Second 0 Posted April 19, 2007 Suppressionscript-pack by Second. Latest: Version 1.5 ----------------------------------------------- By these scripts ArmA gets some new deep tactical aspects that hasn't been present is ArmA before: Suppression to AI. AI units now suffers from ammos flying all around them even if there receive zero casualities. So basically their skills are dropped down accoring their suppression level, their behaviour and combatmode is changed and eventually they will panic and flee. Firefights lasts much longer and he who has more firepower at his side will suppresses his opponents faster. Version 1.5 Download-links: Megaupload Rapidshare Thanks to Ofpforum there also addon for it too. This addon adds suppression automatically to every groups. Just copy it to addons folder. PBO from rapidshare note: This might mess idea of some scripts, missions, addons. It also might end up whining errors in some missions. I don't know why or when. Both these things are limitation of the scripts at the moment. But anyways, thanks to Ofpforum for this. ---------------- Version 1.25 can be found here... As i removed some stuff in v1.5 (two missions forexample). OFPEC and yes i'm not second from my real name Those missions RAC burns powder I & II are semi-unfinished, so there might be some mistakes in briefings and markers. Just replace suppression pack-folder in them with version 1.5's suppression pack-folder. What's new since v1.25 -Most ugly bug in the whole wide world squashed/killed/exterminated -reduced suppression levels to 3. I dropped panicing out, as it seemed to be there for nothing. -All AI's have their individual skill level, so now experts and novices can be in same group. -Tweaking suppression levels. -removed west- and east-scripts, so they are not anymore compatible with v1.5 What's new since v1.1: -Two extra example missions which i had fun playing with... No briefing added or anything. -hints for missioneditors, how to do some things differently than usually -Take cover-script (suppression_cover.sqs) for 'panic' and broken', which should make them to stick in cover better than default take cover -Ability to disable all suppression scripts in mission by command 'disable_suppression_scripts = true'', -Quite many thing have been changed/tweaked: *Resistance of suppression is determed by skill level: Novices can't take much when experts takes many close shots before affected even little. and they recore from it faster... Experts and veterans recovers very fast from it if not under constant fire. *Hints have been changed to be more readible *When units have been shot at and gained suppression and recovered from it, their suppression resistance grows a bit, should model something like selfconfidence. What's new since 1.0: -Suppression-values have been tweaked -Couple bugs fixed -Added two values:one which raises group's suppression-resistance and another let's unit only to get pinned down (determination). -Little bit of optimizing There's readme with file, that should explain some more about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolas Eymerich 0 Posted April 19, 2007 Downloading... I'll try this evening. Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nikita320106 0 Posted April 19, 2007 o)thanx for job) im waiting this script loon long time ago) can u upload to another host(rapid or ....)??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 13 Posted April 19, 2007 Very Cool, will be checking tonight aswell! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeMeSiS 11 Posted April 19, 2007 This seems to work very nicely Would it be possible to start these scripts automatically from the config? The config part wouldnt be that hard but as the script seems to be executed for a whole group instead of a unit it could become a bit more complicated.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jack-UK 0 Posted April 19, 2007 sounds really cool! does the AI suppress the player also? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Second 0 Posted April 19, 2007 This seems to work very nicely Would it be possible to start these scripts automatically from the config? The config part wouldnt be that hard but as the script seems to be executed for a whole group instead of a unit it could become a bit more complicated.. Thanks One thing would be (if i understand this correct) to lauch script and check that is unit leader of it's group, and if not: Script shuts down itself. Any good? I don't know anything about configs... I'm the kind of person who wont even bother to learn new thing if old ones can do the job somehow someway. But maybe i should look into this... @Jack-UK: unfortunately no, atleast at the moment. But you can suppress yourself... don't ask me how i do it to myself Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jack-UK 0 Posted April 19, 2007 hehe, i remember reading somewhere someone made a script that the AI did supress you.. i think i saw a vid of it too.. maybe you two could combine scripts or something? EDIT: found it.. looks like u already posted in there tho so im guessing ur aware of it lol MadDogX's script... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted April 19, 2007 If your squad is split up does the suppression effect the entire squad? Real nice stuff btw, currently making little missions with this + MadDogX' Tracer/Explosions and you can really see how nice ARMA is going to be modded! Edit- Tracers are actually Mr. Centipede's. Thanks for clarification Second. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeMeSiS 11 Posted April 19, 2007 One thing would be (if i understand this correct) to lauch script and check that is unit leader of it's group, and if not: Script shuts down itself. Any good? That's a million times easier then what i had in mind, thanks, i hadn't thought about that... Gonna try to trow it in this week. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Second 0 Posted April 19, 2007 @Jack-UK: Ohh, now i understand. You mean that does AI use suppressive fire? No, it doesn't use suppressive fire, these scripts just monitors what amout of suppression group has and adjusts it behaviour, skills, fleeing etc by that. There should be nothing that prevents from using these two in same mission. @froggyluv: Thanks Basicaly when squad is split the remaining part of squad is only monitored. The other half can be grouped to other group-name and then launched one new script for with that new group-name. But there's one issue here: remining part of squad thinks that the other half is killed when they leave squad and by that receives a BIG amout of extra suppression. So here's what need's to be done to counter that: 1. Assign both halfs of squad to new group-names so that they aren't anymore known by that original group name. 2.The original script terminates itself as it thinks that whole group is killed. That way both half-squads starts from clean table. 