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Dedicated Servers crashing after MS August Updates

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What's wrong with the dedicated servers? Seems like they keep failing, runned 1.08 dedicated on my IBM R52 laptop (~1.8GHz Pentium-M, 1GB of memory) and had no problems whatever, Evolution running for about 3-4 days behind password, but for some reason, maybe after the latest "Microsoft's Black Tuesday" something went wrong?!?

Now the arma_server.exe dies every time there's something for the server to do, that's Evolution when something starts to happen, that's "built-in" coops when something starts to happen...

And my server is not the only server crashing, anyone else noticed this?

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I have noticed servers crashing alot, but Im not a server administrator.

I thought some were saying this may be due to some XAM 1.3 features .....

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MY server seems to be running very well but its

2 x Opteron 250s

4gb RAM and yadda yadda

Oh yeah and 64bit Windows Server 2003

(yes after all August Windows Updates)

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