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Unexpected War V1.0 - Campaign

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Anyway, help required! I'm stuck on the weapons depot mission.... I destroyed both sets of ammo crates in the depot that show on the map, and even the third one for good measure, double checked you cant use them, then I destroyed all vehicles, truck, toyota etc and the heavy machine gun post.....no mission complete? so I go back to the first camp, destroy any vehicles there I might have forgot and the big gun was destroyed first time around, still nothing

At first , nice to read that you enjoy our work  smile_o.gif

To the Mission (Weapons depot):

When you leave the chopper, first you have to destroy in the small camp with ammo UAZ, fuels and vehicles placed there. The hint message comes when you destroyed all.

At next you've to go to the weapons depot itself. In the weapons depot are placed many ammo crates and... 1 or 2 ammo crates are hidden in the hemp houses. Destroy all and the next hint message comes with your next order to call the heli that pick you up. The chopper picks you up when you have all objectives done. Otherwise you can not go in the chopper.

The mission works, i testet it 4 times.

Play again soldier!. tounge2.gif


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Imutep, thanks, I'll try it again tonight, thinking about it I might have forgotten the ammo crates in the first camp and I didn't know about any hidden stuff! smile_o.gif

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OK, I thought I solved it but maybe not.......I destroyed the two hidden crates in the hemp huts which I would never have found in a million years because of the foliage inside the huts I couldn't see the crates even when I was standing right next to them. Then mission update comes up.....I check the map page/plan and "search for hidden crates" has a green tick next to it, then go to extraction point and call the helo.

OK I get to the extraction point on the map, call helo on the radio....6 foxtrot and now the helo doesn't show up, tried several times and accelerated time and no show.

I check the plan again and now I notice that the first base part of the mission and infiltrate weapon depot second part dont have green ticks next to them as completed, is that supposed to happen? cause I've destroyed everything possible in both those locations,  I really cant figure this out?

here's a screenshot


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Hmm...ok, i tried it again tomorrow and post it here. wink_o.gif

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I tried 2 times yesterday and it works all fine.

In the short depot there are one ammo uaz, 2 vehicles and a canon. Destroy all of them and target 1 is complete (savegame)

In the weapon depot there are 2 teints with ammo boxes, dstroy all boxes and the teints. Target 2 is done and now you have to search for another ammocrates in this depot. There are hidden in 2 hemp-houses. Destroy this two boxes in there and you can call the heli that pick you up. It works!  smile_o.gif


Ammo and vehicle depot

Mission target 1 is done

Weapon depot

Mission target 1 and 2 are done

Try it out! wink_o.gif


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Imutep, I've done all that, it aint working for me. I must have played the mission 12 times, firstly on the the first base.... I kill everyone, destroy the big gun, x2 trucks, and the VW van, and toyota that drives about and I dont get an auto save or a green tick on the map that I completed that part.

Same on the weapon dept, I've done all the crates in the tents, vehicles, and the mounted gun on the building and it never shows as completed, the only time I get the mission update and green tick is when I destroy the hidden crates. I'm not disputing it's working for you, maybe there's some random event in my mission thats screwing it up, I dont know these things happen, I mean I saw the insertion chopper crash a couple of times trying to take off, lol. All I can do is one last attempt at this mission from the start, other than that I'll have to give up, if I spend any more time running around in this mission I'll go nuts confused_o.gif

Nah, no go, tried the first base again destroyed absolutely everything destructible


and does'nt show as completed, I still have the same result on the map/plan as I posted yesterday, but also why would the call for chopper show up if the mission is not completed? it appears when you destroy the hidden crates suggesting you must have done everything required.

second base



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I managed to finish it, but it's true that "ticked objectives" are working quite strangely, being ticked then unticked with completing next objectives.

Anyway, you can "cheat" to the next mission (left shit + numpad minus then endmission in querty - end,ission in azerty).