3. After a while return that original group-name to remaining half of squad and launch new script for them or lauch new script with that new group-name. This way no-one has been marked as dead (unfortunately, also really dead ones are forgotten), and their will-to-fight remains better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zwobot 22 Posted April 21, 2007 In the demo mission when my squad recieved incoming fire they get down and crawl but won't get up again even when they haven't been shot at for 5 or more minutes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Second 0 Posted April 21, 2007 In the demo mission when my squad recieved incoming fire they get down and crawl but won't get up again even when they haven't been shot at for 5 or more minutes. That's odd, it shouldn't do that (about 1 minute should be enough)... Did they give hint like :"Your group is ready proceed!", it should inform that there has been safe for a while and group starts to act "normally". Thanks for info, i look in to this. Another thing to be informed as well: l- and m-versions seems to have bad-bad bug... I'm not sure why they sometimes works well and sometimes script misses allmost all bullets that it should spot. Hopefully it's not bug in 'nearobjects'-command, but in scripts. i'm suspecting 'position'-command: with groups that haven't moved it works fine, but moving seems to cause some issues sometimes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zwobot 22 Posted April 21, 2007 It could be that nearestObject stuff is affected by streaming and thus not working as supposed? Anyway scripts are "deprecated" and using them instead of functions is discouraged Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Second 0 Posted April 22, 2007 It could be that nearestObject stuff is affected by streaming and thus not working as supposed?Anyway scripts are "deprecated" and using them instead of functions is discouraged I found it... Wasn't nearobjects, but simple word 'and' when it should have been 'or' I'm doing last checks to new version should be out today, with some new features and with tweaked suppresion-values. Yeah, i know that funcitions are better. When i have more time to actually start to learn writing functions, then i might convert this. Until that day (or year?) this my version of suppression is made by scripting... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Second 0 Posted April 22, 2007 In the demo mission when my squad recieved incoming fire they get down and crawl but won't get up again even when they haven't been shot at for 5 or more minutes. I found reason for it and it's been taken care of... Shall i do it again? Oh yes i will: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zwobot 22 Posted April 22, 2007 Yeah, i know that funcitions are better. When i have more time to actually start to learn writing functions, then i might convert this. Until that day (or year?) this my version of suppression is made by scripting... The syntax is nearly the same, so I don't see why you should need years to get it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Second 0 Posted April 22, 2007 Yeah, i know that funcitions are better. When i have more time to actually start to learn writing functions, then i might convert this. Until that day (or year?) this my version of suppression is made by scripting... The syntax is nearly the same, so I don't see why you should need years to get it Been writing scripts for three years now, and i still seem to mix 'and' & 'or' together (excuse me: ) ... I think it would take a decade atleast with my skills and talents to learn... We will see And if someone wants that this should be writen in function he may do that, i'm not against it... And those scripts should be quite easy to read: i've seen much more complicated scripts and functions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Second 0 Posted April 22, 2007 New version (1.1) released. Topic's first post has been edited accordingly. Those two bugs, or brainfarts actually, has been corrected. Suppression made by ammos and shells, has been reduced to half as well as dead groupmembers effect... Read the first post, i'm going to sleep now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zwobot 22 Posted April 24, 2007 With quite some people whining about lack of suppressive fire in ArmA I am a bit surprised by the lack of feedback to this thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeMeSiS 11 Posted April 24, 2007 With quite some people whining about lack of suppressive fire in ArmA I am a bit surprised by the lack of feedback to this thread. Yup i love it, made minimal changes to the script and i call it directly from the characters.pbo config, works like a dream. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Second 0 Posted April 25, 2007 Next version is on it's way (example mission isn't finished yet), i added new take cover methods, as ArmA's default isn't most suitable for panicing and broken down units as they like to move too much in default and it's dependant of range to next waypoint: if distance less than 100-200 meters they try to get there instead of hiding. I'm testing it in urban enviroment, although i doupt that it works any better... BIS did great thing when it added possibility to toggle off default take cover! @Ofpforum: Did it work so that script is terminated if unit isn't leader of it's formation? I might do it as well to my PBO... kinda frustrating to add it to all units in all missions. @Nepumuk: It must be perfect then... ( ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeMeSiS 11 Posted April 25, 2007 @Ofpforum: Did it work so that script is terminated if unit isn't leader of it's formation? I might do it as well to my PBO... kinda frustrating to add it to all units in all missions. To be honest i havent tested that (didnt study your script, only changed what needed to be changed), but as your script only seems to exit when there are 0 units in the group i assume that it just keeps working Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Second 0 Posted April 25, 2007 I'm off the track here (don't understand a bit what you say)... Have to study that config thing, maybe it brings some light to issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted April 25, 2007 I'm really enjoying this Any plans to make this a mod so that you get get suppression fire going in everything SP? Look foward to next release with 'cover' enhanced. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites