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How do i change the name?

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I really need to know how to change the name on these units i made. i got permission from the guy who made them, but everytime i try to change the name of it it always crashes arma. I am about to release them but i MUST know this! Please help ASAP!

Thanks and have a great day!

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Please explain in more detail what names you are changing.

Just changing the .pbo file name without changing anything

else wouldn't be expected to work since, as NZShadow says,

by doing that you'd be mangling things like texture paths etc.

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Yeah if i change it then try and play the game crashes.

You cannot, unless you un-pbo the file, tweak the config and the 3D files and then re-pbo the whole stuff.

Why? Because the config draws a path to the 3D files and 3D files themselves draw paths to the .paa texture files, if you change the .pbo file’s name these paths are broken.

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