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crash every 2 minutes on vista

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I'm crashing every 2 to 4 minutes in MP.

Here's the error report from Vista:

 Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

 Application Name: arma.exe

 Application Version:

 Application Timestamp: 45e5adde

 Fault Module Name: StackHash_5c3a

 Fault Module Version:

 Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000

 Exception Code: c0000005

 Exception Offset: 57d71843

 OS Version: 6.0.6000.

 Locale ID: 1036

 Additional Information 1: 5c3a

 Additional Information 2: 86fb9784369bde1084c80fbe531f7da7

 Additional Information 3: d9a6

 Additional Information 4: f6cf95b1809807c0be5f13435692c60e

The report using the beta patch:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: arma.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 46027868

Fault Module Name: StackHash_ac18

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 5816ffff

OS Version: 6.0.6000.

Locale ID: 1036

Additional Information 1: ac18

Additional Information 2: 7d88549bd611beb81fc5177e745a9143

Additional Information 3: 2809

Additional Information 4: e61d5557037ceb915c1a9d7123849141

Can somebody tell me if a fix exist for that ?



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system information? CPU,sound card, graphics card, driver version etc...

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In order to help you we need some more info

Please copy this section into your next post then fill in the bits where it says INFO wink_o.gif

CPU: (make: INFO, model: INFO, speed: INFO)

Mother Board:  (make: INFO, model: INFO, driver version: INFO)

Graphics card: (Make: INFO , model: INFO, driver version: INFO, on-board ram: INFO)

Sound card:  (make: INFO, model: INFO, driver version: INFO)

RAM (How Much: INFO)

ArmA version (which original version: INFO, which media Download or DVD: INFO, which language: INFO, which patch: INFO)

DirectX version: (INFO (all should be using 9.0c anyway))

DVD Hardware: (make: INFO, model: INFO, driver version: INFO, we already have had someone who could not play the DVD because he was putting it in a CD player)

It is very hard if not impossible to track down the cause of your problem without all the above info.

You can also help by giving us this information

Error Report

ArmA Produces an error report; please look in:

C:\Documents and Settings\...Your user Account...\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA\

Open Your arma.RPT file with notepad and tell us what the bottom entry says. It will begin something like this.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">=====================================================================

== C:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\arma.exe


Kind Regards walker

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CPU: AMD FX 53 2.4 GHz

Mobo: ASUS A8N SLI Premium - nforce4 socket939. Drivers: 15.00 WHQL

GPU: 8800GTS 256MB. Drivers: 158.18

Soundcard: AC97 onboard. Drivers: 6231 Realtek

RAM: 4 x DDR400 512 MB - 2 different brands. Running at 333 / 3-3-3-8

ArmA: 505 version running in french - 1.05 or 1.05beta

DirectX: DirectX 10


I played Arma in SP fine for days on my old XP system. Then I played MP but I had some crashes and I tried to fix that. The result is far worse than the original problem.

I tried a brand new XP installation, using nforce 6.86 drivers and 158.19 for the GPU. The result was an instant CTD when trying to connect to a server in 95% of the case. in the other 5% I CTD when finally connecting to the server.

I decided to try Vista so I installed one additionnal Gig of RAM, Vista (again, fresh install), installed the audio and GPU drivers. I still had CTD but after 2 to 4 minutes playing in MP. I tried to add the mobo drivers, the 1.05 beta patch, the maxmem=512 or 256 trick but I still have the same issue.

The only change is that with maxmem=256, the error message "Fault Module Name" is not in StackHash anymore but in arma.exe

What I have not done:

- remove the orginal RAM

- disable all the onboard LAN and install a simple 3COM PCI LAN card

The RPT report:


Date: 04/26/07 Time: 22:48:15


Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 004F7867

Version 1.05.5143

Fault address: 004F7867 01:000F6867 C:\jeux\ArmA\beta\arma.exe

file: [COOP_40]_Payback (__CUR_MP)

world: Sara

Prev. code bytes: 5E C2 04 00 8B 44 24 04 56 8B F1 8B 08 83 C0 04

Fault code bytes: 89 0E 50 8D 4E 04 E8 F1 31 2B 00 8B C6 5E C2 04


EAX:01BEF2F8 EBX:00000000


ESI:1008FA48 EDI:1008FA10


SS:ESP:0023:01BEF2E0 EBP:01BEF30C

DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000



note: Minidump has been generated into the file C:\Users\Tom\AppData\Local\ArmA\arma.mdmp

Is that enough of the RPT ?



