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The Cause

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This way of playing is what i have been waiting for ages !! Its THE real stuff... (plus the "i dont use addons campaign..." is great) And if u can keep the hole campaign in a "i am only a shitty soldier doing what i am told to do and only trying to stay alive" spririt that would be so cool...

Keep going SIr, cant wait to see the sequal...


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Anyone having problems with the file host? maybe it's my end. I get the file page showing the files are there but when I hit the green download button after the countdown I get page not found error?

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The links work here but You can find them at armaholic.com

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Big thanks to Armaholic for hosting the missions!!! biggrin_o.gif

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Very impressive work Rejn, these missions brought a smile to my face ( particularly when I heard Scottish and Northern Ireland accents in there!wink_o.gif and a real refreshing change from the dreary AA campaign.  smile_o.gif

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Thanks Wolf biggrin_o.gif Glad you liked it.

Here is mission 4.

It is a short mission and has a longer intro and outro that is more story driven.

Every now and then I will make one of these more story orientated missions.

This mission facilitates my plan for a 2nd invasion of the South.


Im not sure how some of you will deal with the intro... Its quite negative particularly towards the U.S. but I dish it back out to the SLA in the outro so bear with me. The point being a general anti-war anti-war-for-the-sake-of-ideology feel.


-Later I may add a few more voices

-Increase volume of some of the radio messages

-Fix spelling

Please let me know:

1) Performance on your pc

2) Bugs/glitches

3) Enjoyment factor


Known Issues:

-Camera during outro intro can be a little choppy.

-Charachters may not be facing each other during dialogue.. dowatch isnt perfect. In some cases like the outro it wasnt nessacary for the charachters to look at each other as their attention is on other things.

-Sound can be a little out of timing if something occurs to disrupt the outro/intro/dialogues but usually its not to bad. Disruptions can range from PC stutters to use input.

******************SPOILERS/HINTS AND TIPS

- At the beginning during the initial assault you will face minor resistance... in fact you may not even end up shooting much during this mission.

- Make sure that the Vulcan is taken care of early on and that it doesnt wipe out your squad or the mission will be very hard to complete.

-You do not require the RPG after the initial assault. In fact you may want to pick up another weapon if you prefer it for later on.

-When guarding the road it will take a min or so before you encounter an attack. Be aware that the enemy will attack from two flanks... If your overwhelmed head further in to the forest.

Reserve platoon will move to help you from direction west and another platoon will arrive and trickle in from direction north west. The tanks arrive very shortly after that so its not to hard.


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Rapidshare isn't working for me today huh.gif

I'll have to wait until it's hosted on one of the ArmA sites or something.

Rapidshare is such a piece of junk sad_o.gif

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Back. Mission seems OK insofar, voice acting solid as usual, though still no overview, but no biggie.

Sometimes during the intro I thought "no way would these blokes be casually having a D+M about the future o' the stars + stripes while on duty," and I cracked a laugh when renewable energy came up, but it was OK as well. Secondly I couldn't hear what in the world the bloke was shouting just before he was air...struck, hehe. Nice bomb cam.

Mission itself works fine, killed quite a few infantry during the first part - I do indeed enjoy the way you keep the armour close by for friendly units. You see a lot of missions where the armour is either nonexistant or consists of 1 BRDM. This breaks that mould, thank god, though it would be nice to see the armour kept closer to the grunts instead of just rushing in and dying (perhaps via script).

Karked it early in the second part - I'd advise you to stick a savegame when you reach the forest near the road. Was potting off troops from behind a tree when some crafty bugger flanked + M203'd me. Lovely.

Nice work, just a few things to be ironed out.

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Hi mac biggrin_o.gif

Thanks for the feedback glad you liked it... just wondering what do you mean by overview? I'd add it but im not sure what it is lol... I've added only a basic markers on the map... D:

The bloke was shouting "Sasha!! get in the car! Quick!" biggrin_o.gif haha yeah its hard to hear over the music smile_o.gif

Your right about the two soldiers on duty etc... The general is kind of a disenchanted kinda guy who is a little more outspoken then he should be... I have plans for him in the future.. smile_o.gif

Let me know what you think of the outro biggrin_o.gif

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Hey again.

The overview is what appears in the mission menu when you select the mission. For example, when you click on one of the BIS missions, you get a little picture, a title and a brief description of the mission, eg, for Commander you get:


<picture of some dudes running>

Command a squad of grunts + blow stuff up, etc etc.

You should take apart a BIS mission to observe how its done - it's very similar to a very small briefing, and uses a HTML file (and a picture if you wish).

