thanks for all your advice.

SXO792 or sowens

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Did you try turning off your page file? Also, play around with the monitor scaling - I got a huge FPS jump when I switched mine to Nvidia scaling

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Also have you tried the Coolbits fix to set 'Render Frames Ahead = 0'? Or use Nhancer...

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You should usually get the best FPS from GFX card when you run it at your monitors native resolution.

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Ok... I did the whole Dual Boot configuration last night to to Vista / XP. About 3 hours of work looking for all the correct Dell drivers and mess. I then installed ARMA and gave it a try. XP seems to have the same MAX frames as vista. The one thing it does that Vista doesn't is hold the frames higher during combat. The frames never dip below 18 or maybe 20. Vista they dip to 11 or 13. Makes me wonder if one of the Vista drivers or something is causing a problem. The max frames are about the same, the average is ok for both. But so far XP seems to be smoother. Just enough to make it the clear winner in this competition.

Ok, I am going to work with drivers cause XP has some strange lockups in ARMA where the screen looks funny. Not heat related cause I have an under laptop cooler and I am not overclocking. So... off to the drivers we go... I am currently using a 162 driver. May try to upgrade a bit.

Thanks for all the help!


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