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Hi Mr. Centipede,

Firstly, thank you for making the effort for tracers. I commend your work. I used those tracers in my videos and in alot of points, they made them much better.

Also, I have a couple questions and comments also   smile_o.gif

Is it possible to use a different light type of image in your script?

I noticed that this portion of the "Cent_Tracer_effect.sqf" utilizes this code:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">drop["\Ca\Data\kouleSvetlo", "", "Billboard", 1, 4, _pos, _vel, 0,

and <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">drop["\Ca\Data\halfLight", "", "SpaceObject", 1, 4, _pos, _vel, 0,

...which corresponds with the files "kouleSvetlo.p3d" and "halfLight.p3d" in the "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\AddOns\Ca\data" directory. Am I correct?

Please excuse my ignorance on the subject. Would it be possible to use the lighting effects of (for example) an AT rocket? Only altered for _glowsize and _drag?

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Mr_ Centipede or anyone,

Is it possible to also make a "weapons.pbo" add-on that removes the original tracers from the game. I don't particularly like editing my original files to delete the tracers.

It would basically consist of an add-on that replaces the config file in the weapons.pbo file (with the tracers taken out).

Then we can use Mr Centipede's tracer add-on with the "remove vanilla tracers" add-on together at the same time. Both types of tracers active at the same time just doesn't look good.

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Mr_ Centipede or anyone,

Is it possible to also make a "weapons.pbo" add-on that removes the original tracers from the game.  I don't particularly like editing my original files to delete the tracers.

It would basically consist of an add-on that replaces the config file in the weapons.pbo file (with the tracers taken out).

Then we can use Mr Centipede's tracer add-on with the "remove vanilla tracers" add-on together at the same time.  Both types of tracers active at the same time just doesn't look good.

I found the tracers looked even better when you remove the <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">drop["\Ca\Data\halfLight", "", "SpaceObject", 1, 4, _pos, _vel, 0,

out of the cent_tracer_effect.sqf file. Of course, that may make them invisible in certain lighting? Haven't tested that.

If you adjust the tracer size also in this area of the same file

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">COMMENT "Set the size of the drop created particle";



in conjuntion with with removing the above code it looks ok. Disabling the default BIS tracers would be good too though.

Actually, I haven't tried disabling the BIS tracers yet but messing with the

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">COMMENT "Create a velocity vector based on the velocity of the projectile";

_vel=[((velocity _projectile select 0)/1.0),((velocity _projectile select 1)/1.0),((velocity _projectile select 2)/1.0)];

portion and setting the respective velocity to .95/.95/1.0 gavew some pretty realistic arc to the tracers. The code then looked like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">COMMENT "Create a velocity vector based on the velocity of the projectile";

_vel=[((velocity _projectile select 0)/.95),((velocity _projectile select 1)/.95),((velocity _projectile select 2)/1.0)];

Also, setting _drag=0.695 to gave a pretty good look to the "ball" tracers. Thing is, you have to disable BIS tracers then because the arc and speed is off from the original projectile which makes it look like a shat sandwhich.

In my opinion all the options for realistic tracers are in this script, the main problem is the kouleSvetlo.p3d file. That's a model I am guessing? In notedpad if you open it up the kouleSvetlo.p3d seems like it contains a "pointer" if you will, to the default.rvmat file as well with what looks to be a parameter of "2pass" which might mean it's a light source of some kind.

If the "ball" was flatter the velocity and arc can be played with and whalla...

Of course...as I'm completely ignorant this topic, these are only assumptions.

So to disable BIS tracers I have to edit the x.x.x.x.0.0 in each weapon config that will be using them?

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Mr Centipede,

BUG REPORT: The Cent_tracers do not work with the mini-guns on the Blackhawk or AH-6. When I try to use them I get a script error, but I can still fire the gun (without the tracer effects). I have tryed both the trigger exec option and placing the exec directly in the unit's init line, but you get the script error either way. This error appears in both versions 1.13 and 1.14.

I am running Arma version 1.07beta.

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I'll wait for a tracer mod to be finished, not having to wright a text in the int line of every unit lol crazy_o.gif i did it for a bit but the tracer mod was a bit lame and didn't warrant the time! theres so many good coders out there im sure we will get tracers like vbs2 inlove.gif its just when help.gif

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Mr_Centipede: Pretty nice tracers effect. Giving me some funky feeling while being fired upon xmas_o.gif .

Can't wait till it'll be working as stand-alone addon (no need to edit missions).

ArmaVidz: kouleSvetlo.p3d - I guess it's something like a bulb, which is 100% transparent - invisible - and where light is created (BTW: koulesvetlo means lightball translated).

Everyone: Which config do I have to edit to get rid of the terrible original laserbeams-like tracers (Yep, I'm a noob biggrin_o.gif ) ?

