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Total Arma Sales?

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Is there an official estimate on how many Arma Salse Globally Including Online and Retail copies have sold by chance?

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My friend and I have a copy of the 505 version... so at least 2!

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i have euro morphicon release, and newly acquired atari DVD..

2+2+2= 6 so far!

so technically they have made double profit (or close to) for almost 3 individuals :P

RAKING IT IN..milkin the cash cow babeh!

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another one with Sprocket. up the count to 8!

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German version for me. So at least 11 sales so far.

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I have about 100 friends that downloaded it illegally so -100. Wait 13 - 100 = -87

Just for the record I told them not to do it.

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so thats like 35 euros x -87= 3045 euros loss for bis..poor guys, hope they get welfare, to buy food and electricity to keep the patches coming.. confused_o.gifconfused_o.gifconfused_o.gif

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A bird was singing that BI made AT LEAST 2.500.000€ in Europe alone from the payments made by the publishers.

But this is nothing if they need to finance another 5 years of development of Game2. So they need much more to have financially safe future. I do not know how much BI participates from BIAs success, if I following the news correctly BIA sold 2 x enterprise license. But I guess they keep the cash in BIAs basket since there are support contracts and maybe some penalties in the air if VBS2 has the same quality as ArmA (must be like that since it is the same engine).

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I have about 100 friends that downloaded it illegally so -100. Wait 13 - 100 = -87

Just for the record I told them not to do it.

And thats exactly why PC Gaming is in the state its in now. I won't communicate with a thief. i certainly won't call that person 'friend'. Why is gaming goin to the console, because 'tards like the above mentioned and their 'enabler-friends'. EVERY Game-Dev deserves to be paid for the piece of art we use for gaming. ANYONE who wastes air on an exscuse for this kind of behavior ought to be Euthanized!

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I have about 100 friends that downloaded it illegally so -100. Wait 13 - 100 = -87

Just for the record I told them not to do it.

And thats exactly why PC Gaming is in the state its in now. I won't communicate with a thief. i certainly won't call that person 'friend'. Why is gaming goin to the console, because 'tards like the above mentioned and their 'enabler-friends'. EVERY Game-Dev deserves to be paid for the piece of art we use for gaming. ANYONE who wastes air on an exscuse for this kind of behavior ought to be Euthanized!

on the other hand PC gaming is strong ATM, because of Multiplayer. If u want to play online u have to buy the dam game.

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Even the magical Multiplayer aspect of PC Gaming is not saving it. the Kittens with balls of yarn crowd, i mean consolers, BUY games in droves. Its the teens gettin their sheeple parents to buy them games, the over 18 crowd refusing to use any part of their brain. Console stuff is all fluff and no substance. But they BUY it, meanwhile on average a PC-Gamer steals his crap, and wonders why gamin has gone to crap, why even console crap is even compared to PC-Gamin? Because GameDev's go where the money is. You make a product and people steal it, you don't make money to make another. Now if you make a product and everyone and their grandma BUYS it, then you makin moolah hand over fist, which can prolly fund 2 or 3 sequels, a prequel or even toss in a movie deal. This crap today, make a movie, then toss in a console game on the side, 'maybe' a pc title. Can't you see, PC Gaming's oldest habit, of stealin the content has shot itself in the foot, hell leg, hell...it's euthanized itself.

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-87 + 2 (I bought two because one of the discs blew up in my CD drive) so thats -85.

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I bought the German DVD version, and so did three mates of mine, so -83+4 = -79

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-79+2 =-77 here,

some of the guys at chiness site get legal copy too, might need to change the number once i get the number confused_o.gif

might need to +N0000 "non-paid" DL version too crazy_o.gif

i have both a German DL and a Atari cheap-into-the-bone packaged DVD version, well i could care less about the package through wink_o.gif

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+1 505 copy, makes it 17 wink_o.gif.

I will have to buy a backup incase something bad happens to my DVD and wouldnt mind to pick a fully patched version. I dont know how well Arma is doing in the states but i think it could/should be doing better (and not only there).

User made footage (youtube) and screens have done better promotion than the publishers poor efforts and gaming media put together.

Edit: Hmm, 24..

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A bird was singing that BI made AT LEAST 2.500.000€ in Europe alone from the payments made by the publishers.

But this is nothing if they need to finance another 5 years of development of Game2. So they need much more to have financially safe future. I do not know how much BI participates from BIAs success, if I following the news correctly BIA sold 2 x enterprise license. But I guess they keep the cash in BIAs basket since there are support contracts and maybe some penalties in the air if VBS2 has the same quality as ArmA (must be like that since it is the same engine).

BIS itself doesn't make money just on video game industry. Look at this site: http://www.bistudio.com/professional

Especially references are interesting. e.g. "Weta Digital" smile_o.gif

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A bird was singing that BI made AT LEAST 2.500.000€ in Europe alone from the payments made by the publishers.

But this is nothing if they need to finance another 5 years of development of Game2. So they need much more to have financially safe future. I do not know how much BI participates from BIAs success, if I following the news correctly BIA sold 2 x enterprise license. But I guess they keep the cash in BIAs basket since there are support contracts and maybe some penalties in the air if VBS2 has the same quality as ArmA (must be like that since it is the same engine).

BIS itself doesn't make money just on video game industry. Look at this site: http://www.bistudio.com/professional

Especially references are interesting. e.g. "Weta Digital"  smile_o.gif

when you are running out of money, you will use everything within your limit to make some biggrin_o.gif

it is funny to see them able to find some great stuff over there too icon_rolleyes.gif

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so thats like 35 euros x -87= 3045 euros loss for bis..poor guys, hope they get welfare, to buy food and electricity to keep the patches coming.. confused_o.gifconfused_o.gifconfused_o.gif

I do so hate that use of stats. The same calculation that is used to describe the losses in the music industry as the games industry. It's total tosh.

Just because 100 people downloaded/copied the game does NOT mean 100 lost sales for whoever. Those people may not have had any intention of buying the game in the first place, in which case nobody's lost anything. Indeed, they may have downloaded it and never even installed it.

I've downloaded music to listen to before, according to the argument above that means people have lost money. No, they haven't because if I couldn't of downloaded it I wouldn't have bothered with it at all. So they wouldn't have had the sale anyway.

If I do want/like a particular album/game I'll buy it.

Now, before you all jump on your flame wagons I am NOT condoning piracy. It is wrong. I'm just pointing out that the method used to calculate losses due to piracy is inherently flawed and artificially inflates the amount of the losses.

I am not saying that there aren't ANY losses due to piracy, there quite clearly are. It's just the figures are incorrect.

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