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i would say, mine problem here its Vista.

my friend have same problem with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. on vista.

its realy piss him off, couse his comp cost him 3000 EUR with out VAT

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Please use the search function, this has been answered in other topics.

Your two issues are Vista and your 8800, any body with either of these has issues.

Last time!

Turn post processing to low, turn AA to low, turn everything else to high.

Install the beta patch and the latest nvidia drivers.

Add the -maxmem=512 command line.

this will not completley remove problems but should give anywhere upto 1 hr and beyond of stable gaming, if the problem persists turn down GFX settings till they cease.

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Quote[/b] ]i would say, mine problem here its Vista.

my friend have same problem with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. on vista.

its realy piss him off, couse his comp cost him 3000 EUR with out VAT

S.T.A.L.K.E.R is repairable if you use viual basic, do a search on stalker forums, mine now works with no crashes and all settings turned to full.

What you are looking for is the BCEDIT fix.

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Turn post processing to low, turn AA to low, turn everything else to high. => done except texture that I kept to normal

Install the beta patch and the latest nvidia drivers. => done except I'm still in 158.18 and not using the 165.x the 165 thread is not giving me confidence in these latest drivers.

Add the -maxmem=512 command line. => done.

My result we given after having done all that.


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i would say, mine problem here its Vista.

my friend have same problem with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. on vista.

its realy piss him off, couse his comp cost him 3000 EUR with out VAT

On XP it was even worse. As I said, CTD 95% of the time by just clicking "connect" to a server.


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The CTD on connecting to MP sounds like you may have a corrupted file in MP mission cache.

Make your self a new folder in your my documents call it: "MP Mission Cache Backup"

Then try moving the content of the following folder:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA\MPMissionsCache and then "cut" the contents.

Navigate back to the newly created "MP Mission Cache Backup" and paste the content of your cut there. This way you have a backup of your down loaded MP missions. It is probably just one of them that is corrupt.

Check that your ...

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA\MPMissionsCache

...is now empty

Run ArmA and see if you can join an MP mission. If all is working well and you wish to put your MP missions back:

Copy the MPTemplates folder back into your

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA\MPMissionsCache

and see if it still works.

You then have three choices as to how you proceed

1) You can then paste each mission back into your

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA\MPMissionsCache

until you find the offending corrupt file

2) The other way is bit is more complicated if you are very computer literate you need to perform a manual bublesort to find the offending file/files.

3) Do nothing and let your MPMissionsCache rebuild itself by re-downloading each mission as you play it.

Kind Regards walker

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Good point walker !

Still I don't understand how the cache becomes corrupted in the first place. My current test are done on a brand new vista and arma installation.

The very first try of arma was done without a glitch (during the mission) but as it was 4:15 AM it didn't last long as I needed some sleep. Quiting arma went bad: black screen, I had to kill the arma process.

May be this corrupted one file...

Again, my instant CTD on joining was on the XP installation, not on vista where I can play for about 2 minutes.

I know that mixing the XP info doesn't help to make my request clear.

I'll try the "clean the cache" solution and report the results here.

I'll also give the right path. In Vista, the "documents and settings" part is organized differently.



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Cleaning the MPCache did nothing to improve the situation.

Cleaning the inside of the computer had a large impact !

I'm still testing it with Prime95 but after 30 minutes I'm still with a stable 64/65°C while yesterday I was at 80 after 3 to 6 minutes !!

Of course, my CPU having a max temp of 70°C in the specs, the test failed.

In Arma, I was reaching a whooping 85°C before crashing ArmA but not Vista !!

So my advice: run speedfan to check your temperature while running prime95

I assumed I had not heat problem because the OS was not crashing. I've learned a new thing yesterday. smile_o.gif


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