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Dedicated server debug

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Is there any way to get any text output from a dedicated server for debugging scripts?

This is to try and fix some problems that only occur with a dedicated server, but I have _no idea_ what is going on in there without some way to get output from the server that is generated from inside a script in a mission file.

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Actually, let me rephrase that...

Is there any way to send a text message from a script executed only on a dedicated server to the clients? Such as, a chat message or a titletext?

What would also work is outputting to the server console (if thats possible?).

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By default there is no way to generate a string of text to the console or any files. You also cannot send text to the clients without some special scripting. Createvehicle Init or Publicvariable are your only options.

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If its the result of a script run on the server that you want broadcasting, you can use the GlobalChat, messages.

Ie, soldier GlobalChat "Mesage".

You will have to use the Format command if you want to add variable values in it.



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Chat's do not get broadcasted to other machines.

Try using latest SIX_Misc version in the 6thSense.eu Pack1, see sig for link.

You can use 3 methods, when SIX_Misc is loaded on server and client (variablename = the variable you wanna read the value from):

[*] [1, format["%1", variablename]] call ("fTxRadio" call SIX_fMisc);

[*] [1, format["player globalChat '%1'", variablename]] call ("fNetTx" call SIX_fMisc);

[*] [1, format["player globalChat '%1'", variablename]] call ("fNetSend" call SIX_fMisc);

fTxRadio Function:

The first entry in the array is the type of message:

1 - global, 2 - side, 3 - group, 4 - vehicle 5 - global (But this globalChat will only display on the client where: player==sender)

fNetTx & fNetSend Functions:

The first entry in the array is the destination of the command. 0 = execute on server, 1 = execute on client, 2 = execute on both

Mind the capitals, important.

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Just find a radio command with GLOBAL effects wink_o.gif

Otherwise, if you wanna have a LOCAL hint global you put it into a variable.


float_doOutput = random 1;

str_myMessage = "I am a message from the\n\n===SERVER===";

publicVariable "str_myMessage";

publicVariable "float_doOutput";

Clientside you create a trigger:

Condition: !( float_doOutput == float_lastFloat )

onActivation: hint str_myMessage; float_lastFloat = float_doOutput;

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