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Multiple Questions

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Some of these questions can be answered via wiki or search but i'm still confused.

Basically this thread will be an all-in-one answer thread for me to look at..

<span style='color:orange'>***NOTE: IF YOU HAVE A LINK that answers my question, fill free to post it. If you have any criticism against me, please keep it constructive.***</span>

I need these questions answered. I will add additional questions to this thread if I need them later.

<span style='color:red'>[Not Answered]</span> #1: I have two blackhawks, and two littlebirds. For the first and second BH I have seperate squads (1 team leader and 6 men with him) and for the first and second littlebird I have seperate squads with like 1 leader and 4 members). I want the squads next to each chopper (all 4) to enter there blackhawk/littlebird there near,

Now I want them to take off and go to there destination and do the following below.

The first two littlebirds I want them to land and have the squads disembark, while the BH parachutes its troops at the littlebirds location infront of them. Then I want the the littlebirds to take off following the BH.

<span style='color:red'>[Not Answered]</span> #2: Is it possible to start an intro after this sequenced has happend

<span style='color:red'>[Not Answered]</span> #3: When you do the camera, what file do you place it in, and how do you do respawns in your squad?

<span style='color:green'>[Answered]</span> #4: What folder do you put everything in?

A: your mission folder go to My documents arma/missions then the name of your mission. you have to save the mission first.

<span style='color:gray'>[Maybe Answered]</span> #5: Is it possible to incorporate a video (movie file, avi) in the game?

A: not sure about arma but in ofp it effeminately wasnt, however for ofp stargate mod they used 200 images of a wormhole vortex sequence that appeared on screen. it cans show Jpeg files:D

<span style='color:gray'>[Maybe Answered]</span> #6: Is it possible to lay down road tracks (like dirt road textures) and bushes/trees

A: if there included in a editor update then yes but im not sure if they are or not

<span style='color:red'>[Not Answered]</span> #7: How do you do respawns

<span style='color:red'>[Not Answered]</span> #8: How would I do this: You go to a waypoint, screen blackens, says "Sleeping" and it goes back to regular screen and when your back it advanced couple hours.

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[Not Answered] #4: What folder do you put everything in?=

your mission folder go to My documents arma/missions then the name of your mission. you have to save the mission first.

[Not Answered] #5: Is it possible to incorporate a video (movie file, avi) in the game?

not sure about arma but in ofp it deffinatly wasnt, however for ofp stargate mod they used 200 images of a wormhole vortex sequence that appeared on screen. it cans show Jpeg files:D

[Not Answered] #6: Is it possible to lay down road tracks (like dirt road textures) and bushes/trees

if there inculded in a editor update then yes but im not sure if they are or not

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#1: Yes you can do it using waypoints, triggers and scripts. To sit here and type it out is pointless. You need to find a good Tutorial on these things.

#2: Yes though it would be called a "Cut Scene" if it doesn't start at the beginning. You do it the same as an Intro but call it with a trigger and a variable.

#3a: The answer to 3a is #4.

#3b: Read the Wiki about the "Description.ext" The resapwn rules are very clear.

#5: Not that I know of.

#6: The answer is yes if someone makes a editor update.

#7: Answered this in 3b.

#8: You use a trigger with text and a blackout. Then you need to call a script to accellerate time in the trigger. Then make another trigger with the time out set to what you want and use the "black in"

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