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Random deviance of bullets

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Hey, sorry if I'm in the wrong forum, but I thought this was right, since I'm looking for a mod, and not an addon.

My computer's framerate on this game is sufficient challenge for lining up the gun sights. I've read some time ago that your bullets are programmed not to fire where you aim. A search just now didn't yield that thread, or any solution. Maybe I didn't search well, but...

I can't be the only one driven crazy by this. I was on the singleplayer sabatour mission, and I was chasing a guy, in their camp, with my m4. I stopped, and was crouched on one knee, about 12 feet behind the guy, and missed with an entire clip and a half, before he had time to stop, go prone, turn around, aim, and put at least 4 blood spots on my monitor before the screen went black.

I hope it's not a per-weapon thing...Can/has somebody fix/ed this yet?

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Are you using single shot?

It shouldn't be too hard to put a guy down, and it really shouldn't take a whole clip to do it.

Try seeing where your aim is, and where the bullets are really hitting by shooting something and adjusting your aim accordingly.

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I don't think that random deviation is the problem, more like the incredible recoil, also you shouldn't forget that your weapon isn't zeroed in at 0 meters, but 300 meters (for assault rifles) if I recall correctly.

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I havnt had much problem with weapon accuracy but I like to use iron sights over the red dots. Even with short rifles like the AKS-74U I'm able to put shots consistantly on a standing or kneeling target at 250-300m while kneeling. Just got to take a second to aim.

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If you're having a problem with random shot dispersion madness, it may be because you are using a crack to run the game. This game knows when it has been messed with, and will start to mess with you. If you own a legitimate copy of the game and are experiencing some very bizarre gameplay problems, try contacting the developers directly.

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Well, I've experienced some really wild dispersion rates with the M16A2 and M16A4, as well as their variants. The other weapons, even the MP5 seem more accurate than these two.

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