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I'll wait for a tracer mod to be finished, not having to wright a text in the int line of every unit lol crazy_o.gif i did it for a bit but the tracer mod was a bit lame and didn't warrant the time! theres so many good coders out there im sure we will get tracers like vbs2 inlove.gif  its just when help.gif

You DONT have to write text for every unit.

Just open the misison in the mission editor.  Then, place a TRIGGER on the map in the center of all the units.  Type in the diameter of the trigger (it has to cover all units on the map).  Next, select activated by "anyone."  Then in the "On Act" line you type the following:

{[_x, 5,1,0,2] exec "\cent_tracer\cent_tracer.sqs"} ForEach thislist


This will give centipede's tracers to every unit (good guys and bad) within the trigger effect.  


The [_x, 5,1,0,2] breaks down this way (you can change the numbers to fit your preference...

Value 1(number "5")=this will fire a cent_tracer every 5th round.

Value 2(number 1)= [1=this turns tracer "ric-o-shay" (misspelled) ON].  

[ place a "0" here to turn of the "ric-o-shay" effects].

Value 3(number 0)= Turns ALL weapon tracers on OR just machine gun tracers and larger caliber weapons on.  

[0=only machine guns (SAW and bigger) will have tracer effects, but NOT rifles].

[1=machine guns AND rifles will have tracer effects].  

Note: Pistols never have tracer effects regardless of this setting.

Value 4(number 2)= Size of the tracer orb.  [1=smallest, 5=larger]  I have mine set for "2", since that seems to be a good balance.


It takes me about 3 minutes to un-pbo a misison, launcher mission editor, enter the trigger, then create-pbo, and place back in my MPmissions folder.

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Mr_Centipede: Pretty nice tracers effect. Giving me some funky feeling while being fired upon  xmas_o.gif .

Can't wait till it'll be working as stand-alone addon (no need to edit missions).

ArmaVidz: kouleSvetlo.p3d - I guess it's something like a bulb, which is 100% transparent - invisible - and where light is created (BTW: koulesvetlo means lightball translated).

Everyone: Which config do I have to edit to get rid of the terrible original laserbeams-like tracers (Yep, I'm a noob  biggrin_o.gif ) ?

The config file you need to edit is in your weapons.pbo file.  Here are the steps you take to remove the arma vanilla tracers....

1) create a folder "Arma Weapons.pbo holder" on desktop

2) find the Arma/Addons/weapons.pbo file.  NOTE: If you are using a BETA patch for Arma, then use the Arma/beta/Addons/weapons.pbo file.

3) drag the weapons.pbo to desktop.

4) un-pbo the file (this will leave the orginal PBO file intact, but will also create a "weapons.pbo" folder, which contains numerous files inside.

5) Now, take the original weapons.pbo file and place it in the "Arma Weapons.pbo holder" folder you created.  This is to keep your original file in a safe place in case you ever want to revert back to the vanilla tracers.

6) Open the "weapons.pbo" folder.

7) you will see a config file inside it.

8) Use "UnRap" program to decode the config file.

9) It will ask you a yes or no question upon unrapping, just select NO.

10) You should now be able to view the config file using a viewing program. I believed I used "ULtraEdit-32" to read the file.

11)  Find any Tracer entries that look somelthing like "Tracer=[2,.2,5,.4]".  Some people say replacing the last value (the alpha value) to 0 makes them invisible, but I just deleted the whole line and it worked for me.  If I saw a "Tracer=" line that had a 0,0,0,0 value already, i just left it alone.  Same goes for the "Tracer[R]=" lines.  the regular "Tracer=" line is for the regular setting, and the "Tracer[R]=" line is for the realistic settings.  (Or a may have it backwards).  If you leave one of the options, then you can actually "turn on-off" your arma vanilla tracers by changing the difficulty.  NOTE: If you play MP missions, you will use the servers difficulty settings regardless of your settings.  That is why I just deleted both the Tracer and Tracer[R] lines.

12) Once all the "tracer=" and "tracer[r]=" lines are deleted, then create-pbo on the "weapons.pbo" folder.  NOTE: you dont need to re-rap the config file once you made your edits.

13) Place the edited weapons.pbo file back into your /Arma/Addons directory (or Arma/beta/Addons directory if you are using  BETA patch like 1.07 beta).

14) After you have placed the actual edited "weapons" PBO FILE back in the add-on folder, then you may delete the left over "weapons.pbo" folder that is still on your desktop.

15) DONE!!!

This edit works in all single player and MP missions, and it does not kick you out of servers for having altered files.  NOTE:  This "tracer fix" is only client side only, meaning if you play MP, then other players can still you your tracers and their tracers.  This "edit" is nothing more then a visual client side effect for players.  

I do realize that this puts one at a tactical disadvantage, but if you play COOP the AI is going to see you just as easily either way, and I personally feel like its more "realistic" to not have EVERYONE shooting tracers for EVERY round.