Anyway, finished the mission, capped a few RACS blokes and then hid in the forest - we got Broken Arrow'd a few times, the RACS dudes just strolled up to the edge of the woods from the north and chucked grenades into our little thicket - loved it. Those T72s really saved my ass, I was getting the hell out of dodge when they showed up.

The outro was good, but once again I couldn't really hear what the SLAg was saying over the music, though I got the Lt's bit. The slo-mo shooting was good. If possible, try and give the men the order to fire a few seconds earlier, this way the shooting starts exactly when the slo-mo part begins. I had to wait about 6 seconds for the SLAgs to start firing. Otherwise, nicely done. Few things to fix and don't forget the difference between "to" and "too" - one of my pet hates.

Thumbs up.

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Thanks Cameron biggrin_o.gif I will try and add your suggestions before adding the mission to the overall campaign. biggrin_o.gif

About the overview now i know what you mean and I've actually been wondering about that. been trying to add that for ages but got lazy... I'll try and check out how its done. biggrin_o.gif

Definatley want an overview!

P.S The mission is now available at Armaholic:


Cheers to Big for the link smile_o.gif

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About Overview.htlm.

By the way , i've a noob idea, how do you manage to remove the .sara at the end of the mission name, see screenshot to understand.

Well, i had time to lose, so i did an overview for your 4th mission: Click. Just put it in your de-pbo mission folder (the one which is in your profile folder for edition for instance), then make .pbo to check it out. It should look like that.

Finally, i felt generous, i made overview for all of your missions: Click

I'll edit later to post my point of view wink_o.gif...

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Ah thanks Yeb will put this to good use biggrin_o.gif

Btw cameron just out of curiosity were or are you in the military? smile_o.gif Just curious cause I wouldn't mind someone helping me with some of the lingo at some point. Nothing mager just some ideas for future radio chatter etc...

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Just played the first mission and start of the second. I'll just reiterate what everyone else has said that these are great; awesome music and voice-acting and missions with a real sense of story. Mission 2 contains my new favourite cutscene line:-

"There now, doesn't that remind me of a hotel in Belfast?" rofl.gif

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[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Btw cameron just out of curiosity were or are you in the military? Just curious cause I wouldn't mind someone helping me with some of the lingo at some point. Nothing mager just some ideas for future radio chatter etc...

 I can help you out if you so desire - I'm pretty good at sticking that kind of stuff in missions. thumbs-up.gif

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Oh wow smile_o.gif Im in Canberra... Queanbeyan actually so yeah would love some hints and tips on radio chit chat. I'll pm you and describe  what missions Im doing as I do them and what kind of radio type signals it may need or what type of tactics might be appropriate.

Thanks biggrin_o.gif


Thanks Sbsmac smile_o.gif Glad you liked the missions smile_o.gif

Look forward to hearing what you think of the other two biggrin_o.gif

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Yes great work. It was a real fun mission. The opening cut scene was maybe a tad long, but I loved the part with the Bush speech.

Just two things I noticed :

First it is Bagango not Bangango, secondly it seems a little weird that when you reach the main objective with your platoon, the soldiers just stand there in the open while they wait for the enemy to counter attack. Can't you make them stay in the woods and crouch or go prone instead, it would seem more natural to me, but I am not sure if that's possible.

Keep up the good work.

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Hi Kwato smile_o.gif Glad you liked it.

1) Bagango : Damn these names lol, Kernal You have a lisp... Lol

2) I can make them crouch... I did have them on stealth initially but wanted them to detect the enemy before they got to close. I might change that so that their in stealth mode before the enemy reaches them (makes more sense since one is in enemy territory). I'll experiment around with the gameplay.

The intro was indeed pretty long. And I dont plan to make many of that length. Its one of those story missions which introduces a few things etc.

Btw did anyone notice in the end cut scene that the Major is Yuri's Uncle Dimitri?

lol just wondering if anyone caught on to that fact.

If not I'd better give more hints in game.

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For those of you who have played all the missions I've uploaded so far.. do you find the plot/story entertaining thus far? What changes would you make etc?

Im highly interested in making a story driven campaign out of these missions so each mission will add a bit to the larger story which may directly / indirectly impact the player and at times not at all.

I wont make many of those totally long story intro's I think you'll see one of those evry 10-5 missions of so if at all.

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Thanks Malven and sbsmac smile_o.gif Glad you like them.

I am currently working on converting all the missions to version 1.08 and am working on the 5th mission which I will release for beta testing and then when I am satisfied with it I will release the first set of 5 missions as a campaign.

the overall The Cause campaign will be split into missions of 5. in order to save upload and download times. I may eventually unite them all into one campaign but this way is easier for now.

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