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AI dropping LGB´s

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Hi, Just a quick one. What is the command that I can put in an init line so that the AI of an A-10 LGB will drop his bomb or bombs at a certain waypoint or trigger?

Thank you very mush,


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Not sure, I think they only drop there bombs when given an order by their leader to 'target laser'. Their leader has to have a laser designator, or the OH-58. Even then the leader has to be player controlled. I don't know how to get AI to target stuff with laser designators.

The target command is given thru the comms menus.

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I knew that the AI is incapable of designating targets with the targeting systems provided, but I thought if there was a command such as: unitname action "dofire" or something similar to that, then he'd simply release bombs, target or no target. In fact, I absolutely do not want him hitting anything in particular, especially not me smile.gif I know in cutscenes, they use commands similar to the above one, but I don't know the proper format or command syntax.

Any web site out there that lists the commands available under the unit action "action" command?



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Try this :

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">a10 reveal target;a10 commandTarget target;a10 commandFire target<span id='postcolor'>

or this

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">a10 reveal target;a10 dotarget target;a10 dofire target<span id='postcolor'>

a10 - name of plane

target - name of target

You must find proper positions of target,a10 and waypoints.

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AI can target with laser designator,

for that use the BLACKOP with laser designator

_unit dotarget _target

_unit dofire _target

don t use single soldier with laser added to gear.

it won t work good because the simple soldier

fire with laser designator as he had a AK 47

(red dot glitching)

very strange.

o yeah noticed that laser designator can be seen from LGB in radar up to 300 meters NO MORE!!!!!

tested it!!!!!

the A10 get hardly that radar signature!!!

you won t see the red dot from far!

now the problem is to make a AI fire from a A10 LGB!!

that s another problem

but i think we ll have to play with fire command

( unit fire [muzzle, mode, magazine] )

the problem is to have the right muzzle and things..

where can i get a compleet list of the muzzles available

and also all the modes available?

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someone made a drop bomb script awhile back, don't remember who (sorry.) you can't target with it but it's great for cutscenes


</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_unit = _this select 0;

_delay = _this select 1;

_bombs = 1;


_unit Fire "LaserGuidedBombLauncher"

? _bombs == 0 : exit;

_bombs = _bombs - 1;


goto "nextbomb";<span id='postcolor'>

in the bombs - 1 field, the 1 stands for extra, meaning if you set it to 1 the A-10 will drop 2.  next you need to make a trigger to where you want the bomb drop to begin

now for that trigger do whatever you want for the conditions, in activiation:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[air1, 0.5] exec "dropbombs.sqs"<span id='postcolor'> where air1 would be the name of the A-10, and 0.5 the delay inbetween bombs

looks beautiful in vietnam missions if you have the proper aircraft, and proper charlie formations smile.gif

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Yes that was me....

It was used in my 'Hunter-Killer' mission........

Oh and you use the 'distance' command in the trigger condition line to initiate the strike.......


plane1 distance target1 < 500

This works well for a mulitple drop at the usual alititude that the AI flies at...

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THX but only wanted to know about if the AI was able to target and drop bomb themself.

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