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Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

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Quote[/b] ]You can see the pics can't you? Can't get much more real than that.

Well yeah but they could be user made for all i know, it's not like there are not similar or better out there huh.gif

true, but to make those pics you'd need access to a lot of raw models and only BIS would be able to pass those out.

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Good job for BIS, i cant wait to get my hands on this!!! i'll buy 3 copies just like i did ArmA. smile_o.gif

It's hard to play 3 soldiers at the same time ? rofl.giftounge2.gif

Its called a LAN line, not everyone hates ArmA. wink_o.gif

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Good job for BIS, i cant wait to get my hands on this!!! i'll buy 3 copies just like i did ArmA. smile_o.gif

meh, your just fishing for a free copy. rofl.gif

Whatever works, paying for shipping sucks. biggrin_o.gif

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Some people just need to relax. ArmA may not be what OFP was, but it's not a terrible game either.

This expansion isn't out anytime soon anyway. One site says Q3 2007, but that's not likely.

These are very early screenshots, and they barely show anything. I think the announcement was too soon, they should have kept quiet about it for a while. I'm sure it wont look much like what it looks like now when it comes out anyway.

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I'm not impressed by this expansion.. It's more like a very small minimod made with very little reference about Mercs.

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I'm sure it wont look much like what it looks like now when it comes out anyway.

Well I hope not. Who knows, if they had kept it quiet until release the final may look just like those screens. It may yet. Thank god they did post those pics, at least now they can see the individual custom units may need a little overhaul. The concept and overall content seems great, I'll be getting it regardless, but I really hope they reconsider the visuals of the mercs/pmcs.

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I'm not impressed by this expansion.. It's more like a very small minimod made with very little reference about Mercs.

Oh man! good thing you posted here, i wont be getting my 3 copies now. i mean if its just "a very small minimod"

Maybe BIS could send RKSL the tools, i'm sure they could make a way better campaign.


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*Remembers something*

I bet these campaigns are just a diversion from the true expansion... a little something called Independence Lost.... I can dream.

In addition to my earlier request for things in this expansion I would also like to add better AI... especially in Urban combat as well as new fortifications that look more like trenches or foxholes. Something that is made out of earth and is for tanks, mgs and regular soldiers.

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man i hope this is true just look at the Old Rambo whit grey hair pistols.gif

this is just good 2 be true.

whit my new Rig on the hill good job BIS

hope its not a Sick joke pistols.gif

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I'm not impressed by this expansion.. It's more like a very small minimod made with very little reference about Mercs.

Oh man! good thing you posted here, i wont be getting my 3 copies now. i mean if its just "a very small minimod"

Maybe BIS could send RKSL the tools, i'm sure they could make a way better campaign.


Thats what I say.. "a small minimod" RKSL did not have anything to do with it.

I like your behaviour its very funny rofl.gif

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So this is why the tools havn't been released.

The community would and could of made this 'expansion' by now if the tools had been made available. Seeing as most of the screenshots only show re-skins and some dodgy looking pmcs i'm not holding my breath.

What i dont get is when i read this,

Quote[/b] ]The datadisk will feature also some mp missions and the 1.08 patch, adding new units, weapons and game updates, and should cost around 25€.

Havn't we only just patched ArmA to ver 1.08. If what i read is true then there wont be any more fixes until after the expansion.

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Maybe BIS could send RKSL the tools, i'm sure they could make a way better campaign.

i don't know who RKSL is/are, but that's probably true... icon_rolleyes.gif

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Bis is a small, lovely courageous company.

I'll buy anything they make to support their smallish but inventive team.

So what if Arma wasn't finished when released in Europe. When i show my friends the capabilities of their great engine

(all i have to do to convince is drop 150 mixed ai's on both teams and start the preview on a map and their jaws go droppin'wink_o.gif every one of them wants to learn more.

When i show my programming friends the possibilities of the scripting engine they happily admit BIS has some real smart programmers. In short: they are still unchallenged in the genre. Sometimes i even hate them for ruining every other FPS that's out there (hey i shot this guy i wanna c what he was holding DANG this is not possible, hey what's behind this building DANG end of map, hey i just blew that tank, shouldn't that effect people running next to it etc etc etc)

Call me a fanboy, i don't care. I know that at the moment there is NOTHING out there that comes CLOSE.