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Ok, at first i know now the "bug" in the mission. The problem are the hidden boxes in the hemp houses. When you destroy them at first, the objStatus 3 is done. But when you at next destroy the other ammo boxes in the teints, objective 3 is aktive but not done anymore.  sad_o.gif

I fixed this problem now!

Right on the way through the mission:

1. Go to the short depot and setroy all vehicles and guns, also the barrels. (savegame and objstatus 1 is done.

2. At next went to the weapon depot and destroy there all ammoboxes (not the big ones, the small ones) and also the teints.

Now comes a new mission order to search for another crates.

3. Now search the big ammo boxes in the hemp houses and destroy them (there are only 2 ammo boxes there)

If done, you can now call the heli that pick you up.

4. Go to the insertion zone where the heli wanna pick you up. Go in the heli and now the outro begins.

I tested the mission again and it works 100%  smile_o.gif


Cheater!  tounge2.gif

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Had some little probs too with this unchecking but solved somehow with a bunch of grenades and RPGs. I have patience but dont like to waste time if some silly triggers or whatever went fubar.

Btw. what if you hide those weapon boxes outside of hemp boxes? So player can set those plants on fire. Of course this shouldnt have effect on endtrigger condition! Only as little mission feature you know wink_o.gif

Thanks for your Afghanistan campaign!

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Btw. what if you hide those weapon boxes outside of hemp boxes? So player can set those plants on fire. Of course this shouldnt have effect on endtrigger condition! Only as little mission feature you know wink_o.gif

Thx, i wanna try this out  wink_o.gif

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I had the same issues as mentioned above, and I'm glad you're on it for a fix.

Overall, the campaign was one of the best I've played. Not too easy (not even remotely easy!wink_o.gif. A couple of the missions were almost "suicide" missions in their difficulty. I also discovered I probably should upgrade my computer. A couple of the missions were very "laggy", and not as much fun because of that.

Thanks for the hard work and I look forward to chapter two...

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having played further on, and I had to use cheats to get past that mission I've worked out what the problem is wink_o.gif it seems that certain objects other than the obvious or those listed need to be destroyed in order for the triggers to work. In a mission later on that also requires an ammo dump to be destroyed I placed 2 satchel charges right on the ammo, detonated which blew everything up including the tent and got no trigger. Trying it again, charges in exactly the same place the explosion this time triggers the mission update and further info, I can only assume that some other random objects were blown up in the second explosion? Anyway, overall an excellent campaign Imutep, look forward to your next offering. smile_o.gif

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I've fixed the mission and now it should work 101%  wink_o.gif

Have fun!

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hope u guys could help me...

first of all : how could u guys even play the campaign... i always get a missing addon error (missing afganobj;Grass)

and i needed to dl the CH53 helicopter separetly, because he isnt in the UNEX folder ....

hope u can help me fixing this problem or find these two files...


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There's a link to Afghan Objects (4Mb) on this page at GamePark.

I'm not sure which grass it might be - does the readme give any hint about the author?

- CAT Afghanistan Revisited V1.2SE

- FPD Afghan Pack 2

- fghanObjects

- AFR_CH53 _1.01

- RKSL-Netpack US / UK

- JAM3

- Map Mil Opj

- Map_Baracken 1.5

- Lasers US WeaponsPack 3.0

- Libya Objects

- DMA MiddleEastGuerillas

- DMA Facetex

- DMA MiddleEastCivilians

- F3WX

- Grass

- Medvezh_Anim_1.1

- Map_Oil Addon

- Map_Misc

- MAPEditorupgrade

- Editorupdate102neu

- fpganimspack_V1

those addons are needed and they are supposed to be in the UNEX package, but some arent

I finally found the afganobj addon, but dont know what Grass addon it could be...

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Hey Guys, almost a decade ago, but is anyone out there, who can provide the campaign and the addons for a download? Due to a hardware change, I've lost all my Operation Flashpoint Stuff, and I want to replay Imuteps Campaign during my upcoming holidays. thanks in advance.

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