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Does anyone more about the command createDisplay ?

Can it be used to have render-in-render windows ?

How is it used properly ?


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Dont have time now to test, but you may try the following:

Define two dialogs in your description.ext (RscTestA and RscTestB) file. Then create one with createDialog command and find its display with findDisplay to create the second one as child of the first one.

For example:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

; RscTestA has an idd = 12345

createDialog "RscTestA"

; 1 sec wait to make sure the dialog is present


_display = findDisplay 12345

;and now

_display createDisplay "RscTestB"

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Hello there.

The following information has not to be true at all and merely is based on my personal tests with 1.05+(Some stuff re-tested in 1.07)

"CreateDialog" brings up a Dialog,puts you into UI mode(With a mouse-pointer and such) and disables any other controls(Moving,firing and such). CreateDialog to my knowledge works both with dialogs defined in a config and dialogs defined in the description.ext

"CreateDisplay" brings up a Dialog,puts you into UI mode , but you still can use your keyboard for avatar-input(Moving around and such). These type of Dialogs to my knowledge can only be defined in the config or to rephrase: ArmA only looks for definitions of such dialogs in configs and not in the description.ext

"titleRsc" and "cutRsc" bring up a dialog where you have no UI input into the dialog(with mouse and such) , but because of that you can control your character like you want. ArmA looks for definitions of those in both configs and in description.ext under RscTitles.

I have the slight suspicion that BIS wanted createDisplay to be "windows in windows" or "dialogs in dialogs", but never got around properly implementing that.

If you want to do sub-windows in your dialogs tho , one RscControl that helps a lot is "RscControlsGroup".

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class RscControlsGroup {

type = 15;

idc = -1;

style = 0;

x = 0;

y = 0;

w = 1;

h = 1;

class VScrollbar {

color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};

width = 0.021;


class HScrollbar {

color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};

height = 0.028;


-->class Controls {};<--


As you can see you can stick other controls inside the controls sections and then by addressing the controls group move them all around or hide them all for example.

Hope that helps

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Thx for the indepth explanations, both of you.

My initial idea was to have the createDisplay function for the creation of a second viewport onscreen but it looks like such is impossible with Armed Assault scripting functions, still there has to be a way somehow. It would be so good to have such, for example for security monitors, cinemaFX and such.

A customizeable window that keeps the aspect ratio and can be linked to other cameras while being displayed on the "playercam" scenery would be great.

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It may be quite easy for BIS to do not give keyboard/mouse focus to dialogs with only readable controls (no buttons, no listboxes, ...).

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