BRING IT ON! But don't forget the modding community! Maybe a very nice buck could be made by reselling your engine like the UT guys do. Could make the crowds go nuts and make all of BIS plenty rich.

And if you guys ever get in real financial trouble: simply ASK the community for more money. I'm sure that if we'd ever get the choice No More Arma/Ofp or donate a bit, most of us would be glad to donate.

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OK, bear in my mind that I know nothing about Arma's engine, AI, mods and configs.

Given that there is a new island and units, would it be possible for BIS to 'hardcode' the AI soldiers into using cover such as building corners, walls, abandoned cars, etc that are found exclusively on Porto Island.

Or is that beyond ArmA's engine?

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Maybe BIS could send RKSL the tools, i'm sure they could make a way better campaign.

i don't know who RKSL is/are, but that's probably true...  icon_rolleyes.gif

Seems you are unhappy with the campaign.

Good for you, now kindly move on from refering to it in every other post you have made.

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I think BIS should re-think this whole thing...

1 new island, new units, new campaign, new missions, maybe some new features...

I'd rather have a great campaign than two acceptable ones. Make it larger and with more caracters.

Why not drop Sahrani this time and focus on the new island?

Why not do something interesting like independance lost was?

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It does seem that they are going to expand on the storyline and focus on characters this time (those mercs look all like they are some special characters), and these were the most heard complaints about the original campaign. So i guess that everything will turn out nicely (If they also leave out those ridiculous 'send 1 man to kill 5 tanks' missions). smile_o.gif

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This is what I am seeing so far: Great concept, poor execution. Pretty much like ARMA is. I mean the idea of having mercs fight over the island is nice, same goes for a full scale war between North and South. However what I have seen so far is just a poor execution of these great ideas.

Maybe a bit more research on the subject would be nice, look at real-life examples of what is done ingame. Read up on the Sierra Leone situation for example. I mean after all we want it to be as realistic as possible.

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Is there any official word from BI on this expansion anywhere?

edit: with the scarse info regarding mercs, it starts to sound like Boiling Point!

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Why not do something interesting like independance lost was?

Personally I find this entirely more interesting than the IL mod which turned into VBS. Whatever YOU would find interesting, there are others who would find something else more interesting. Just like the screens, some like them, some don't.

What can ya do smile_o.gif

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it would have been a lot better if this expansion, was to be using ofp animation movements for infantry, i know for a fact 100s more people players would play multiplayer, especially CTFS etc, i can only wish BIS 1 day listens to 10000s of clan ctf players more than coop ai evolution players :| pistols.gif

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As it comes/was announced by 505 Games for me it seems like EASY MONEY MAKING. But every addition to ArmA is nice ...

But if we had the tools ...

there would be much nicer and maybe better Addons....

Well for me ArmA waited in his Box since I got the german special Edition because of bad performance.

With my new Computer and the latest patch it really runs quite good.


Concerning the PICS... those guys seem like VIETNAM VETERANS ... remindes me of the film SPACE COWBOYS somehow.

regards benus

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HIGHLANDER @ June 18 2007,21:30)]it would have been a lot better if this expansion, was to be using ofp animation movements for infantry, i know for a fact 100s more people players would play multiplayer, especially CTFS etc, i can only wish BIS 1 day listens to 10000s of clan ctf players more than coop ai evolution players :| pistols.gif

I have the perfect solution for that:


Im not buying BF2 and then complaining the game is too fast paced, i bought ArmA because i wanted so paced gameplay, if you wanted something else you should have bought something else.

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OK, this really looks like Soldier of Fortune theme. To be honest with you, guys I wonder how many ppl will connect with the idea of a cowboy hat (unless they are from Texas). I think BIS is losing their mind. Mercs in cowboy hats! Ladies and Gents, it's down the hill from this point on for the OFP franchise. I just can't believe this. Things seemed to be looking up with the release of patch 1.08 and now THIS!? It looks like a very desparate move by BIS to get some sales in US.

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