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Bioshock demo coming this week!

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The game will be released on Steam world wide on the 21st. Available to preload. The PC demo will be available this week according to official sources and as early as tomorrow.

Anyway, this is suppose to be a really great game, but I just meet the minimum requirements and I'm not sure how it will play with that, so I'll the demo.......

For all of you that don't know about it, its first person survival horror. Single player only


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this has had some pretty brilliant reviews. I'll have to take a look (96% by PCZone) who have become increasingly anal recently I've noticed so it must have some worth.

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If its any thing like system shock 2 was im going to buy it as soon as i get the cash! Although i will be sure to try the demo first, these last few years have been a disapointment for me gaming wise.

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The gfx look decent.

Storyline i dont know yet, it has alot to fight against though

Personelly my fav storylines in games so far is Half Life Series / Quack 4 / Prey / OFP.

Ill be downloading it then icon_rolleyes.gif

It better be as good as the reviews its getting icon_rolleyes.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Personelly my fav storylines in games so far is Half Life Series / Quack 4 / Prey / OFP.

I agree with Half Life and OFP, but you think Q4 and Prey had a storyline? More like FragOline than anything else.....

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the setting looks good (strangly it reminds me about fallout instead of "20000 Leagues Under the Sea", SG:A or titles using 50s~70s theme, hummmm), but you know, the story itself seems quite DOOM like, someone messup something, and release all kinds of shit from god-knows-where and our hero comes to save the day, aint that bad as long as we are not in far future but still, OH DEAR.......... biggrin_o.giftounge2.gif

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Maybe I am dreaming this up, but I thought I saw it would only be available through Windows Live. whistle.gif

They'll be hard pressed to get fifty bucks a year from me to download demos, something we've been doing since the dawn of the PC for free. banghead.gif

Please someone tell me I am on crack. rofl.gif

Because I really want to play this demo, the game does sound mighty cool.

Indeed I shutter to envision the day where we need a crack to play a demo. tounge2.gif

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What on earth are you talking about? The game will be available for PC and X-box everywhere on the 21st, including STEAM. You can pre load off steam the whole game and play when it gets unlocked. The demo is not out, it will be out tomorrow maybe and duh its free.

What you see on steam is the whole game, which you can preload. Are you new to steam?

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I went to its site and saw these small gameplay movies where you see the weapons being used... one word... weird crazy_o.gif .

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I loved SS and SS2, so I'll definitely be grabbing Bioshock. In fact, I put my name down for the Collector's Edition about 2 months back. biggrin_o.gif The old SS titles are hard to beat for sheer spookiness... inlove.gif

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Demo won't be available today. Just a few more days o_o ..

Quote[/b] ]I went to its site and saw these small gameplay movies where you see the weapons being used... one word... weird crazy_o.gif .

Well the game setting is in the 50-60's and is nice change from usual weapons.. actually whole game is different from other games.

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The gfx look absolutely great and from reading a preview about the game I am absolutely interested. However, my biggest concern is that the game will be over to soon, like it has been with all programs of that kind lately. To name a few: Prey, F.E.A.R...

This is the biggest letdown for me. Why create a fantastic surrounding if you only move around for 8 hours before you complete the game ?

Anyway, maybe his one will be an exception.

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The gfx look absolutely great and from reading a preview about the game I am absolutely interested. However, my biggest concern is that the game will be over to soon, like it has been with all programs of that kind lately. To name a few: Prey, F.E.A.R...

This is the biggest letdown for me. Why create a fantastic surrounding if you only move around for 8 hours before you complete the game ?

Anyway, maybe his one will be an exception.

so they can make an 'expansion pack' and get more money out of you.

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Another "superior graphics but stupid bug infested and no playablility" game? I'd rather play my atari roms. I'll pass.

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Quote[/b] ]so they can make an 'expansion pack' and get more money out of you.

No luck for them. I hardly ever buy "expansions" for such games.

Except the tactical shooters expansions.

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Another "superior graphics but stupid bug infested and no playablility" game? I'd rather play my atari roms. I'll pass.

Jeez, i guess you never read about this game and just decided to post a random comment. Bug infested, nope. And this is a very original game with good storyline. I haven't seen a bad review yet for this game.

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Another "superior graphics but stupid bug infested and no playablility" game? I'd rather play my atari roms. I'll pass.

Your the type of person that says that about every single game you play. Have you seen the reviews of Bioshock so far?

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I've tried both the 360 and PC demo. They're identical in content.

The PC-version has better (more?) AntiAliasing and better lightning or textures in some areas.

I never knew what Bioshock was all about and I've never played System Shock before (people say its the spiritual successor).

To be honest, I think Deus Ex was alot better.

Bioshock is a run'n'gun action game with strange weapons in an even stranger world.

Quote[/b] ]Well the game setting is in the 50-60's and is nice change from usual weapons

So far I've seen a wrench, a .38 wheelgun and a Thompson.

Medal of Honor or No one lives forever, anyone?  tounge2.gif

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I don't know what all the fuzz is all about but the story sounds original .. sort of. smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]To be honest, I think Deus Ex was alot better.

Well, you're entitled to your own opinion, mate. I've played all of the variants of both SS and Deus Ex, and I think the SS series was better overall (although I loved all the little details in Deus Ex, of course). Just my opinion, naturally.

It's just a pity that SS and SS2 were made earlier than Deus Ex and Invisible War - makes comparisons hard when you compare - graphics especially.  confused_o.gif

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I was surprised it worked so well on my system. Pretty good game, I might get it.

The beginning was really good. The effects, the sounds, the crash, everything.

The weapons have iron sight, the effects are pretty well done too.

The story is probably good.

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Im loving the demo so far, great weapons and control scheme. The story and setting is pretty good also. It always runs pretty well on my system but it does get a bit choppy whens theres lots of action going on.

So far im pretty impressed.

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