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ww2 mods

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I was looking for a good ww2 mod and found out that there are couple of them, mostly all of you are mentioning Liberation 41-45 and Invasion 1944 and as i understand Invasion 1944 never got finished and is in demo mode.

My question is which one is better (or you like more) and which one has better SP mission and campaign(s), coz I dont play it online.

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In my opinion Liberation 1941-1945 is better. But next time you could try them yourself and do the deciding yourself.

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I love it cause for example the campaign kicks asses!

It is the really ww2!!! try it!

there's grass everywere, units, new animations, and so on

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and as i understand Invasion 1944 never got finished and is in demo mode.

That is the popular belief, some people prefer to overlook facts like the release of our [Phase 1 - Oosterbeek v2.5]

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and as i understand Invasion 1944 never got finished and is in demo mode.

That is the popular belief, some people prefer to overlook facts like the release of our [Phase 1 - Oosterbeek v2.5]

OK so just a question.....do I need the original Invasion 44 + this patch or just the patch....asking coz it seems prety big for a patch.

It also says:

First of all, we would like to thank everyone that has enjoyed playing with Invasion 1944: Phase 1 - Oosterbeek since it's release, and has expressed their polite opinion of it.

....what does this mean is there Invasion 1944 + Invasion 1944: Phase 1 - Oosterbeek + Invasion 44 Patch 2.50...or is there just Invasion 1944 + Invasion 44 Patch 2.50?

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and as i understand Invasion 1944 never got finished and is in demo mode.

That is the popular belief, some people prefer to overlook facts like the release of our [Phase 1 - Oosterbeek v2.5]

OK so just a question.....do I need the original Invasion 44 + this patch or just the patch....asking coz it seems prety big for a patch.

It also says:

First of all, we would like to thank everyone that has enjoyed playing with Invasion 1944: Phase 1 - Oosterbeek since it's release, and has expressed their polite opinion of it.

....what does this mean is there Invasion 1944 + Invasion 1944: Phase 1 - Oosterbeek + Invasion 44 Patch 2.50...or is there just Invasion 1944 + Invasion 44 Patch 2.50?

Well v2.5 is a full release not a patch. You can get it here Link

You don't need the demo at all or the previous Oosterbeek release.

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Yeah, it was a re-release, OFP.info newsposters got it sort of wrong by calling it a patch, the amount of small changes was so big that we just threw everything together for a re-release, since a patch would end up replacing just about every old file anyway.

They also posted the "Mod is dead" message on OFP.info instead of armedassault.info (though I suspect Cervo did it on purpose pistols.giftounge2.gif )

If you want to continue playing missions for the old demo, you should keep that demo in a seperate modfolder, since all of the old demo units are in this release, but with different classnames (the missions would not work)

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Yeah, it was a re-release, OFP.info newsposters got it sort of wrong by calling it a patch, the amount of small changes was so big that we just threw everything together for a re-release, since a patch would end up replacing just about every old file anyway.

They also posted the "Mod is dead" message on OFP.info instead of armedassault.info (though I suspect Cervo did it on purpose pistols.giftounge2.gif )

If you want to continue playing missions for the old demo, you should keep that demo in a seperate modfolder, since all of the old demo units are in this release, but with different classnames (the missions would not work)

Thanks guys....gonna try it tommorow smile_o.gif

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FDF... 1.4 release also has WWII units. Finnish and Soviet, and a Lapland war mod (afaik will work side-by-side with FDF) that'll add German units.

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