ON A SIDE NOTE, I would greatly appreciate it if someone could make this edited "weapons.pbo" to work as a Add-On mod, so that no one has to edit their original files. IF someone could make a Add-on mod called "NoTracers" folder, then have some type of config file in it that tells Arma to use the weapons.pbo in the mod folder instead of the default weapons.pbo file that has the tracers. Just like FDF sound mod tells Arma to use the FDF sounds instead of the default sounds. Then turning Arma tracers on and off will be as simple as turning the mod on and off.

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GroupLink3 that comes with the 6th Sense mod has also some new tracer models, but they seem not to work in ArmA.

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Thank you very much Kenbow for that detailed explanation of disabling tracers. Thanks for the translation as well Deadfast!

Just to confim: there is no way to open and edit the .p3d files is there?

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Would it be possible to release it in the standard PBO format like the other addons? i am a bit of a lazy sod, i commend ur work, but laziness has overcome me, so is it possible to have a "plug and play" version of this mod?

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You need to create a modfolder with all the stuff inside, just posting/sending the cfg won't do the trick. However, this won't activate centipedes tracers, it just disables all the vanilla laser tracers.

If anyone got a solution, like calling the script for the gun beiing fired, let me know.

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I plan on using Centipede's "tracer" Add-on, with the Predator "no-vanilla tracers" Add-on (once released) in conjunction with each other.

You still would have to edit the original mission file to insert the cent_tracer trigger, but maybe we can ask Sickboy if he likes these tracers and ask him to include them in his SixthSense mod and SixthSense MP misisons.

Also, I noticed that if you don't have the Centipede tracer add-on, but you try to join a MP server that uses the add-on with a trigger, I learned that the most it does is give you a script error but still allows you to join and server and play. In other words, eventhough a mission users Cent's tracer trigger, any player that does not have the Cent tracer add-on can still play on the server.

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I released a mini mod with centipede's tracers included for ease of use.

Since no one was able to contact the original author to this day, this is an unauthorized project.

If someone knows where to find cent, let me know.

Credits and afore mentioned issue can be found in the add-on ReadMe, original documentation included.

Link supported by ArmAHolic.net :


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sorry for being MIA for so long... real life related. hehehe. anyway, if anyone want to redesign my tracer, u have my full consent. i'm not very good scripter, so if anyone could make the tracer even better, i thank you very much.

on a sidenote, the halflight thing, is my personal taste, seems to make the tracer kinda 'glow' a bit. feel free to remove if u dont like it wink_o.gif

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sorry for being MIA for so long... real life related. hehehe. anyway, if anyone want to redesign my tracer, u have my full consent. i'm not very good scripter, so if anyone could make the tracer even better, i thank you very much.

on a sidenote, the halflight thing, is my personal taste, seems to make the tracer kinda 'glow' a bit. feel free to remove if u dont like it wink_o.gif

It's ok Mr. Centipede, you gave us HOPE for tracers with your mod  biggrin_o.gif

It seems koulesvetlo.p3d is calling the missilefire.paa texture (which is probably also used for the AT rocket lol) and the halflight.p3d is calling the carlight_flare2.paa texture, which is then lit by default_flash_2Pass.rvmat file, am I correct?  huh.gif

A couple questions if anyone knows:

1. Does anyone know of a way to "squish" the koulesvetlo.p3d model (this is possibly a transparent model?) either in-game with parameters or opening the file in an external program? I am guessing you might need the tools for this, but because I haven't received a clear answer, I'll ask again.   wink_o.gif

I've followed the tracers and one good reason they look like balls is that the model is round...not to point out the obvious. There is a trail of light left behind in successively smaller balls of light. When opening the .paa in Photoshop it asks you if you want to discard mip map layers, which when you do, leave only one texture, when you don't there are successively smaller textures identical to the first. If we can change the model to a flatter shape and that might work.

2. The halflight.p3d file uses the "Spaceobject" parameter, is there other valid parameters that can be used?

I noticed the koulesvetlo.p3d file uses the "Billboard" parameter after it in the cent_rico_effect.sqf file.

3. Anyone know of other light sources other than the bulb-shape in the ARMA engine? Perhaps cylindrical, rather than round? This might be useful.

Lastly, thank you Predator, I'm going to give your addon a try right now. Great stuff people, thank you sincerely.

edit: It gave me a script error that "\cent_tracer\cent_tracer.sqf" could not be loaded. I moved the pbo to my Addons folder under my documents and it's working ok. It disables the tracers! The trigger usage doesn't seem to work. The only way I can get it to work is to manually put the code in the init line.

Also, when you dip under 25 FPS the tracers disappear; a known issue with the tracers.  wink_o.gif


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Am I seeing things or are the cent_rico.sqf & cent_effect.sqf are executing at the same time?

If you adjust the drag and weight in cent_rico.sqf you will see two seperate paths of tracers.

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Please use this thread instead. smile_o.gif

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