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how to merge the uv maps and the textures?

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What I do is....

Build the model

Attach all components to one

Convert to Poly

Unwrap UVW modifier

Set UV's with editor

Use Texporter to save the UV's as one image. (I use TGA)

Edit image

Import 3ds file to O2

Select object => press "E"

Set texture path to your file saved as .paa (With Texview2)

Thats the just of it anyways...

You don't need texporter to save UV map as Image, 3d max haas this feature built in.

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Hi ,

Still no succes with this stupid merging  sad_o.gif

Here's my PTM file , have a look:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class inftexmerge {

class object01 {

class items {

class item00000 {









class item00001 {









class item00002 {









class item00003 {









class item00004 {









class item00005 {





















Is there some error ? , because i didn't see it  banghead.gif

I allready used OFP O2 and Armas RC2 O2

PLZ help help.gif

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as far as i can remember oxygen wont merge your texture but only the UV´s

you need to create a new texture with all your other textures in that are placed accordingly to the UVS´s that are being created.

Quote[/b] ]











at least thats what ive always done and it works.

i just went the same way that feersum went in his explanation.

worked on the very first try.

only that pixel coordinated thing in the script are a bit wonky but thats it.

one more thing..

select teh whole model/ parts that contain the textures/uv sets you want to have merged and THEN run the script with the parts being selected..

otherwise it wont work.

you aswell might want to try to write down the whole path tho each texture



i cant remember if this is correct but might be a solution since your "final texture" also had a full path...



keep it uniform.

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Only thing I can see might be that the texture entensions might be wrong. When you import a model the extensions, by default are saved as .PAC (e.g. F1.pac, F2.pac etc.). Make sure they're correct and re-try.

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write your approach down here..

step by step

"then i click this and then this bla bla"

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do people realize that you can use NVidia's Texture Tools for creating 'merged' textures?

Principally... http://developer.download.nvidia.com/tools....700.exe

And, then use http://developer.download.nvidia.com/tools....645.exe

to convert to .tga

At this point one could then just use the UV Editor in O2 and move the UV's manually... it's rather easy.

Or, when the Texture Atlas tool runs along with producing a merged .dds texture it also produces a .tai (texture atlas info) file... it looks like this...

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

# synSniper.tai

# AtlasCreationTool.exe -nomipmap -width 4096 -height 4096 -o synSniper


# <filename> <atlas filename>, <atlas idx>, <atlas type>, <woffset>, <hoffset>, <depth offset>, <width>, <height>


# Texture <filename> can be found in texture atlas <atlas filename>, i.e.,

# synSniper<idx>.dds of <atlas type> type with texture coordinates boundary given by:

#   A = ( <woffset>, <hoffset> )

#   B = ( <woffset> + <width>, <hoffset> + <height> )


# where coordinates (0,0) and (1,1) of the original texture map correspond

# to coordinates A and B, respectively, in the texture atlas.

# If the atlas is a volume texture then <depth offset> is the w-coordinate

# to use the access the appropriate slice in the volume atlas.

webbings_co.tga synSniper0.dds, 0, 2D, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.250000, 1.000000

spec_two_holster_co.tga synSniper0.dds, 0, 2D, 0.500000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.500000, 0.500000

hhl_34_co.tga synSniper0.dds, 0, 2D, 0.250000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.250000, 0.500000

hat_hands_co.tga synSniper0.dds, 0, 2D, 0.250000, 0.500000, 0.000000, 0.250000, 0.500000

This file is meant for use with 'other' NVidia tools and or MS DirectX tools and programs and highlights that when when 'hhl_34_co.tga' is referenced it's UV's would be found in 'synSniper0.dds' in the appropriate area.

If, there was sufficient interest I could whip up a small tool that reads this file and then alters a p3ds' UV's appropriately for the textures mentioned in the file...

So, it would end up being a senario like...

Run, Texture Atlas and merge the files...

Convert the output to tga

Run, (for lack of a better name) synMergeUV.exe.

Anyway, for now you can quite easily do it manually...

Another, link of interest... http://developer.nvidia.com/object/nv_texture_tools.html

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Quote[/b] ]Anyway, for now you can quite easily do it manually...

interesting... can you make/find a tute how to merge textures for max/3ds/obj (whatever format) model ?

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This is driving me crazy. I use TexView to de-wotsit a .paa file and save it as a .tga file from TexView. No problem.

I use trusty PaintShopPro to edit the .tga file. Looks great so far. I save the .tga back to disk, proceed to change it back to .paa using TexView and all the normal mapping etc has vanished when I re-open the .tga in TexView.

I re-tested by de-wotsiting the .paa again to .tga, and then open the .tga itself into TexView, and it can see happily that the normal mapping etc is unchanged and still present in the .tga file.

SO: Is there any way of simply editing that .tga file without losing most of it's information? Is there a program that can do this? DXTBmp and/or PSP don't want to play nice with this stuff for certain.

Wading through tons of jargon is not helping this headache either. I STILL don't understand how a normal map would be created outside of 3d modelling kit despite reading tons of posts, but I don't want to make a normal.bump/freak map at all, just edit a simple texture in a simple way, while leaving all the mapping intact and unchanged. Is this possible??

(just trying to add repair-decals to a jeep, should be simple right? Been doing this and alpha channels for other stuff like flightsim for years, but this stuff seems way over my head).

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Quote[/b] ]that the normal mapping etc is unchanged and still present in the .tga file.

what you wanted to say ? can't understand you ((

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@[WWS]WarWolf... you'll probably find that in PS you've got a swag of 'layers'... you should 'flatten' the layer stack before saving as 24 or 32 bit tga.

@bdfy... hmmm... actually found a small little problem with using the texture atlas tool method i highlighted above... but it's very easy to get around. I'll detail the process after I release the little tool I mentioned... I decided to go ahead and write it anyway... hopefully I'll have it finished tomorrow. The upshot will be... it'll be alot easier for y'all to merge textures and the uv's associated with those textures in the p3dm. stay tuned.

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Have not got photoshop, using PaintShopPro here.

The .tga exported from TexView has an alpha channel (which i can see in DXTBmp), but that alpha channel is blank (all=255,255,255). There must, I assume, be more than one channel or layer inside the .tga?

But when I open the .tga inside of PaintShopPro there is no other layers, and I cannot access the data for the normal maps at all.

If I re-save the .tga after editing it then PSP does not keep that normal map data intact - it mixes up all the data, therefore the new texture that I have edited has no normal maps etc., just a load of binary data about half-way down the alpha channel until it's end, i.e. it has killed the clean alpha channel that existed before by mixing in garbled data.

Can Adobe Photoshop open the full .tga file, and leave the normal/bmp/wotsit maps intact?

Can anything work with the whole .tga file without killing the extra data?

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WarWolf @ Jan. 17 2008,00:26)]Can Adobe Photoshop open the full .tga file, and leave the normal/bmp/wotsit maps intact?

Can anything work with the whole .tga file without killing the extra data?

Yes, of course - Photoshop CS's work 100% with tga, and for that matter probably every single PS version before them.

Try it.

On a side note you could open your munted tga in a hex editor and try changing the seventh byte (17) to a value of 0x28 Hex (40 decimal) and saving the file. Might work, but probably not by the sounds of it...

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