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Shadow NX

RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

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BUZZARD @ June 26 2007,22:38)]Umm... any eta on a newer, 1.08 version? And will it include a polish(ed) camo?

Answer would be

- yes but cant say when


- as it looks now, no

about xml pics

- if a update is released i think that will be in

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Question is wether it is possible\ wanted to add a polish skin into the package.

The skin itself would be a matter of mere hours.

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I'm willing to collaborate on an update now that we know much more about ArmA. Also did the Hind have proper normal/spec maps on release?

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Only on a few parts but Skaven is on it atm and merges the textures togeher so a completely new version with proper normals and better performance will come soon.

Well talk on MSN about it if you want.

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If there is enough time for adding skins, so please do.

The more skins a addon has, the more use for it since people always like "their" version from the home country.

As far as i remember there was a german version done by Hunin, a polish one was in the works too, i believe and you have some czech ones Shadow right? wink_o.gif

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Only on a few parts but Skaven is on it atm and merges the textures togeher so a completely new version with proper normals and better performance will come soon.

Well talk on MSN about it if you want.

Sure, also if you have an empty template of the Hind skin without camo it would be best for generating normal maps.

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best is i send you the psds later and then you can adapt them to the way you need it.

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I did some poor test normal maps for the bird ( you remember when you asked me wether I could do them ) to get to grips with normal mapping.

They are long gone though.

Anyway, just drop a note if you could use a hand.

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Looks like it - but it doesn't make sense ( it would highlight the camo, not the airframe ) ingame.

And I don't know if the engine needs to have monocrome NS, I'm afraid.

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Is this good NM??


am only asking

Yeah thats now a normal map should look, the problem is you need to generate it from a texture with no camo, otherwise the camo will appear to rise and fall off and into the model etc and look very strange.

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This is a wonderful mod, and im not sure if this issue is being addresed or not, however, the 30mm cannon mounted on the side of the chopper, which I believe is supposed to be a anti tank weapon, does not do hardly any damage to tanks, is this weapon designed as anti armor weapon? If so, are you working to resolve the issue?

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I heard there was a version 2 release that fix a few errors. But it must be a bad day for me. I cannot find it. I would have thought the first post in this thread would have the latest & greatest. Can anyone help?

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there is noone yet but atm Skaven works on merging the textures ( which are far too many ) so we make it more performance friendly.

When that is done we will release a fixed version.

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Does it engage infantry as well? Rough guess might be a skeleton related problem  wink_o.gif It is one of my favorite addons for ArmA.

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Törni: hind 1.0 engaged infantry quite well. Not to mention tanks, we lost 3 in yesterday's squadnight wink_o.gif

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OK - Maybe I remember incorrectly. There were some notes of some helicopter addon not engaging infantry. It cannot be Mapfact's Apache since I have been gunned down by one several times wink_o.gif Hind definately puts enemy AFVs into flames very quickly.

EDIT: OK forget about this. It seems to related to how helos spot infantry targets in ArmA. So nothing to do with Hind.

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Hi, the choppers that do not engage infantry even for reply to

OPFOR fire, are the BIS choppers, the MI24 Hind-D on this pack

already engages infantry, but i've seen 'em missing 4 ATM shots

at a BIS Striker, the missiles were flying describing big circles in

the air and then hit on the ground several metter away from target.

But as i've said... the MI-24D engages infantry; what this hinds need,

is to fix the cargo seats, to make the units not take out the finger

nails of the feet through the cargo space walls and don't clipp through

each unit in the cargo seats; too much "human heat" there in the

cargo... but hey..!! "that's another way of do fryends...". Let's C ya

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Quote[/b] ]what this hinds need,

is to fix the cargo seats, to make the units not take out the finger

nails of the feet through the cargo space walls and don't clipp through

each unit in the cargo seats; too much "human heat" there in the

cargo... but hey..!! "

That's easy to fix, what the Hind needs the most is to have it's 60 textures merged in 1 or 2 or else this amazing HIND is an FPS killer.

I've been working on it bit by bit since I can't do everything at the same time but this is not an easy job, this textures have sizes that go from 32x32 to 1048x256 so... it's a hard and very boring job to do.

Any takers on helping merging this Hinds textures?

Before anyone accepts let me tell you guys that this defenately isn't easy and it takes a lot of time and patience, I can teach anyone willing to do it.

The 2 clear advantages of merging this textures are:

1 - Make this HIND an ARMA addon so it won't eat you your graphic card (FPS).

2 - Ability to normal map the HIND with efficience.

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Hi, sadly i don't know how the specular maps work, i never learnt to

map or remap a texture in the O2, im a FNG or a crippled (what's the

same...) with the configs etc etc, i can't help, sorry. Let's C ya

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hey wip you are a good texturer what don't you help Skaven, in return I'll do the config and the modelling necessary on your handgun !

what do you think ?

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It doesn't need new textures or normal maps, what is needs is to merge the existing textures.

Merging textures requires a script to allow O2 to read it and requires to be able to join small textures into a large one inside Potohoshop with the ability to check the coordinates so you can later wright the srcipt.

Here's an example:


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