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1song plays, the other won't ???

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Here is a copy of my description.ext file:

class CfgRadio


sounds[] =

{ radiosample, radiosample2 };

class radiosample


name = "";

sound[] = {"radiosample.ogg", db-40, 1.0};

title = $STRM_radiosample;


class radiosample2


name = "";

sound[] = {"radiosample2.ogg", db-40, 1.0};

title = $STRM_radiosample;



class CfgMusic



class song1


name = "song1";

sound[] = {\music\song1.ogg, db+30};


class song2


name = "song2";

sound[] = {\music\song2.ogg, db+30};




My problem is that song1 plays just fine but song2 does not play. Can anyone identify the problem in my code (bearing in mind that I'm new to this)

Thanks all! smile.gif

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Song1 and 2 seems exactly the same, so I dont see a problem in that. Are you sure number 2 is ogged correctly? I prefer using wss, they are better. Try making one of those and use instead (though they are bigger, so its all a matter on the size one wants).

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I checked and song2 is ogg'd correctly as I can play it fully in a separate player.

I did make the syntax for song 1 and song 2 identical, but I don't know that that is the right way to do it. I can't find an example mission out there where someone has 2 working songs. If I could I could just Frankenstein theirs into mine.

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make sure everything is correct frequency's and mono.

for some reason for me i can never get my sounds to work if i have copied the description file from an ealier mission...

try re-writing the whole thing again and see what happens.

you may have a really simple error thats so obvious

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If you find its not a problem with the description.ext file, it could be this:

I've had this problem when using the FadeMusic command to fade out the first song to 0 (sound level). The second one doesn't play. Now all I do is edit the music using wave surfer by changing the amplification or volume to fade the song out in the actual .ogg file instead, and found it allows me to play more than one music tracks in a single mission, because it lets the entire first track finish. I got the impression that using fademusic 0 command didn't let the first track finish at all, which may have been preventing the second track from playing.

Someone else mentioned this beore a while ago, but it hasn't come up again, so I thought it was just me.

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Thank you all for the input. I have verified that the ogg is OK by renaming it song1, and it will play through the actual mission.

That done, I've tried rewriting my description.ext file where I now believe the problem MUST be. I'm ready to give up on fixing mine. All examples that I read in web tutorials only show syntax for one piece of music, not multiple.

Can anyone point me to a working mission with 2 (ot more) user music files so I can lift their description.ext file.


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Here's my template I use for adding music... ect. (it's a frankenstien as well I just re-name all my ogg's to match the .ext ...makes thing fast and easy.)


onLoadMission="In the begining God created... SEALS"







// Define speech sounds in the game

class CfgSounds


sounds[] = {voicesample, voicesample2};

class voicesample


name = "Tortue";

sound[] = {"torture.ogg", db+50, 1.0};

titles[] =


0, $STRM_voicesample



class voicesample2


name = "Rescued";

sound[] = {"saved.ogg", db-20, 1.0};

titles[] =


0, $STRM_Voice2




class CfgRadio


sounds[] =




class pilot1


name = "";

sound[] = {"pilot1.ogg", db-40, 1.0};

title = $STRM_pilot1;


class pilot2


name = "";

sound[] = {"pilot2.ogg", db-40, 1.0};

title = $STRM_pilot2;


class pilot4


name = "";

sound[] = {"pilot4.ogg", db+10, 1.0};

title = $STRM_pilot4;



class CfgMusic


tracks[]={helimusic, helimusic2};

class helimusic


name = "Fear";

sound[] = {\music\fear.ogg, db+30, 1.0};


class helimusic2


name = "Bizkit";

sound[] = {\music\Bizkit.ogg, db+30, 1.0};



class CfgSFX


sounds[] = {};


class CfgEnvSounds


sounds[] = {};



I found it here...


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class CfgRadio


    sounds[] =

    { radiosample, radiosample2 };

    class radiosample


         name = "";

         sound[] = {"radiosample.ogg", db-40, 1.0};

         title = $STRM_radiosample;


    class radiosample2


         name = "";

         sound[] = {"radiosample2.ogg", db-40, 1.0};

         title = $STRM_radiosample;



class CfgMusic



    class song1


    name = "song1";

    sound[] = {\music\song1.ogg, db+30, 1.0};


    class song2


    name = "song2";

    sound[] = {\music\song2.ogg, db+30, 1.0};



<span id='postcolor'>

Well, it finally works.  The above code is what finally worked although I still don't know why...I won't trying to find out until the NEXT time I make a mission!  

Now if only I could get the sunglasses option to work for my player.

Peace. wink.gif

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