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Lan works...Internet not

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Alright the official BI support is not responding to my mails so i'm starting this Thread now!

I cannot connect on Internetservers for nearly 2 months now but connecting on LAN-Servers works fine!

I asked at BI if my Serial has been blocked but they're not responding!

Maybe someone at BI is reading this...


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You aren't very clear in your question? Is the server browser screen empty? Does the game crash when you try to join a game?

Did it stop working just after you applied a patch?

Sometimes, Windows firewall sees that a program has been modified when you patch it and thinks it may have been hijacked by a naughty and blocks it's access to the intarweb. Try turning off your firewall for a few seconds and trying it.

Also, have you accidentally put in some filters in the MP browser?

edit: PS, your sig pic is broken.

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Have you tried:

C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name\Local Settings\Application Data and then delete the folder named ArmA

Is your firewall set to allow all ports on ArmA?

If you are behind a router is it configured correctly to allow the ports?

Check the Hardware Issues sticky for the ports if u havent opened them in ur router setup.

P.s. in future please be more specific in your issue, 1) in your title 'Really Pissed' doesnt help and wont attract much help and 2) Without knowing some more details of the problem people can only do a rough guess smile_o.gif

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I've been through all the Firewall and connection stuff guys so thanks not again smile_o.gif The servers show up in the list but i cannot connect to any of them... i reinstalled my windows twice and still no change... so there has to be some issue with Gamespy or my serial is blocked by BI... No other option on that... and i'm quite sure

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The servers show up in the list but i cannot connect to any of them...

Is there an error message?

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Have you applied the update to 1.5 yet otherwise you wont be able to connect to all the servers that are running 1.5 .

Just my 10 cents.


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Another dumb tuppence-worth, I guess.

But are you using any proxy server / router someplace that could allow details of server to get through, but block the game connection?

Sounds to me like either that, or that the firewall is allowing you to get to the server-browser master list, but not allowing the actual (other folks) servers to connect back to you.  Try disabling the firewall for a few seconds, to see if connection possible without it in the way - cos it really does sound as if some ports are enabled, but some others blocked.  I had to open up a range of ports not just a single one to get it working.

Rem: you need to allow port ranges for UDP out, UDP In and TCP out. (edit: for both Gayspy And Arma servers, on PC and router separately)

Or maybe a previous 'block' on the firewall 'priority-list' is blocking the newly set 'allow' that you added?

That's where I would be looking to see what's happening.  I don't really think you're blocked by BIS, or by the servers, as then you'd get a 'kicked' message not a 'connect failed'.

Just passing along what I would do and investigate given your position, not assuming you stupid, so don't get ratty when folks try to help ?

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sry shouldn't sound like that! i don't use any firewall on my computer just the standart router security settings... i opened all ports for arma...thing is that arma stopped connecting from one day to the other without any changes to my router and my system itself...

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Im not sure if u did what i posted above... It should fix this issue which occurs for some users...

Navigate to:

C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name\Local Settings\Application Data

Then delete the folder named ArmA.

You will need hidden folders visible in your folder options in XP to view this folder, then u can delete it.

Should get it running, if not, try creating a new profile ingame and try playing with that.

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Problem: Can't find servers or No servers show up in the serverslist.


1. Open the "hosts" file in the directory "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc"

2. Right click on "hosts" and select open. When the "select program to use" box appears, use windows notepad.

3. Delete all entries except " localhost".

Leave the text witht he ampersand in front alone. (this is the # sign)

If you have entries below the " localhost" it is blocking you from connecting to servers. Anything that is in the hosts file basically sets those sites to look at your computer as a local host server. Therefore, it blocks you from the internet on those servers. So, do as above and you should be fine. If not, post your problem and we will pursue the issue further.

Can't connect on servers

Every attempt to connect to a server fails with an error message saying that the attempt to connect failed.



netsh winsock resetwith cmd.

If it still does not work, make copy of your registry and do the following:

Start Windows in safe mode, go to device manager, show hidden devices and delete the following non-PnP-drivers:



NetBios over TCP/IP


Driver for automatic RAS-connection

Windows Socket 2.0 Non-IFS

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i already tried the winsock reset thing but that didn't work at all...

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Did you try the first suggestion?

Check your host file, I had a few guys that had the same problem and that fixed it.

This is the only thing that should be listed:


# Copyright © 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.


# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.


# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each

# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should

# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.

# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one

# space.


# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual

# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.


# For example:


# rhino.acme.com # source server

# x.acme.com # x client host localhost

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If you see 127.0.01 ArmA or any other refrence to it REMOVE IT.

Your localhost should be the only one there.

you can also contact me by email:


maybe I can get you on comms and sort out your mess.

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my host file looks exactly the sames as your reference one...so nothing to find in there

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Do you have Ventrillo? A microphone?

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I have Teamspeak an a mic yeah

but i'll hit the sack in a few minutes so let's do this tomorrow...

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will speak with you then

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Find out the IP/port of one of the clanservers via their homepage.

Next thing you do is

-click start

-click run

-type "cmd" in the box and click ok


If this connection times out then the problem is probably firewall/routersettings connected.

Another thing you can try is

-type "ipconfig flushdns" in a commandprompt.

this will flush dns caches (maybe you have www.gamespy.com resolved to some other ip then it should be)

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I get similar problem since 2 weeks, computer freezes when connectin to a mp session.

Replaced my MB for a Asus M2N+SLI and AMD X2 4800+.

Worked for 2 days and then I couldnt access any MP session. (not really true, it works sometimes).

Went back to old config reinstalling everything, same problem so I reinstalled my new config.

Tried also a fresh XP install with only arma installed, didnt work either.

Forget the router issue, a 2nd computer with vista connects fine.

What ports do you need to open on the firewall I couldn't find that anywhere ?

Do I blow my head now or I wait a couple of weekes more ? banghead.gif

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hehe hey buddy i've been looking for a solution for nearly 2 months now... official BI support is not responding crazy_o.gif

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Find out the IP/port of one of the clanservers via their homepage.

Next thing you do is

-click start

-click run

-type "cmd" in the box and click ok


If this connection times out then the problem is probably firewall/routersettings connected.

Another thing you can try is

-type "ipconfig flushdns" in a commandprompt.

this will flush dns caches (maybe you have www.gamespy.com resolved to some other ip then it should be)

I can't see a direct relation between being able to connect

over two different applications to a server.

Could be that telnet works and the game doesn't - easily

managable over the firewall or other stuff me thinks.

It could just point you into a direction where to go on

searching for the source of the problem if it works or not

over telnet.

~S~ CD

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